RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @sapinker: New study by my former PhD student James Lee (+ 80 et al's) finds >1000 genetic variants which collectively predict a big chu…
RT @sapinker: Scientific illustrator, writer, and grandstudent Emily Willoughby, one of many coauthors on Lee et al.'s GWAS study of educat…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @sapinker: New study by my former PhD student James Lee (+ 80 et al's) finds >1000 genetic variants which collectively predict a big chu…
RT @wrathofgnon: Keep stacking the proofs. Progs still won't get. It is pedal to the metal straight towards the cliff. Equality doesn't exi…
@Steve_Sailer The Atlantic's take on the same study: "The team is essentially studying genes so they can more thoroughly ignore them." https://t.co/EJkSvt0dnz
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @wrathofgnon: Keep stacking the proofs. Progs still won't get. It is pedal to the metal straight towards the cliff. Equality doesn't exi…
RT @John_J_McGrath: Peter Visscher FRS talks about the genetic correlates of educational achievement. FULL LECTURE here https://t.co/qlmkf…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @John_J_McGrath: Peter Visscher FRS talks about the genetic correlates of educational achievement. FULL LECTURE here https://t.co/qlmkf…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @wrathofgnon: Keep stacking the proofs. Progs still won't get. It is pedal to the metal straight towards the cliff. Equality doesn't exi…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @sapinker: New study by my former PhD student James Lee (+ 80 et al's) finds >1000 genetic variants which collectively predict a big chu…
Marvellously designed system, and that's just one small component of our bodies. Wow!
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @sapinker: New study by my former PhD student James Lee (+ 80 et al's) finds >1000 genetic variants which collectively predict a big chu…
RT @sapinker: New study by my former PhD student James Lee (+ 80 et al's) finds >1000 genetic variants which collectively predict a big chu…
RT @wrathofgnon: Keep stacking the proofs. Progs still won't get. It is pedal to the metal straight towards the cliff. Equality doesn't exi…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @wrathofgnon: Keep stacking the proofs. Progs still won't get. It is pedal to the metal straight towards the cliff. Equality doesn't exi…
RT @wrathofgnon: Keep stacking the proofs. Progs still won't get. It is pedal to the metal straight towards the cliff. Equality doesn't exi…
RT @wrathofgnon: Keep stacking the proofs. Progs still won't get. It is pedal to the metal straight towards the cliff. Equality doesn't exi…
RT @wrathofgnon: Keep stacking the proofs. Progs still won't get. It is pedal to the metal straight towards the cliff. Equality doesn't exi…
Keep stacking the proofs. Progs still won't get. It is pedal to the metal straight towards the cliff. Equality doesn't exist.
RT @sapinker: New study by my former PhD student James Lee (+ 80 et al's) finds >1000 genetic variants which collectively predict a big chu…
RT @sapinker: New study by my former PhD student James Lee (+ 80 et al's) finds >1000 genetic variants which collectively predict a big chu…
RT @sapinker: PDF of the article available here: Gene discovery and polygenic prediction from a genome-wide association study of educationa…
RT @sapinker: New study by my former PhD student James Lee (+ 80 et al's) finds >1000 genetic variants which collectively predict a big chu…
RT @sapinker: Scientific illustrator, writer, and grandstudent Emily Willoughby, one of many coauthors on Lee et al.'s GWAS study of educat…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @primalpoly: Connecting the dots between genetic variants, parts of neurons they influence, and educational achievement by people. Amazi…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @thessgac: EA3 is now published! https://t.co/pE9VBsL761 FAQs here: https://t.co/L1TcowlNtm
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @sapinker: New study by my former PhD student James Lee (+ 80 et al's) finds >1000 genetic variants which collectively predict a big chu…
RT @sapinker: Scientific illustrator, writer, and grandstudent Emily Willoughby, one of many coauthors on Lee et al.'s GWAS study of educat…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @melb4886: Yes! Amazing finding that people in the lowest 20% of the gene score are enormously less likely to graduate college than thos…
RT @BenPatrickWill: Visualization of the genetic variants associated with educational attainment from the million-person study published th…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
This was *bound* to happen. I hope the authors of #ea3 are proud if themselves. https://t.co/eUhUtdxn5A
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
Gene discovery and polygenic prediction from a genome-wide association study of educational attainment in 1.1 million individuals. - PubMed - NCBI https://t.co/g2pkgj2jsO
Roughly 10% of 'educational attainment' is inherited. Thanks mom and dad! The first bit was for free. https://t.co/PIQf1flT2P
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @sapinker: New study by my former PhD student James Lee (+ 80 et al's) finds >1000 genetic variants which collectively predict a big chu…
Yes! Amazing finding that people in the lowest 20% of the gene score are enormously less likely to graduate college than those in the top 20%. Massive implications for education policy. https://t.co/mlIGe2gPkG
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @John_J_McGrath: Peter Visscher FRS talks about the genetic correlates of educational achievement. FULL LECTURE here https://t.co/qlmkf…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
Let this sink in. Million-person study at @NatureGenet finds #Gene patterns are linked to how long people stay in school. Lowest scores had only a 10% chance of graduating from college. https://t.co/MvJfiFNIkG
RT @kirpvc: The biology... https://t.co/K2lab2FH0V
I cannot access these, but should we be concerned about sociogenomics? https://t.co/Zdwly2Kdhp https://t.co/bLgdB6YJ9w https://t.co/PR9E4IxZ4F
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @cfchabris: Very happy to be one of the 80 authors of this new study, years in the making and finally published today: "Gene discovery a…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @sapinker: Scientific illustrator, writer, and grandstudent Emily Willoughby, one of many coauthors on Lee et al.'s GWAS study of educat…
Las FAQs son fundamentales para los interesados en genomica a a gran escala y la comunicación de resultados. Es una leccion de “no meterse en jardines” manteniendo un alto perfil científico. https://t.co/GqETT89KNa
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @sapinker: Scientific illustrator, writer, and grandstudent Emily Willoughby, one of many coauthors on Lee et al.'s GWAS study of educat…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @ewanbirney: Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors n…
Tweet thread on the excellent paper in nature genetics on GWAS of intelligence. First off, congratulations to the authors not just on the paper, but also this extensive FAQ here : https://t.co/JbWUY2gr0X. Paper is here. https://t.co/LpG7fy1wU5
RT @eawilloughby: The diagram that I created for Lee et al. (2018) on genetic variants associated with education and cognitive ability. (Fu…
RT @eh_den: When #art meets #science. #brain #neurology #genetics https://t.co/s7NjiUTEY6