Silicon Valley’s murky push to predict your health with your DNA
The commercial rush is raising tension between scientists seeking new genetic links and entrepreneurs seeking profit. To hear…
The commercial rush is raising tension between scientists seeking new genetic links and entrepreneurs seeking profit. To hear…
PODSUMOWANIE: Biologia stoi w obliczu poważnego zagrożenia ze strony „postępowej"...
I don’t usually look at Twitter unless a reader sends me a tweet, and I never engage in Twitter battles. But I’ve heard enough…
Schneider Shorts of 10.06.2022 - why eugenics science is innocent, with a job opening for a medical school dean, a Turkish…
The recent act of racist terrorism in Buffalo has raised the stakes on how science is communicated and sold.
The Buffalo massacre shooter contorted genetic studies to support his hateful views -- Read more on
Our recent book, Racism, Not Race, tackles a big lie: The idea that human beings have biological races. Biological races do not…
By James…
The behaviour geneticist explains how biology could have an influence on academic attainment – and why she takes an anti-eugenics…
Genetic variants linked to the timing of first sex and first child, are related to externalising behaviour, reproductive…
Giorgio Brunello, Anna Sanz-de-Galdeano y Anastasia Terskaya Casi el 20% de la población de los países de la OCDE era obesa en…
The pioneers of social genetics were racists and eugenicists: should we give up on the science they founded altogether?By…
Si l’idée que nos gènes puissent influer sur nos capacités cognitives, sur notre comportement, et sur nos troubles mentaux…
In his recent piece, “The genes we’re dealt,” Erik Parens puts his finger on cause for concern with what he calls social…
The new field of social genomics can be used by progressives to combat racial inequality or by conservatives to excuse itBy…
Nick Matzke writes: I wonder if you or your blog-colleagues would be interested in giving a quick blog take on the recent…
By Yunru Huang, Robert Gentleman, Stella Aslibekyan* Making New Year’s resolutions is a popular way to take stock of the past…
Cet article complète les réponses données à Checknews dans l'article "La carte mondiale des QI, relayée par des comptes d'extrême…
Through parenting, genes become effective even if a child didn’t inherit…
Children differ in school performance. Learn how genetic variants in DNA can play a part in a student's academic achievement ⎮3…
מחקר ענק מאשש את הסברה כי גורמים גנטיים רבים, ולא "גן גאה" יחיד, קשורים להתנהגות מינית הומוסקסואלית. גם גורמים שאינם גנטיים משפיע…
De Kathryn Paige Harden, Université du Texas à Austin Tribune parue dans le New York Times le 24 juillet 2018. Traduction de…
Responsible communication of social science genomics research results and their implications is…
By Celeste…
An excellent new working paper uses genetic markers for educational attainment to track students through the high school math…
Margherita Malanchini explains why curiosity, creativity, and self-confidence are crucial for a child’s success in reading and…
Originally published in Academic Questions, October, 2018 (click here for original) reposted by…
A massive new study that included data from more than a million people suggests that genetics may nudge some individuals toward…
Hasta hace unos años, la forma de saber en qué medida dependía un determinado rasgo de su configuración genética y en qué…
Recent researches suggest that an individual’s likelihood of graduating college, and therefore earning his or her degree to…
A new genetic test that enables people having IVF to screen out embryos likely to have a low IQ or high disease risk could soon…
Genetic variants associated with intelligence are also weakly related to brain volume, according to a new study published in…
Andrew Van Dam points to work by Papageorge and Thom use genome based measurements to demonstrate that even though genetic…
Educational attainment, the years a person spends within the education system, generates interest among scientists because…
When the authors of a huge study with a sample size of 1.1 million people of European descent were asked about policy lessons…
But the project has raised concerns in one Connecticut district, where parents and school officials worry the results could…
Kaili Rimfeld and Margherita Malanchini discuss how genetic factors can predict a child's future academic achievement
New research from the Twins Development Study shows highlights the role of genetics on our success throughout our time at school.
How will the latest findings in genetics affect the educational paths of children born in recent years? Read this post: Growing…
While I was on leave in the States I kept reading interesting studies and news articles and I was really impressed by both this…
Signing the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (NHGRI) When the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA…
Why Progressives Should Embrace the Genetics of Education Kathryn Paige Harden Since the 1960s, white Americans without a…
Years ago I predicted that: 1. Cognitive ability would turn out to be influenced by many thousands of genetic variants, each of…
IL PARCO DELLE BUFALE – Nell’articolo anticipato online il 9 luglio dai Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Genetic…
Are polygenic scores disruptive innovations or practically worthless? K. Paige Harden and Daniel W. Belsky…
An international research team including CU Boulder scientists has identified more than 1,200 genetic variants associated with…
Researchers Identify 1,271 Genetic Variants Linked to Educational…
Enlarge (credit: US Department of Education) What's more important, genes or environment? It's an argument that goes back to…
A multinational team led by researchers at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Univesities of Queensland and Southern…
NewsA group of scientists has identified nearly 1,300 genetic variants associated with how much education someone may complete…
A multinational team led by researchers at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Univesities of Queensland and Southern…
Of course, poor kids can still soar in school, and rich ones can flunk out, but few would deny that money is a powerful…
When scientists publish their research, it’s rare for them to write an accompanying FAQ that explains what they found and what…
This afternoon's worthies:Things that make me wish genetic data were in New Zealand's Integrated Data Infrastructure: polygenic…
Scientists say roughly 1 million genetic variants can predict the length of a person’s formal education as well as other…
Researchers have identified over 1,200 genes associated with educational attainment.
In one of the largest genetic studies ever done, an international consortium of scientists has found more than 1,200 genetic…
But that doesn't mean the environment isn't more important.
An international research team including CU Boulder scientists has identified more than 1,200 genetic variants associated with…