RT @_WWjayD: Oh so nobody wants to talk about neural signal decoding with me??!? But if I tweeted about Kodak BM I’d get hella quote tweets…
Oh so nobody wants to talk about neural signal decoding with me??!? But if I tweeted about Kodak BM I’d get hella quote tweets huh 😒. Why did I wake up at 7am researching neuroprosthetics ?? Idk, but it’s a fun. Learn with me. Or not, whatever fuck me http
@OxfordJournals ... which shows a cartoon of the data collection setup. This cartoon VERY MUCH resembles that published by Willett and colleagues in @Nature in 2021, in this paper: https://t.co/vDleZWRr5D.
Mais ça n'a pas été tweeté par Elon https://t.co/NkiZmvYUag
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
https://t.co/lVWXIe8YFu 90 characters a minute (and 99% accurate after spell check) brain to text using an implanted BCI that monitors 200 neurons related to controlling hand movements. Paralyzed patient imagined writing the text and the BCI still picked
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
Computer Aided Telepathy is getting closer, especially if an earbud only you can hear is the receiver. Sender thinks, to text (comp assist), sent to receiver’s box which reads text aloud into earbud. Where are Sci-Fi stories about this?
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
This is still remarkable
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
The paper in "Nature" that is one that the above article is based upon, & links to: “High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting” [via "Nature Briefing Translational Research"] 2/3 https://t.co/0hizGiCots
We invite you to explore our work on Github. We're eager to see the advancements and improvements you come up with! Huge thanks to all of the groups at Stanford, BrainGate, and beyond whose shoulders we stand on! https://t.co/rltrpMKugp
RT @patty_roch: @heldermaldonado @001Oya85223 Esse aqui https://t.co/zKBKBsTg80
RT @Ushiyama_Lab: Nature(2021)より、高度の脊髄損傷で頸部以下麻痺の患者が脳内で文字を書くことをイメージするときの神経発火を微小電極アレイで観測し、解析、分類後、ディープラーニングの言語モデルに入れることにより、90文字毎分で96.5%の正確率のある…
RT @Ushiyama_Lab: Nature(2021)より、高度の脊髄損傷で頸部以下麻痺の患者が脳内で文字を書くことをイメージするときの神経発火を微小電極アレイで観測し、解析、分類後、ディープラーニングの言語モデルに入れることにより、90文字毎分で96.5%の正確率のある…
Nature(2021)より、高度の脊髄損傷で頸部以下麻痺の患者が脳内で文字を書くことをイメージするときの神経発火を微小電極アレイで観測し、解析、分類後、ディープラーニングの言語モデルに入れることにより、90文字毎分で96.5%の正確率のあるBCIが出来上がりました。 担当I.L. https://t.co/FK1fLFKof3
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @AliGhamdi2: أن يطّلع الآخرون على أفكارك التي لا ترغب في إظهارها أمر مرعب ، وقد أصبح ذلك حقيقة حيث تمكن فريق بحثي من ترجمة مايدور في عقل…
2/n Paper 1: https://t.co/TqmBBg9hTm Paper 1 code: https://t.co/EPVeq6iTdl Paper 2: https://t.co/luxZ2KCggL Paper 2 code: https://t.co/yPFNJPCW9P
@_nateraw @WillettNeuro Hey, check out the 2021 paper that has available data and code https://t.co/9YWrdp4lf3 I'm going to implement it from scratch
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
@Hanifkureishi Here is the paper (apologies for the duplicate). https://t.co/m0OmSqqPM3
@Hanifkureishi Here is the paper. https://t.co/m0OmSqqPM3
Paper read today #252: High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting https://t.co/dylV8LtcDO An intracortical BCI that decodes attempted handwriting movements from motor cortex and translates it to text, achieved typing speeds of 90 charac
Corona doel is #neurotechnologie, mensen via 5G te kunnen "besturen", er is probleem de wet verbied dit nog! #Coronabedrog #Neuroendocrine #PfizerLiedPeopleDied https://t.co/P3nr9r67vy https://t.co/FAgnXL4064
@FairDinkumCap @robinhanson Would you rule out https://t.co/zInSYREpPa + cloud document + text-to-speech + surgically implanted headphones as telepathy? Or are you saying the issue is societal rather than technical?
RT @leafs_s: Nature (2021) High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting (via @NicoleCRust ) https://t.co/zAFzqWr00I
RT @dynamicdip: If you want to find out why temporally complex movements, such as handwriting, may be fundamentally easier to decode than p…
RT @leafs_s: Nature (2021) High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting (via @NicoleCRust ) https://t.co/zAFzqWr00I
RT @leafs_s: Nature (2021) High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting (via @NicoleCRust ) https://t.co/zAFzqWr00I
RT @dynamicdip: If you want to find out why temporally complex movements, such as handwriting, may be fundamentally easier to decode than p…
RT @dynamicdip: If you want to find out why temporally complex movements, such as handwriting, may be fundamentally easier to decode than p…
RT @dynamicdip: If you want to find out why temporally complex movements, such as handwriting, may be fundamentally easier to decode than p…
If you want to find out why temporally complex movements, such as handwriting, may be fundamentally easier to decode than point-to-point movements. Just an amazing piece of work based on intracortical BCI that decodes attempted handwriting movements from n
Nature (2021) High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting (via @NicoleCRust ) https://t.co/zAFzqWr00I
RT @edmundlalor: This is not new - and I think I tweeted about it when it came out - but, holy shit, I had not appreciated how impressive i…
High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting https://t.co/WmZobvdUXz
This is indeed impressive!
This is not new - and I think I tweeted about it when it came out - but, holy shit, I had not appreciated how impressive it really is until this morning... 90 characters per minute for a brain-computer interface. Wow! https://t.co/R49bP6j5Xg
⭐ @b_cratos focus on Machine Learning: High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting⭐ Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) can help people who have lost the ability to move or speak. (Re)watch our webinar on #ML 👉 https://t.co/WQ0DnUzAwv http
@levi4338 @neuralink Why not? Folks in academia already have that working! https://t.co/Jf1kh2dWzk
RT @cllantz: I'm leaving this here just in case, come the 30th people say we've never done this. https://t.co/8u8SfuTajl
I'm leaving this here just in case, come the 30th people say we've never done this. https://t.co/8u8SfuTajl
designing communication styles like this, or the “imagined handwriting” style in https://t.co/hCjDa30c85, feels like prompt engineering: instead of just thinking or saying what you want, expressing the same desire indirectly in a way that the model can bet
RT @Shedletsky: Mainstream media totally missing the titanic acceleration happening in AI and human augmentation as the tech reaches human-…
Mainstream media totally missing the titanic acceleration happening in AI and human augmentation as the tech reaches human-parity performance and will quickly blow by that. https://t.co/5rjCxIWxBY
RT @AEStudioLA: Stay tuned for more details and code! In the meantime, here’s the original publication and accompanying code from @WillettN…
Stay tuned for more details and code! In the meantime, here’s the original publication and accompanying code from @WillettNeuro @neuroleigh @shenoystanford @stanford. Huge thanks for sharing your knowledge with the world. 👏🏼 https://t.co/YaQUezXJSt https:
Çalışma Detayları: Willett FR, et al. High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting. Nature, 2021; 593 (7858): 249 https://t.co/aTWMjJQQqB
RT @leafs_s: Nature High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting https://t.co/zAFzqWr00I
project idea: instead of asking speech BCI users to imagine speaking, ask them to imagine sign language gestures. could be easier to decode hand kinematics, depending on electrode placement and separability of neural representations. @SeanMetzger5 @KayloLi
Is it possible to write using your brain power? The article by Willett et al has an astonishing example of that: https://t.co/QYbVmfyKZG.
@HenryYin19 One recent example I like a lot. The user just tries to write letters and they appear on the screen, quickly. Feedback is delayed (so it's not biofeedback, and barely even closed-loop). It's just a really good motor cortical activity decoder. h
@markdhumphries @liamjdrew @Nature https://t.co/yQsjZA0mPf And probably MINT from Mark Churchland's lab.
RT @realscientists: In this really exciting study, one paralyzed patient with an implanted brain computer interface was able to imagine han…
RT @realscientists: In this really exciting study, one paralyzed patient with an implanted brain computer interface was able to imagine han…
In this really exciting study, one paralyzed patient with an implanted brain computer interface was able to imagine handwriting and have it appear on a computer screen as fast as someone can text. https://t.co/JD7V0R7BaF
Take the example of moving things with your mind. Scientists have already built brain-computer interfaces that can allow paralyzed people to "write" with their minds at a rate of 90 chars/min. https://t.co/O15brSsxw0
RT @4strat: #ScifiVsReality A newly developed brain implant allows patients to translate handwriting thoughts into actual writing. The hit…
#ScifiVsReality A newly developed brain implant allows patients to translate handwriting thoughts into actual writing. The hit rate is 90% - a real innovation. #Scifi #NeuraPlant #BrainImplant https://t.co/lrqFVx0wqD
RT @JhuTnt: TNT Paper Highlight Thursday This week’s paper is on the work published by Jaimie M. Henderson and Krishna V. Shenoy’s group a…
TNT Paper Highlight Thursday This week’s paper is on the work published by Jaimie M. Henderson and Krishna V. Shenoy’s group at Stanford. High Performance Brain-to-Text Communication via Handwriting, Willette et al., Nature (2021) https://t.co/oljh704XL9
High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting | Nature https://t.co/1zDRLkWv7N
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting | Nature https://t.co/qmIf6BoOLc
RT @IanCLim: Decoding imagined handwriting Until now, BCIs have been far from the information rate of typing or speaking By decoding imag…