Jak Muskova firma vyřešila problém prvního čipu v mozku člověka
Neuralink je jedna z firem Elona Muska, o které se mnoho mluví. V lednu totiž zavedli její specialisté první čip do mozku lidskéh…
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
Yahoo! News,
Imagine that a soldier has a tiny computer device injected into their bloodstream that can be guided with a magnet to specific…
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
Yahoo! News,
Imagine that a soldier has a tiny computer device injected into their bloodstream that can be guided with a magnet to specific…
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
Yahoo! News,
Imagine that a soldier has a tiny computer device injected into their bloodstream that can be guided with a magnet to specific…
La complejidad de mover un dedo
The Conversation,
Hace unos días que supimos del primer implante en cerebro humano por la empresa Neuralink, y nuevamente se ha agitado el…
L’implant Neuralink décortiqué : comment marchent les interfaces cerveau-machine
Yahoo! News,
Les interfaces électriques cerveau-machine implantables promettent des avancées majeures, aussi bien pour comprendre le…
L’implant Neuralink décortiqué : comment marchent les interfaces cerveau-machine
Humanité 2.0 L’avenir est peut-être à l’humain augmenté. En tout cas, des sociétés travaillent aujourd’hui à concevoir des…
A Neuralink első emberi alanya
Az Elon Musk alapította vállalat célja a ma még orvosilag nem javítható állapotok gyógyítása, és a jövő emberének felturbózása…
Decades of research and lofty ambitions to meld minds with computers
Galaxy Concerns,
It wasn’t the first tiny device to be implanted in a human brain. Still, Elon Musk’s announcement on Monday turned heads in the…
Behind Elon Musk’s brain chip: Decades of research and lofty ambitions to meld minds with computers
It wasn’t the first tiny device to be implanted in a human brain. Still, Elon Musk’s announcement on Monday turned heads in the…
Behind Elon Musk’s brain chip: Decades of research and lofty ambitions to meld minds with computers
Yahoo! News,
It wasn’t the first tiny device to be implanted in a human brain. Still, Elon Musk’s announcement on Monday turned heads in the…
Behind Elon Musk’s brain chip: Decades of research and lofty ambitions to meld minds with computers
Denise ChowFebruary 4, 2024 at 12:00 PM It wasn’t the first tiny device to be implanted in a human brain.
Behind Elon Musk’s brain chip: Decades of research and lofty ambitions to meld minds with computers
NBC News,
Many scientists applauded Neuralink’s announcement, while also cautiously noting not much information has been released publicly.
Elon Musk’s Neuralink hype irks rivals yet shines a light on brain implants
Today Headline,
Elon Musk’s habit of hyping a new technology, even when he is not a leader in the field, has long irked rivals.
KI übersetzt Hirnsignale in Sprache
Ann Johnson, eine 48 Jahre alte Kanadierin, hat das Gefühl, „wieder ein ganzer Mensch zu sein“, nachdem ein Schlaganfall an…
果壳 AI怎么啥活都接,还帮忙开发“读心术”? 三体人的透明思维get 果壳果壳网官方帐号
收录于合集 我喜欢骑行,骑车时经常会冒出一些灵感,或者忽然记起一件没做的事,或者想记录沿途风景所见所感,但腾不出手打字…… 我想过骑行之前打开录音机,有什么想法就对着耳机说出来,然后再将录音转成文字,摘取有意思的部分整理到笔记本里。 但是,抛开路上有噪音和风…
麻痺によって話す能力を失った2人の女性がいる。1人は筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ALS)という運動神経に影響を及ぼす病気が原因で、もう1人は脳幹に発生した脳卒中が原因だった。どちらも明瞭な発声はできないが、言葉の話し方は覚えている。 ところが現在、脳に機械を埋め込む…
AI-powered brain implants help paralyzed patients communicate faster than ever
Paralysis had robbed the two women of their ability to speak. For one, the cause was amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, a…
Neue Rekordwerte beim Sprechen per Gehirnimplantat: mehr als 60 Worte pro Minute
Wie unangenehm es sein kann, kein Wort herauszubekommen, wissen die meisten Menschen wohl nur aus Schreckmomenten.
Brain Implants That Help Paralyzed People Speak Just Broke New Records
Two new studies show that AI-powered devices can help paralyzed people communicate faster and more accurately.
Woman with paralysis speaks through an avatar 18 years after a stroke, thanks to a brain implant - galaxyconcerns
Galaxy Concerns,
In 2005, Ann Johnson suffered a stroke that left her severely paralyzed and unable to speak.
Woman with paralysis speaks through an avatar 18 years after a stroke, thanks to a brain implant
Yahoo! News,
In 2005, Ann Johnson suffered a stroke that left her severely paralyzed and unable to speak.
Woman with paralysis speaks through an avatar 18 years after a stroke, thanks to a brain implant and AI
NBC News,
In 2005, Ann Johnson suffered a stroke that left her severely paralyzed and unable to speak.
Los neuroimplantes para recuperar el habla triplican su velocidad gracias a la inteligencia artificial
Dos equipos pioneros presentan simultáneamente en 'Nature' los nuevos dispositivos con los que dos mujeres que han perdido el…
Reading the mind with machines to help patients unable to speak
El País,
Researchers are developing brain-computer interfaces that would enable communication for people with locked-in syndrome and…
Leer la mente con máquinas para rescatar a los pacientes incomunicados
El País,
Neurocientíficos e informáticos están desarrollando interfaces cerebro-computadora para que puedan comunicarse personas con síndr…
News story from Stat News on Thursday 08 June 2023
Stat News,
Reading the mind with machines
Big Think,
In Alexandre Dumas’s classic novel The Count of Monte-Cristo, a character named Monsieur Noirtier de Villefort suffers a…
Mind-Reading Machines Could Lead to a Major Neuroscience Breakthrough ByMarla Broadfoot and Knowable Magazine
In Alexandre Dumas’s classic novel, The Count of Monte-Cristo, a character named Monsieur Noirtier de Villefort suffers a…
Reading the Mind With Machines
The Wire,
In Alexandre Dumas’s classic novel The Count of Monte-Cristo, a character named Monsieur Noirtier de Villefort suffers a…
The Brain-Computer Interfaces That Could Give Locked-In Patients a Voice
Smithsonian Magazine,
In Alexandre Dumas’s classic novel The Count of Monte Cristo, a character named Monsieur Noirtier de Villefort suffers a…
Reading the mind with machines
Yahoo! News,
In Alexandre Dumas’s classic novel The Count of Monte-Cristo, a character named Monsieur Noirtier de Villefort suffers a…
Decoding AI's mind-reading ability: When tech translates brain activity into words
Times of India,
Think of the words whirling around in your head: that tasteless joke you wisely kept to yourself at dinner; your unvoiced…
Tehisintellekt paljastab sõnaahtra inimese rikkaliku mõttemaailma
Hiljutine eksperiment viitab, et inimese ajuaktiivsuse lugemine ei võimalda lugeda pelgalt tema mõtteis mõlkuvaid sõnu, vaid ka…
Artificial intelligence is getting better at reading minds
The Limited Times,
In a recent experiment, the researchers used large linguistic models to translate brain activity into words.
AI is getting better at reading minds
Think of the words running through your head: that tacky joke you wisely kept to yourself at dinner; Your voiceless impression…
A.I. Is Getting Better at Mind-Reading
Big World Tale,
Think of the words whirling around in your head: that tasteless joke you wisely kept to yourself at dinner; your unvoiced…
A.I. Is Getting Better at Mind-Reading - Illuminati Press
Illuminati Press,
Think of the words whirling around in your head: that tasteless joke you wisely kept to yourself at dinner; your unvoiced…
A.I. Is Getting Better at Mind-Reading
Think of the words whirling around in your head: that tasteless joke you wisely kept to yourself at dinner; your unvoiced…
AI is getting better at reading minds
Think about the words running through your head: that sick joke you wisely kept to yourself at dinner; your unspoken impression…
De las ondas alfa a las interfaces cerebro-máquina: el auge de las neurotecnologías
The Conversation,
Cuando allá por 1924 el neurólogo y psiquiatra alemán Hans Berger comenzó a registrar la actividad eléctrica del cerebro, se…
Une patiente paralysée s'exprime par la pensée à la vitesse de 62 mots par minute, un record
Yahoo! News,
62 mots par minute, c'est le nouveau record de vitesse à laquelle une patiente paralysée a réussi à s'exprimer, grâce à une…
News story from Sciences et Avenir on Wednesday 22 February 2023
Sciences et Avenir,
Aura-t-on bientôt un implant dans le cerveau? Oui... et non - Pieuvre.ca
Un implant dans le cerveau pour envoyer des courriels ou faire bouger un robot : est-ce de la pure science-fiction? Le Détecteur…
Un implant dans le cerveau pour bientôt? Oui et non
Cet article fait partie de la rubrique du Détecteur de rumeurs, cliquez ici pour les autres textes.
„BrainGate“: Implantation von Elektroden auf Hirnrinde langfristig...
Deutsches Ärzteblatt,
/CNStock, stock.adobe.com Boston Elektroden, die die Signale der motorischen Grohirnrinde auffangen, sollen in Zukunft…
Brain-computer interfaces could let soldiers control weapons with their thoughts
Big Think,
Imagine that a soldier has a tiny computer device injected into their bloodstream that can be guided with a magnet to specific…
Comment fonctionnent l’implant Neuralink et les autres interfaces cerveau-machine
Yahoo! News,
Les interfaces électriques cerveau-machine implantables promettent des avancées majeures, aussi bien pour comprendre le…
Comment fonctionnent l’implant Neuralink et les autres interfaces cerveau-machine
The Conversation,
Les interfaces électriques cerveau-machine implantables promettent des avancées majeures, aussi bien pour comprendre le…
Brain-computer interfaces could change the world—but at what cost?
Fast Company,
The ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science. [Source images: Nicola Tree/; GDJ/Pixabay; NomeVisualizzato/Pexels] By…
Step forward in human studies for Neuralink brain implants
Medical Brief,
Elon Musk’s brain-machine interface company Neuralink intends to put its first implant in a human subject in the next six months…
US soldiers might control weapons with their thoughts someday. Here's why that's complicated.
The ethics of brain-computer interfaces lags behind the science. This article was originally featured on The Conversation.
US soldiers might control weapons with their thoughts someday. Here’s why that’s complicated.
Popular Science,
This article was originally featured on The Conversation. Imagine that a soldier has a tiny computer device injected into their…
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear
Imagine that a soldier has a tiny computer device injected into their bloodstream that can be guided with a magnet to specific…
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts
Japan Today,
Imagine that a soldier has a tiny computer device injected into their bloodstream that can be guided with a magnet to specific…
Musk and the Brain Chip: How the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science | Qrius
Nancy S. Jecker, University of Washington and Andrew Ko, University of Washington Imagine that a soldier has a tiny computer…
Computer mit Gedanken steuern : Musk-Firma Neuralink will in sechs Monaten Chips in menschlichen Gehirnen testen
Der Tagesspiegel,
Die Implantate von Neuralink sollen Gedanken direkt an Computer schicken. Damit will Musk neurologische Erkrankungen heilen.
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science - journalbreak
Imagine that a soldier is injected into the bloodstream with a tiny computer device that, with the help of a magnet, can be…
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
Arizona Daily Star,
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) (THE…
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) (THE…
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
Rapid City Journal,
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Nancy S.
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
The Bismarck Tribune,
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) (THE…
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
Yahoo! News,
Imagine that a soldier has a tiny computer device injected into their bloodstream that can be guided with a magnet to specific…
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
New Canaan Advertiser,
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Nancy S.
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
Houston Chronicle,
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Nancy S.
Brain-computer interfaces could allow soldiers to control weapons with their thoughts and turn off their fear – but the ethics of neurotechnology lags behind the science
- NewsBreak Imagine that a soldier has a tiny computer device injected into their bloodstream that can be guided with a magnet…
News story from Stat News on Thursday 01 December 2022
Stat News,
Why Your Organization Should Join the IEEE Standards Association
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
Video Friday: Little Robot, Big Stairs
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
Blood Test Only Needs a Drop and a Smartphone for Results
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
IEEE’s Microwave Society Gets a New Name
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
Researchers Build Disposable Sensors With Organic Circuitry
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
The EV Transition Explained
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
Attendance at IEEE’s STEM Summer Camp Breaks Records
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
Luxonis’ New Fun-size Bot
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
Crowdsourcing Bridge Inspection
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
News story from Stat News on Tuesday 08 November 2022
Stat News,
John Deere Sows the Seeds for Private 5G
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
Chip Fabs Go Green
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
Nominate a Colleague for an IEEE Major Award
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Transistor With IEEE
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Transistor With IEEE
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
NYU Biomedical Engineering Speeds Research from Lab Bench to Bedside
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
Nanoparticles in Medicine—Microbots to Blood Clots
IEEE Spectrum,
In our pilot study, we draped a thin, flexible electrode array over the surface of the volunteer’s brain.
This Implant Turns Brain Waves Into Words
IEEE Spectrum,
A paralyzed man who hasn’t spoken in 15 years uses a brain-computer interface that decodes his intended speech, one word at a…
ALS-Patienten, andere für die Erforschung der Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle benötigt | BCI-Studie von BrainGate bei gelähmten Patienten rekrutiert immer noch an 5 Standorten in den USA
Nachrichten Welt,
In einer klinischen Studie wird untersucht, ob eine neue, implantierbare Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstelle (BCI) in der Lage ist…
Veja por que é importante manter o hábito de escrever com letra cursiva
"Você tem uma letra tão bonita". Há alguns anos era comum receber esse tipo de elogio, sobretudo na escola.
Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstellen: Per Gedankenkraft zurück ins Leben
James Johnson hofft, eines Tages wieder Auto fahren zu können. Sollte es dazu kommen, wird er das Fahrzeug nur mit Hilfe seiner…
Could "Severance" Ever Become Reality?
Psychology Today,
Source: Atsushi Nishijima/Apple TV+ The Apple TV+ series Severance poses an interesting question: What if we could fully…
This New Implant Hacks the Brain By Going Through Your Chest
Yahoo! News,
Thanks to the success of an initial safety trial for an implantable device that can translate the brain’s electrical impulses…
This New Implant Hacks the Brain By Going Through Your Chest
Yahoo! News,
Thanks to the success of an initial safety trial for an implantable device that can translate the brain’s electrical impulses…
This New Implant Hacks the Brain By Going Through Your Chest
The Daily Beast,
Thanks to the success of an initial safety trial for an implantable device that can translate the brain’s electrical impulses…
Neuroscience, Mental Health: Thought Pathways in the Brain
Illustration from Guardian By David Stephen What would progress mean for care in complicated cases of mental health? If…
Optimizing Communication for Paralysis Patients
Medium US,
Get startedGet started88 FollowersGet started Written by Rosemary Chellakudam. Edited by Ryan Hobbib and Anastasia Leones “Good…
Brain-Computer Interface Turns Mental Writing into Text
For the first time ever a team of researchers says it has deployed a brain-computer interface (or BCI) to decode the neural…
Brain implant translates paralysed man’s thoughts to text with 94% accuracy
Business Telegraph,
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that A man paralysed from the neck down…
Brain implant translates paralysed man’s thoughts to text with 94% accuracy
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video A man paralysed…
News story from Metro UK on Thursday 11 November 2021
Metro UK,
Wie Hirnforscher die Rätsel des Gehirns entschlüsseln wollen
Soviel steht fest: Es gibt kein größeres wissenschaftliches Rätsel als unser eigenes Gehirn.