Coronavirus has been with us for a year. Here's what we still don't know
ABC News WMUR 9,
Video above: Some Winter-Related Symptoms That May Be Confused With COVID-19 When China first reported cases of coronavirus to…
Video above: Some Winter-Related Symptoms That May Be Confused With COVID-19 When China first reported cases of coronavirus to… The speed at which we’ve…
When China first reported cases of coronavirus to the World Health Organization on December 31, 2019, it was described as a…
(CNN)When China first reported cases of coronavirus to the World Health Organization on December 31, 2019, it was described as…
(CNN) — When China first reported cases of coronavirus to the World Health Organization on December 31, 2019, it was described…
(CNN)When China first reported cases of coronavirus to the World Health Organization on December 31, 2019, it was described as…
publicidade É falso que os voluntários que passaram por testes de uma vacina contra o coronavírus na Austrália tenham contraído…
Conteúdo checado pela NSC, em parceria com Correio, Marco Zero e Rádio Noroeste, para o Projeto Comprova, iniciativa que reúne…
Quando o novo coronavírus apareceu, em dezembro passado, a suspeita sobre a sua origem caiu sobre o mercado de Huanan, em Whuan…
12 минут назад В январе эксперты Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) отправятся в Китай, чтобы исследовать происхождение…
Ob über Whatsapp, auf Facebook oder sogar beim Essen: Fake News zum neuen Coronavirus erreichen uns überall.
Resultado ocorreu porque a pesquisa feita pela empresa CSL em parceria com a Universidade de Queensland utilizou uma proteína…
falso que os voluntrios que passaram por testes de uma vacina contra o coronavrus na Austrlia tenham contrado HIV, como afirma…
Kineska naučnica u središtu nepotkrepljene tvrdnje da je korona virus „pobegao“ iz njene laboratorije u kineskom gradu Vuhanu…
A Chinese scientist at the centre of unsubstantiated claims that the coronavirus leaked from her laboratory in the Chinese city…
A Chinese scientist at the centre of unsubstantiated claims that the coronavirus leaked from her laboratory in the Chinese city…
A Chinese scientist at the centre of unsubstantiated claims that the coronavirus leaked from her laboratory in the Chinese city…
By John Sudworth BBC News, Yunnan A Chinese scientist at the centre of unsubstantiated claims that the coronavirus leaked from…
By John Sudworth BBC News, Yunnan A Chinese scientist at the centre of unsubstantiated claims that the coronavirus leaked from…
El mundo cumple un año desde el inicio del brote de coronavirus. No se sabe exactamente qué día.
Circulam nas redes sociais e no WhatsApp mensagens que reproduzem declaraes insustentveis feitas pela virologista chinesa Li-Meng…
Maria van Kerkhove was staying with her sister in the US for the Christmas holidays, but checking her emails.
Living through a pandemic in the Internet age means misinformation can sometimes spread more rapidly than facts.
Please Note The Washington Post is providing this important information about the coronavirus for free.
En las últimas semanas se viralizó un mensaje en audio de WhatsApp que asegura “que el COVID no es una enfermedad pulmonar” y…
Maryn McKenn a 12.02.2020 07:00 AM Both teams want to know when—or how often—the virus passed from animals to people.
Desde o começo da pandemia da COVID-19, a ditadura chinesa vem mentindo sobre a origem do vírus em peças de propaganda disfarçada…
Aux États-Unis, l’extrême droite et un pan de la diaspora chinoise se sont alliés pour offrir une tribune médiatique à une…
par Annette Gartland Article original publié le 12 octobre sur Changing Times, traduit de l'anglais par Gérard Guillaume en…
Le Dr Li-Meng Yan voulait rester anonyme. C’était à la mi-janvier et le Dr Yan, chercheur à Hong Kong, avait entendu des…
Increasingly allied, the American far right and members of the Chinese diaspora tapped into social media to give a Hong Kong…
Increasingly allied, the American far right and members of the Chinese diaspora tapped into social media to give a Hong Kong…
A new study suggests that simply reading about a COVID-19 conspiracy theory can make people more likely to ignore scientific…
A Chinese academic spreading the conspiracy that China was responsible for releasing SARS- CoV -2 has suggested information…
A Chinese academic spreading the conspiracy that China was responsible for releasing SARS- CoV -2 has suggested information…
A Chinese academic spreading the conspiracy that China was responsible for releasing SARS-CoV-2 has suggested information will…
The connection between human health and wild animals has been demonstrated on an unprecedented and global scale with the…
Every day, Times reporters will chronicle and debunk false and misleading information that is going viral online.
Conteúdo checado pela NSC, em parceria com Jornal do Commercio, Correio e GaúchaZH para o Projeto Comprova, iniciativa que reúne…
A postagem verificada inventou uma declaração sobre a eficácia de vacinas chinesas e a atribuiu à ex-presidente da República…
Contedo verificado: Postagem no Facebook atribui a frase Se o vrus veio da China e funciona, por que a vacina no funcionaria? a…
Every day, Times reporters will chronicle and debunk false and misleading information that is going viral online.
Every day, Times reporters will chronicle and debunk false and misleading information that is going viral online.
Chiedersi qual è l'origine del SARS-CoV-2 è lecito. La risposta? Ad oggi non vi sono evidenze scientifiche che supportino l'ipote…
Every day, Times reporters will chronicle and debunk false and misleading information that is going viral online. A CNN review of Yan’s research…
(CNN)It was a blockbuster story. A respected Chinese virologist appeared on Tucker Carlson's show on Fox News in mid-September…
It was a blockbuster story. A respected Chinese virologist appeared on Tucker Carlson's show on Fox News in mid-September to…
Then, its validity began to unravel. The publication of the paper by lead author Li-Meng Yan -- an ex-patriot from China…
(CNN)It was a blockbuster story. A respected Chinese virologist appeared on Tucker Carlson's show on Fox News in mid-September…
It was a blockbuster story. A respected Chinese virologist appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News in mid-September to…
This article is free for everyone, thanks to Medium Members. For more information on the novel coronavirus and Covid-19, visit…
Lingering uncertainty how the coronavirus pandemic started creates fertile territory for conspiracy theories.
Researchers surveyed people in five countries to assess which coronavirus-related conspiracy theories have taken root.
Costfoto/Barcroft Media via Getty ImagesA laboratory physician at the Chinese Centres for Disease control and Prevention…
A laboratory physician at the Chinese Centers for Disease control and Prevention prepares to test a coronavirus specimen in…
View photos Researchers surveyed people in five countries to assess which coronavirus-related conspiracy theories have taken…
Researchers surveyed people in five countries to assess which coronavirus-related conspiracy theories have taken root.
GeoTech Cues by Marcus Ranney, MD The emergence of COVID-19 has changed our lives for a long time to come.
Un écrasant Un ensemble de preuves continue affirmer que le coronavirus a presque certainement fait son saut chez l’homme à…
Up to one-third of people believe the coronavirus was engineered in a laboratory in Wuhan, China – where the pandemic originated…
Up to one-third of people believe the coronavirus was engineered in a laboratory in Wuhan, China – where the pandemic originated…
Featured image: Pigs can catch avian flu and other human influenza viruses at the same time, resulting in novel combinations…
Four Chinese virologists released a paper Thursday that classifies the new coronavirus as "an unrestricted bioweapon," and…
View photos A group of Chinese virologists linked to former Trump strategist Steve Bannon released another paper Thursday…
A laboratory physician prepares to perform nucleic acid testing on a novel coronavirus specimen in Chongqing, China, on May 3…
A group of Chinese virologists linked to former Trump strategist Steve Bannon released another paper Thursday claiming the new…
Researchers have found a surprising correlation in Brazil, the U.S. and Germany: areas with more pigs also have higher COVID-19…
A new study has analysed the extent of Covid-19 misinformation in traditional media sources.
A través de la recombinación de fragmentos de material genético, el SARS-CoV-2 puede adquirir «pedazos» de otros virus y…
A través de la recombinación de fragmentos de material genético, el SARS-CoV-2 puede adquirir «pedazos» de otros virus y…
Hace unos días algunos medios se hicieron eco de una noticia que parecía broma: " viróloga que huyó de China demuestra en un…
Hace unos días algunos medios se hicieron eco de una noticia que parecía broma: " viróloga que huyó de China demuestra en un…
Every day, Times reporters will chronicle and debunk false and misleading information that is going viral online.
Every day, Times reporters will chronicle and debunk false and misleading information that is going viral online.
Se oponen al uso de barbijos y al “aislamiento de los sanos”, y apoyan la “inmunidad de rebaño”.
Eine Virologin hatte behauptet, das Coronavirus sei im Labor gezüchtet und absichtlich freigesetzt worden.
Eine chinesische Wissenschaftlerin behauptet, das Coronavirus sei in einem Labor in China kreiert und anschliessend auch…
In sozialen Netzwerken kursiert derzeit die Behauptung einer chinesischen Virologin, das Coronavirus sei von China in einem…
In sozialen Netzwerken kursiert derzeit die Behauptung einer chinesischen Virologin, das Coronavirus sei von China in einem…
vor 2 Min. Wie nahm die Corona-Pandemie ihren Anfang? Dass das Virus von Tieren auf den Menschen überging, gilt als…
Image copyright Getty Images The BBC's anti-disinformation team has been looking into misleading and false claims about…
Image copyright Getty Images The BBC's anti-disinformation team has been looking into misleading and false claims about…
Il y a vingt ans,l'expert en mégadonnées Sinan Aral a commencé à définir les contours d'une tendance qui caractérise désormaisen…
Twenty years ago, data scientist Sinan Aral began to see the formation of a trend that now defines our social media era: how…
Twenty years ago, data scientist Sinan Aral began to see the formation of a trend that now defines our social media era: how…
Every day, Times reporters will chronicle and debunk false and misleading information that is going viral online.
Posted on Sept. 17, 2020 We are collaborating with, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the…
© AFP 2020 STR Le Covid-19 semble être le sujet fétiche de la cheffe de file de la gauche marocaine, Nabila Mounib.
The C.D.C. reverses its guidance on testing for people who were exposed to the virus and aren’t showing symptoms.
A strange new paper claiming the coronavirus was a "laboratory product" quietly made its way into a repository of preliminary…
Every day, Times reporters will chronicle and debunk false and misleading information that is going viral online.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson wants his Facebook clicks. But after Facebook attached a “False Information” label to a video from…