RT @AliGhamdi2: أن يطّلع الآخرون على أفكارك التي لا ترغب في إظهارها أمر مرعب ، وقد أصبح ذلك حقيقة حيث تمكن فريق بحثي من ترجمة مايدور في عقل…
RT @AliGhamdi2: أن يطّلع الآخرون على أفكارك التي لا ترغب في إظهارها أمر مرعب ، وقد أصبح ذلك حقيقة حيث تمكن فريق بحثي من ترجمة مايدور في عقل…
عجيبة والله قدرة العلماء على تسخير المعرفة والعلم بطريقة تخليك تفكر مليون مرة قبل ماتفكر 😅
RT @AliGhamdi2: أن يطّلع الآخرون على أفكارك التي لا ترغب في إظهارها أمر مرعب ، وقد أصبح ذلك حقيقة حيث تمكن فريق بحثي من ترجمة مايدور في عقل…
RT @AliGhamdi2: أن يطّلع الآخرون على أفكارك التي لا ترغب في إظهارها أمر مرعب ، وقد أصبح ذلك حقيقة حيث تمكن فريق بحثي من ترجمة مايدور في عقل…
RT @AliGhamdi2: أن يطّلع الآخرون على أفكارك التي لا ترغب في إظهارها أمر مرعب ، وقد أصبح ذلك حقيقة حيث تمكن فريق بحثي من ترجمة مايدور في عقل…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @AliGhamdi2: أن يطّلع الآخرون على أفكارك التي لا ترغب في إظهارها أمر مرعب ، وقد أصبح ذلك حقيقة حيث تمكن فريق بحثي من ترجمة مايدور في عقل…
RT @AliGhamdi2: أن يطّلع الآخرون على أفكارك التي لا ترغب في إظهارها أمر مرعب ، وقد أصبح ذلك حقيقة حيث تمكن فريق بحثي من ترجمة مايدور في عقل…
RT @AliGhamdi2: أن يطّلع الآخرون على أفكارك التي لا ترغب في إظهارها أمر مرعب ، وقد أصبح ذلك حقيقة حيث تمكن فريق بحثي من ترجمة مايدور في عقل…
أن يطّلع الآخرون على أفكارك التي لا ترغب في إظهارها أمر مرعب ، وقد أصبح ذلك حقيقة حيث تمكن فريق بحثي من ترجمة مايدور في عقل شخص مشلول إلى شاشة الكمبيوتر بدقة تصل إلى 94% عن طريق ترجمة الإشارات العصبية إلى صور وكلمات. https://t.co/HT5RPBkmgX https://t.co/E
من أكبر مخاوف أي شخص هو أن يطلع الناس على أفكاره قبل أن يظهرها لهم ، وقد أصبح ذلك حقيقة حيث تمكن فريق بحثي من القدرة على ترجمة مايدور في عقل شخص مشلول إلى شاشة الكمبيوتر بدقة تصل إلى 94% عن طريق ترجمة الإشارات العصبية إلى صورة. https://t.co/HT5RPBkmgX
A radical new approach to producing text via #intracortical BCI has resulted in a model that works three times as fast as the previous record. It promises a beneficial future to those who have lost function due to #trauma or #neurodegeneration. Read more:
RT @raelian_masa: 人類が、イメージするだけで3D映像作品を制作できるようになるまであと○○年。
RT @BioDecoded: High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting | Nature https://t.co/oCDz4XI4qt https://t.co/3ggim8KphM #Bra…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
A rather neat demonstration that human life is about controlling our perception through whatever medium can achieve this, technological or otherwise...rather than planning specific motor actions.
RT @inntoyoh: 【今日紹介したニュース】 High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting https://t.co/4ybhjynGhj こちらは内容を解説した日本語のニュース記事です。 h…
RT @inntoyoh: 【今日紹介したニュース】 High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting https://t.co/4ybhjynGhj こちらは内容を解説した日本語のニュース記事です。 h…
【今日紹介したニュース】 High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting https://t.co/4ybhjynGhj こちらは内容を解説した日本語のニュース記事です。 https://t.co/2IXFZnOv0E
@kazunori_279 なるほど、高次元ベクトルの分布の変化の監視ですね。実験とか変化の要因と分布の空間の意味合いがはっきりわかっている場合だと意味あることができるかもですね。例えば書字の動作の際の脳活動のデコードとか近い気がします。時系列ベクトルの空間的分布の差の検出ですかね?https://t.co/ddjTm7TsJd
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) can restore communication to people who have lost the ability to move or speak. https://t.co/Fw3ToqapKx
RT @IntellectOmni: A team @StanfordMed has created an intracortical brain–computer interface, successfully decoding neural representation o…
RT @IntellectOmni: A team @StanfordMed has created an intracortical brain–computer interface, successfully decoding neural representation o…
High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting | Nature https://t.co/oCDz4XI4qt https://t.co/3ggim8KphM #BrainComputerInterface
Mices, keyboards and next are high performing mental interfaces. #Nature #HCI https://t.co/F9BNCR6hoy
RT @hardmaru: High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting The brain–computer interface decodes attempted handwriting move…
High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting https://t.co/PWSPvymWyX
@Toyokeizai @DrScottMorgan @beyohealth スタンフォード大による、脳内想像した「書きたい」という意思を神経信号から読み取って、高速にテキスト置換する研究 | High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting | https://t.co/yA68qz6x3N
RT @biochem_fan: Nature "High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting" https://t.co/bX9cV2uX9Y https://t.co/nIWprXqiIG http…
RT @shenoystanford: Paper of potential interest...
Nature "High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting" https://t.co/bX9cV2uX9Y https://t.co/nIWprXqiIG https://t.co/ZDl9o79gTC 機械に認識しやすい字形が提案されていて、Palm OS の Graffiti を思い出した。運動野から拾うから、上位運動ニューロン障害には使えないのかな。
RT @SangHeeFLee: 논문: Willett FR, Avansino DT, Hochberg LR, Henderson JM, Shenoy KV. 2021. High-performance brain-to-text communication via…
RT @SangHeeFLee: 논문: Willett FR, Avansino DT, Hochberg LR, Henderson JM, Shenoy KV. 2021. High-performance brain-to-text communication via…
¿Te imaginas poder escribir con sólo pensarlo? #LaberintoTecnológico🤖 Un hombre de 65 años, a pesar de sufrir una parálisis del cuello hasta los pies, logró traducir sus pensamientos a texto en una pantalla de computadora. Conoce más aquí: https://t.co/
This communication interface can translate mental handwriting to text with an accuracy of 99 percent when combined with autocorrect. Read more: https://t.co/AzemA38BtI
Using an experimental Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), one study participant, achieved typing speeds of 90 characters per minute with 94.1% raw accuracy online, and greater than 99% accuracy offline with a general-purpose autocorrect. https://t.co/Gtre4Egar
This research study focused on brain-computer interfaces (BCI) and their potential application in restoring communication in paralyzed people through real-time translations of neural representation of handwriting to text. https://t.co/b6T8k2bdCB
RT @APTA_SCISIG: One participant with #SCI "...achieved typing speeds of 90 characters/min w/ 94.1% raw accuracy online, and > 99% accuracy…
Lo que viene, un cuadraplegico de 65 años fue capaz de escribir a la misma velocidad de una persona sin el accidente mediante un implante cerebral https://t.co/Ojkewy9ESA
One participant with #SCI "...achieved typing speeds of 90 characters/min w/ 94.1% raw accuracy online, and > 99% accuracy offline with a general-purpose autocorrect...these typing speeds exceed those reported for any other #BCI..." https://t.co/LreavP
High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting https://t.co/d9IUoUPtXN In this Nature paper, the authors decode signals coming from the part of the motor cortex expressing hand movement. They classify characters from these signals using Recu
These results suggest a new approach for #BCIs that may restore function much better than previously, even many years after #paralysis. https://t.co/5JhLVCgV08
Surprisingly, it appears that temporally complex movements such as handwriting, may be easier to decode than simple point-to-point movements, such as reaching and grasping a water glass. #BCI #artificialintelligence https://t.co/5JhLVCgV08
It was found that a participant whose hand was paralyzed from #SCI, “achieved typing speeds of 90 characters per minute with 94.1% accuracy online and greater than 99% accuracy offline with a general-purpose autocorrect.” https://t.co/5JhLVCgV08
A recent paper described a significant advance in which they used a neural network to decode handwriting movements from brain activity and translate it to text in real time: https://t.co/5JhLVCgV08. #BCI #artificialintelligence
In this study, the researchers look at a brain-computer interface (BCI) that allows paralyzed individuals to perform brain-to-text communication. https://t.co/cLsCNnuUZR
Summary of “High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting” https://t.co/0x6bufJxyB 1/13
A new technique for intracortical brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) uses attempted handwriting in paralytic individuals to rapidly and accurately decode neuronal activity in the motor cortex for brain-to-text communication as seen in this study (thread). ht
(1/14) The paper High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting, by Willett et al., explores how people who have been debilitated from neural damage can rehabilitate themselves through modern neuroscience technology. https://t.co/b24TnPK2Mi
RT @weirdmedicine: High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting | Nature https://t.co/kvesDxUi0D
High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting | Nature https://t.co/kvesDxUi0D
https://t.co/V6pqOUy8RH @germanjcvs
RT @deskzombies: But they WON’T feed the homeless or make a pen that doesn’t leak. Fuck you all.
RT @shuxnys: こちらの研究、最近論文として出版された模様です。https://t.co/JO7YNYJ8BB
RT @Sheraj99: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #II…
RT @Sheraj99: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #II…
RT @Sheraj99: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #II…
But they WON’T feed the homeless or make a pen that doesn’t leak. Fuck you all.
RT @bengreenfield: Brain implant allows paralyzed people to type/text at 90 characters per minute with 94.1% raw accuracy online, and great…
RT @Sheraj99: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #II…
RT @IntellectOmni: A team @StanfordMed has created an intracortical brain–computer interface, successfully decoding neural representation o…
RT @Sheraj99: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #II…
RT @Sheraj99: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #II…
RT @Sheraj99: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #II…
RT @Sheraj99: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #II…
RT @Sheraj99: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #II…
RT @Sheraj99: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #II…
RT @Sheraj99: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #II…
RT @Sheraj99: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #II…
High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode ht
RT @bengreenfield: Brain implant allows paralyzed people to type/text at 90 characters per minute with 94.1% raw accuracy online, and great…
RT @bengreenfield: Brain implant allows paralyzed people to type/text at 90 characters per minute with 94.1% raw accuracy online, and great…
RT @bengreenfield: Brain implant allows paralyzed people to type/text at 90 characters per minute with 94.1% raw accuracy online, and great…
Brain implant allows paralyzed people to type/text at 90 characters per minute with 94.1% raw accuracy online, and greater than 99% accuracy offline. Click here for more on that👉🏼: https://t.co/IvDnQnDq1v & more info here too👉🏼: https://t.co/8V6RwKGdH0
RT @drjfm_stanford: Spectacular! #Stanford #Neuroscience #neurosurgery
RT @bindureddy: Reality beginning to converge with Science Fiction!😍😍 Last week, scientists showed that AI can read your mind Mindwriting…
RT @bindureddy: Reality beginning to converge with Science Fiction!😍😍 Last week, scientists showed that AI can read your mind Mindwriting…
Estamos en el #futuro. Interfase directa cerebro-computadora logra que un hombre con parálisis pueda escribir 90 caracteres por minuto solo pensando escribir el texto. https://t.co/jzs17hUWO5 https://t.co/CfUHRPpYTE
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
2/2 運動皮質の神経活動から試みられた手書きの動きをデコードし、それをリアルタイムでテキストに変換する皮質内BCIを開発 脊髄損傷で手が麻痺した患者において、94.1%の精度で毎分90文字のタイピング速度がだせた。一般的なスマホの入力速度に近いらしい。すごい。。。 https://t.co/5nn73IIBUa
1/2 高性能な脳から手書きテキスト /Nature https://t.co/5nn73IIBUa 何とも未来的 ブレインコンピューターインターフェース(BCI)は脳内にデバイスを埋めて考えたことをいろんな出力に変換する技術 イーロンマスクがBCIのNeuralinkを起業しているのも有名 猿にBCIでゲームさせてる実験があったような
RT @UTAC_UB: Una interfície cervell-ordinador (brain-computer interface o BCI) permet a una persona amb lesió medul·lar alta (paràlisi de c…
RT @LgHumanMachine: And a link to the Nature article mentioned: https://t.co/sZ9cW3qs3E https://t.co/VTeTih8hPc
Intracortical BCI —> neural activity in M1 —> RNN decoder —> real-time translation of imagined handwriting to text! Interesting: “temporally complex movements like handwriting maybe easier to decode than simpler point-to-point movements” h
RT @bindureddy: Reality beginning to converge with Science Fiction!😍😍 Last week, scientists showed that AI can read your mind Mindwriting…
RT @realscientists: Second: thoughts-to-text. Mental handwriting turned into text in real time. This work demonstrated a man with severe…
RT @realscientists: Second: thoughts-to-text. Mental handwriting turned into text in real time. This work demonstrated a man with severe…
RT @realscientists: Second: thoughts-to-text. Mental handwriting turned into text in real time. This work demonstrated a man with severe…
Second: thoughts-to-text. Mental handwriting turned into text in real time. This work demonstrated a man with severe paralysis could write up to *90 chars / min*. Beautiful work from @WillettNeuro https://t.co/iqrMs1rY11
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…