神経科学:手書きしている時の脳活動を文章に変換する (Nature Research) https://t.co/deIN9y2WhE
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @shenoystanford: Paper of potential interest...
Paper of potential interest...
Very cool stuff! https://t.co/v1LRmqX7rV
RT @StanfordBrain: A man with severe #paralysis was able to type 90 char/min using #brain activity decoded as he imagined writing letters b…
Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting into text, enabling a person with paralysis to type 18 words per minute – doubling the prior record. 1/3 https://t.co/l3PaBnm0Uv https:
A man with severe #paralysis was able to type 90 char/min using #brain activity decoded as he imagined writing letters by hand. A key step towards rapid #BCI for communication by Frank Willett @shenoystanford Jaimie Henderson et al @nature https://t.co/57H