@ThomasS65969135 Both are published in *Nature Genetics*, which is (unlike *OpenPsych*) an actual, respected, high impact, properly peer reviewed journal. Here is the Lee et. al paper: https://t.co/zwENWaHPCr
@GentiliMan40321 @worbeye @diorgoblin @DialecticBio THIS IS ME SHOWING HOW BAD AT COMMUNICATING YOU ARE. and keep in mind that this doesn't apply so much to studies like https://t.co/Gk15PZL25k
RT @OscarGenomics: Entiendo que la lectura de los dos artículos científicos que menciona @teguayco en su noticia (este https://t.co/Pw5jtEP…
@DialecticBio @EvoRoseman @Hitchslap1 @bonkleman_ https://t.co/yFBHoeNpcS Original question was about a claim regarding educational attainment which IQ became a proxy for, A CLAIM ESTABLISHED IN GWAS STUDIES, the 80% number brought over from twin studies.
RT @cremieuxrecueil: Source: https://t.co/vOXqffwplH See also: https://t.co/DR9ngSj030
Source: https://t.co/vOXqffwplH See also: https://t.co/DR9ngSj030
Studies cited in the OP: https://t.co/GpiKvL21hc https://t.co/bLigw6080y https://t.co/edZnBw8dfV https://t.co/y6KS9Tqr13
RT @leftwfascistiv2: @JohnnyMcIvor @lukasthehomie look at your anger, you're a child. anyways: https://t.co/01nFB4E7t7 https://t.co/CyPJ…
@JaafarBinSalah @JohnnyMcIvor don't care didn't ask https://t.co/rgrdqSeS9R
@JohnnyMcIvor @lukasthehomie look at your anger, you're a child. anyways: https://t.co/01nFB4E7t7 https://t.co/CyPJTIPI2E https://t.co/pOGluLNu7t https://t.co/lXVRWMwGMg https://t.co/QFqv0ttuDR You are just wrong. Get with the times and stop using s
@CoaseHenry Une étude réalisée sur les génomes de 1,1 million de personnes donnerait un pouvoir explicatif de 11 à 13% sur la réussite éducative, et entre 7 et 10% sur les performances cognitives. https://t.co/UvZcTgmh4O
@JackbootShaman @ItaBloomer @GroyperStefan Science doesn't prove that, you're just wrong https://t.co/lXVRWMwGMg https://t.co/4VJeI3mVlB https://t.co/vHe2BrDN65 https://t.co/ORHF6SEs9j https://t.co/QFqv0ttuDR https://t.co/pOGluLNu7t https://t.co/CyP
@devoutdegener8 @SuperSteveDV @DecorumEnforcer @TheLastOne2398 @whstancil not just IQ, it's other behavioral traits, like propensity to violence, conscientiousness, etc. Anyway, here are the studies, not that it matters. https://t.co/TcqTpquR68 https://t
@Dreyfable https://t.co/M29HAbmj4n il faut nuancer. Tout ça a une part de vérité mais je note un fatalisme génétique appliquée aux groupes sociaux et ethniques qui est très exagéré.
RT @OscarGenomics: Entiendo que la lectura de los dos artículos científicos que menciona @teguayco en su noticia (este https://t.co/Pw5jtEP…
One question I do have: was the PGI used in this paper derived using a within-family GWAS? It seems like it was based on a population-wide GWAS but I’m not sure. Would love to know your thoughts @SashaGusevPosts! https://t.co/67FpIybLyh https://t.co/r7nI
@360CitizenShay @TheEmperorisNa1 @michaelharriot It purportedly comes from the data generated in this paper, but I daresay the poster didn't actually read the paper carefully or the discussion around it. It doesn't concern "intelligence" but chiefly years
Can you tell which is the biased estimator from this description in Lee et al. 2018 [https://t.co/rFkYnXzARW]? Hint: it's not the one that's described as "attenuated" and "deflated". https://t.co/fQDebo35zG
RT @cremieuxrecueil: @TigerTalk17 @TheRealDHR @fentasyl @thebirdmaniac @SashaGusevPosts @eyeslasho @PaoloShirasi Many things, all of which…
@TigerTalk17 @TheRealDHR @fentasyl @thebirdmaniac @SashaGusevPosts @eyeslasho @PaoloShirasi Many things, all of which we're not yet certain, from pop strat to AM. See the supplement to EA3: https://t.co/vOXqffvRw9
@scatransv2 There's a really great site called https://t.co/LhwrM3KiV0 where you can enter the title of studies and it'll let you view them for free. Here's another link that might work though https://t.co/6Xc9KXl82F
@barrygoldman1 @SashaGusevPosts Given your questions, if you have access to the paper he cited (https://t.co/oWaWO72swn), you might find the issue, analysis design, findings, & caveats interesting. See: Suppl Text 5.8. Omnigenicity & Fig S24. (The
RT @SashaGusevPosts: Multiple very significantly negative estimates of h2g in the Lee et al. Edu GWAS [https://t.co/BgVhfIGXvP], completely…
RT @SashaGusevPosts: Multiple very significantly negative estimates of h2g in the Lee et al. Edu GWAS [https://t.co/BgVhfIGXvP], completely…
RT @SashaGusevPosts: Multiple very significantly negative estimates of h2g in the Lee et al. Edu GWAS [https://t.co/BgVhfIGXvP], completely…
RT @SashaGusevPosts: Multiple very significantly negative estimates of h2g in the Lee et al. Edu GWAS [https://t.co/BgVhfIGXvP], completely…
Multiple very significantly negative estimates of h2g in the Lee et al. Edu GWAS [https://t.co/BgVhfIGXvP], completely unremarked. Negative estimates are typically an indicator of data issues, but could be something more mysterious [Steinsaltz et al., http
@aaconnor1 @BronskiJoseph The EDU3 refers to the polygenic score (PGS) for educational attainment. It's a metric for assessing the strength of people's genetic endowment for succeeding in education (which correlates quite strongly with IQ). Comes from 2018
@ExposingRaicsts @aaronm75172349 The study is behind a paywall. See photos. https://t.co/dbpfoMe3ST https://t.co/aq25a3fXQP
@nuance_guy @AporiaMagazine @_HelenDale We have identified 1,271 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are significantly associated with educational attainment. We can use the alleles at those SNPs to estimate an individual's cognitive ability. http
@VVVisuri @JaninaJunnola @hurumdara2 Yhteys näkyy myös geneettisellä tasolla: osittain samat geenit selittävät sekä koulutusta että kognitiivista kykyä: https://t.co/PjohPbWKgJ
@RHALWB @Aella_Girl Nonsense. There are many studies which use polygenic scores associated with educational attainment https://t.co/XbSW69I53r
@thedukesofdank @nighttimemedia @ArchaeologyGame Intelligence has a heritability of 0.5-0.8. This isn't even debatable. https://t.co/w11HbtWIZn We use polygenic scores associated with educational attainment to predict outcomes. https://t.co/XbSW69I53r Y
@JacobKishnevi @ArchaeologyGame By using polygenic scores. https://t.co/XbSW69I53r
This means that the effect of a SNP will 'shrink' within-family when there is AM, even without IGEs or other confounding factors. Results for the amount of shrinkage as a function of the strength of AM have been given by several authors (@LoicYengo, (https
@jegrifff Its behind a paywall. https://t.co/dbpfoMe3ST
RT @cremieuxrecueil: @katey1776 @monitoringbias No, it isn't inherited more from the mother and sibling results still show greater male var…
RT @cremieuxrecueil: @katey1776 @monitoringbias No, it isn't inherited more from the mother and sibling results still show greater male var…
@katey1776 @monitoringbias No, it isn't inherited more from the mother and sibling results still show greater male variance: https://t.co/VT3Ss9qHev For a description of how variances differ with means: https://t.co/JUHgwgFN8a More links: https://t.co/
GWAS: educational attainment reflects thousands of SNPs that are mostly active in the brain. Polygenic scores "explain 11–13% of the variance in educational attainment and 7–10% of the variance in cognitive performance." Glia not involved. https://t.co
RT @cremieuxrecueil: @ProtoLSMutt The X-chromosome contributes as much as you'd expect for a chromosome of its size in terms of loci, and a…
The X-chromosome is not all that abnormal when it comes educational attainment. https://t.co/vXAC2gzIaD
@zugzjuan96 https://t.co/Apqd018Jcb ahí dice que tiene un tamaño del efecto de 11-13%, comparable a haber nacido en una familia rica (15%)
@ProtoLSMutt The X-chromosome contributes as much as you'd expect for a chromosome of its size in terms of loci, and a little less than you'd expect in terms of megabases. https://t.co/vOXqffvRw9 https://t.co/EGRIDqpOMd
@kevinburch @craigcandor Perhaps enabling embryo selection for educational attainment? The predictive value is small, but small (assuming there are no side effects) is better than nothing. https://t.co/evCFxWl97w
@tadesouaiaia Could embryo selection increase the chances of having a smarter kid? Could the accuracy of this increase in the near future? https://t.co/evCFxWl97w
@sean_johnsen Here is the link to the paper https://t.co/qOO5xFx9tK
@sean_johnsen If you want to learn more about the methods, to validate your opinion, I suggest checking out this thread on the GWAS that identified the variants for educational attainment https://t.co/eLdVmmibR5
@charlesmurray The author of this essay, James Lee, was lead author on a very high impact paper in 2018 which showed certain DNA differences are linked to educational attainment and IQ. This study was led by a group called SSGAC. 1/ https://t.co/EegwK9DptR
Given these background, when the first large scale well-powered GWAS of educational attainment came out, many were surprised to find no enrichment in glial cells. https://t.co/UWeHpRwIOI https://t.co/7BQLqm0yoa
@kot8a 在学年数に相関がみられる、のやつです https://t.co/2AyBcccfMg
And of course the paper cites the flagship of #GWASturbation studies the one that the Uvalde massacre's shooter has cited in his "manifesto", the "educational attainment" one https://t.co/1rClcjH6hu
@utikejt @stevcho91 @Bulkington__ Teze 1. Naslednost stečenog obrazovanja je visoka. 2. Za blagostanje jedne zemlje nije svejedno kakva je raspodela zanimanja njenog stanovništva. Deo izvora https://t.co/tT1J2z35So https://t.co/tSXc0lbavi https://t.co/Yn
@AnaYorke Žao mi je što Vas vređa kad neko piše istinu https://t.co/j00DGrmhDS https://t.co/AfmKYo3N0w
@KukurikuKokoda Pokrića mejnstrim nauke👇 https://t.co/j00DGrDkFS https://t.co/AfmKYnLDMo https://t.co/pcSIStuOU1
@Ana_neznana Sve je moguće, ali verovatnoće nisu iste. https://t.co/j00DGrmhDS https://t.co/noAx3PgYtu
If more people became influenced by 1517/Thiel Fellow dropout culture, it would satiate Pachter's desire to utterly destroy the James J. Lee GWAS educational attainment paper (https://t.co/4a5dT10q0C) by abolishing the strange correlation between educatio
To the UK Biobank @uk_biobank: You might be aware the study linked here was cited as part of a rationale by a mass shooter in Buffalo, NY. I see a UKBB application organization (11425), but a study number (12512) that does not appear to exist. /1 https:/
O link da pesquisa pra quem tiver curiosidade https://t.co/pvTs9nZVct
@RobertoIGOCARD1 @LeoKitsune https://t.co/8Mfu6dDyOT o artigo completo para você.
..."Se você não tem os recursos da família, até as crianças brilhantes – aquelas naturalmente dotadas – terão que enfrentar batalhas muito difíceis”, disse Thom. “Muito potencial está sendo desperdiçado" Leia mais em: https://t.co/lfu9ijO6X6 A pesquisa:
For example https://t.co/f5mnS8lWWy
@Blinde_owl @yajrumujlo Я не биолог, знаю то, что в популярных книжках (напри. The Genetic Lottery от Harden). Группа снипов определяют будущее образование и, вероятно, интеллект. Или, например, это https://t.co/pcKCXO566G
RT @ewanbirney: @lpachter I think the strongest ones are the Iceland series (this is one https://t.co/qMYtZ10pq7) but of course the other i…
RT @ewanbirney: @lpachter I think the strongest ones are the Iceland series (this is one https://t.co/qMYtZ10pq7) but of course the other i…
@lpachter I think the strongest ones are the Iceland series (this is one https://t.co/qMYtZ10pq7) but of course the other is the big meta-analysis (https://t.co/j5idqfuMgm)
For comparison, the genome-wide signal from an 1.1 million GWAS of educational attainment (a highly polygenic trait) explain only <4% of the phenotypic variance (first bars) https://t.co/UWeHpRwIOI https://t.co/3udQ0s6EVB
As an outsider, it strikes me that the epigenetics research agenda poses a misspecification challenge to gene-economists as the latter zero out interaction effects (by ignoring the interplay between genes and environmental factors). https://t.co/UNKVrVeoc
RT @PGCgenetics: Reanalysis of CNVs across 11 published studies in ADHD showed enrichment of genes & networks across species. We identified…
RT @PGCgenetics: Reanalysis of CNVs across 11 published studies in ADHD showed enrichment of genes & networks across species. We identified…
Reanalysis of CNVs across 11 published studies in ADHD showed enrichment of genes & networks across species. We identified novel candidate genes for ADHD through integration across species and variant types. https://t.co/15lScKOsRq
@jennymaria @jonasvlachos @KGJLagerkranser @PetterLundborg Den här är ju också viktig: https://t.co/C6jfFR6Wzm
@CurrieJamie @AaronL001 @GodlessCranium @AuthorConfusion @DavidePiffer what expert has found the genetic code for intelligence? The modern GWAS research for educational attainment (EA) have found more than 1000 genetic code differences for IQ/EA. Here is r
@tmwaring @KevinHong1991 yes, and as far as i understand, if one restricts themselves to EA GWAS, "good culture/education genes" might be primarily related to brain development, neural connection, the CNS... not sure how informative that really is at the e
“A joint (multi-phenotype) analysis of educational attainment and three related cognitive phenotypes generates polygenic scores that explain 11–13% of the variance in educational attainment and 7–10% of the variance in cognitive performance.” https://t.c
@krichard1212 @tailcalled @SecretBaboon @ent3c Increased brain (cerebral cortex) size has been linked to increased IQ. Gene differences have been linked to educational attainment (EA3 polygenic score) and it has now been shown that many are genetically cor
Here's one such study: Gene discovery and polygenic prediction from a 1.1-million-person GWAS of educational attainment https://t.co/SlIwQqa4Ut https://t.co/JFIU0PESEq
Does IQ have an impact that compensates for all the other racist, classist, ablest, socio-economic shit? Not really. https://t.co/KbrvDgOB2q
@lg__Ek Ok, det här är komplicerat. Jag ska försöka att förenkla det. 1. I en storskalig studie som omfattade över 1 miljon deltagare har forskare identifierat ett tusental genvarianter som är associerade med högre utbildningslängd. Den artikeln finns hä
Y aquí hay mucho que debatir ya que los científicos tenemos claro que la inteligencia es un concepto muy complejo con características genéticas pero también ambientales… https://t.co/22xHpWaB77
@wil_da_beast630 Theory: https://t.co/nSmjlJqwU6 https://t.co/MDiAEVEB3E Empirical evidence: https://t.co/iRa5uhMGc9 Specific alleles (in progress): https://t.co/pB1IJA0VaW https://t.co/d3Eg47IiFG https://t.co/pESOmnQkik (note that finishing 3 is argua
Gene discovery and polygenic prediction from a genome-wide association study of educational attainment in 1.1 million individuals https://t.co/jrBhTG6GjD
First Behav Genetics Law: any trait is heritable. Educational attainment is discussed as an example: https://t.co/MZahuB58p6 Also an example of the "Fourth Law", that a typical trait is associated with many genetic variants, each explaining a small perce
@gregoryconnor11 @HumanVarieties @ResearchGate Lee et al.’s whole paper here is interesting, but just read their conclusion and the section on within-family sampling for what i’m talking about. https://t.co/csuKtLhHUg
@evo_homo @gcochran99 @TeaGeeGeePea @CovfefeAnon @arguablywrong @AryanCrash @ArchieN1966 @RhiannonDauster @EPoe187 "some of the predictive power of the polygenic score reflects environmental amplification of the genetic effects. Without controls for this b
@wil_da_beast630 @realchrisrufo ...by genetic factors summing additively - and 2) isn't contaminated by environmental influences (for example, "genetic nurture") and 3) is more-or-less equally predictive in the comparison groups. We're getting there. See