Column: Anatomy of a smear — Fauci faces the House GOP's clown show about COVID
Booster Shots -,
The House GOP attacks Anthony Fauci, one of America's most accomplished public health officials, labeling him a 'criminal' and…
The House GOP attacks Anthony Fauci, one of America's most accomplished public health officials, labeling him a 'criminal' and…
I've long argued that antivax beliefs, indeed all science denial, is conspiracy theory. Leave it to The Brownstone Institute's…
Richard Ebright and Bryce Nickels of Rutgers have labeled leading virologists fraudsters, perjurers, felons and murderers. Is…
By Hideki Kakeya. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, public health authorities failed to convey correct information on the…
WhatsNew2Day - Latest News And Breaking…
In “The Indispensable Right,” I discuss how academics are now leading an anti-free speech movement on campuses that challenges…
From Nate Silver: Here's the scandal. In March 2020, a group of scientists — in particular, Kristian G. Andersen the of The…
From The Daily…
(Scott Johnson) Matt Taibbi has posted his column “Covid’s Origins and the Death of Trust” in accessible form. It includes a…
Publichas just published the cache of communications of the scientists who penned the key article,The Proximal Origin of SARS…
Michael Hiltzik, a regular columnist for the Los Angeles Times, is also a source of common sense and wisdom. In this column, he…
It was recently revealed that the House subcommittee probing the origins of COVID-19 accidentally released a “trove” of…
Two virologists testified that they remained convinced that the coronavirus was natural in origin and said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci…
Anthony Fauci assumed the post of the U.S.A.’s voice of science during the early days of the pandemic. While Donald Trump…
From The Daily…
More than ever, the relationship between our two worlds has been disrupted, says the historian. If we don’t mend our ways, will…
A lab leak was once dismissed by many as a conspiracy theory. But the idea is gaining traction, even as evidence builds that…
Február végén a Wall Street Journal arról írt, hogy az amerikai Energiaügyi Minisztérium (Department of Energy, DOE) nemrégiben…
In advance of a hearing on Wednesday expected to focus on the lab leak theory, House Republicans took aim at Dr. Anthony S.
Virologists who worked to squelch consideration of a lab origin of COVID-19 in early 2020 worked in tandem with leaders in…
Enlarge / WHO's COVID-19 technical lead, Maria Van Kerkhove, looks on during a press conference at the World Health Organization…
FBI Director supports the lab leak hypothesis, but there is no new evidence, and scientists still favor the spillover hypothesis.
Below is my column in the New York Post on the Wall Street Journal revealing that the Department of Energy has concluded that…
We still don’t know where Covid-19 started, although we’re pretty sure it started in or near the city of Wuhan, China. The…
Three years ago, Tom Cotton ushered it into the public conversation.
by Sam Husseini and Jonathan Latham, PhD Between 2014 and 2016, West Africa endured an Ebola epidemic that was easily the…
Eddie Holmes joins TWiV to discuss his role in the first release of the SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence, what really happened during…
Two new studies were published last week that strongly support a natural zoonotic origin for COVID-19 centered at the wet…
New evidence strongly supports the conclusion that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from the wet markets of Wuhan, killing the lab-leak…
by Jonathan Latham, PhD On February 1st, 2020, Anthony Fauci, head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious…
The mRNA vaccines for COVID are doubly flawed. One problem in particular must have been known to the biochemists and the other…
by Jonathan Latham, PhD and Allison Wilson, PhD The task of every COVID-19 origin theory is to explain a human outbreak in Wuhan…
A couple of weeks ago, three scientific studies were released on preprint servers (meaning they haven’t yet been peer-reviewed)…
Schneider Shorts 4.03.2022 - my Macchiarini reporting passed peer review, scientists in Fascist Russia sanctioned by German…
It was January, 2020, the very beginning of COVID, when news articles began appearing that connected the genetics of the virus…
The genome of Omicron has taken the community of public health scientists by surprise. Not only are there a large number of…
The logic of money contradicts the logic of species conservation and human health. As illegal trade has driven pangolins to…
Schneider Shorts 24.12.2021 - Join our founder and CEO for a Yuletide party with chocolate, coffee, rotten cassava, autistic…
Posted in: fr.hypotheses.orgpar Bruno Théret Contribution au séminaire international, « Sociopolitical coalitions and th..
Based on experience with SARS-1 in 2003 and MERS in 2012, we know that many people are infected by a host animal long before a…
We are approaching two years into this pandemic and we still haven’t proved the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. However, this…
Back in March, the World Health Organisation’s report on the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic coronavirus confirmed something…
by Jonathan Latham, PhD and Allison Wilson, PhD Back in March, the World Health Organisation’s report on the origin of the COVID…
The United States and China could work together in sharing biosecurity-related samples, genetic materials and data, developing…
After the lab-leak theory, US-Chinese relations head downhillBy Yanzhong Huang | July 16, 2021The combative Chinese Ministry…
Schneider Shorts 15.07.2021: TCM robots and Russian lasers in space, Swedish whistleblowers at the EU Court of Justice…
Amid the heavily politicised debate, a lot of evidence now points to a natural spillover event – but other causes cannot be…
by Maureen Miller (Columbia University) As more and more people around the world are getting vaccinated, one can almost hear…
In early 2020, Kristian Andersen wrote to Anthony Fauci about the possibility of an engineered coronavirus. His research has…
The “lab leak” hypothesis about the origin of Covid-19 has been getting a lot of attention lately, and deservedly so. This is…
A lab leak theory of the COVID-19 origins has enough circumstantial evidence and historical basis to support the urgent need…
The debate over the origins of covid-19 is reaching a fever pitch. On Monday, the Wall Street Journal published an article…
Schneider Shorts 4.06.2021: Israeli Scientists jokes, the business model of Nature Medicine, Retraction Watch exposing a…
Separating the conspiracy theory from the science.
Author: Maureen Miller, Adjunct Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Columbia…
By Nicholas Wade Source Link Members of the World Health Organization (WHO) team investigating the origins of the COVID-19…
The next pandemic threat is likely already making its way through the population right now.
Since early in the pandemic, scientists have overwhelmingly concluded that the evidence makes a natural origin for SARS-CoV-2…
Both sides in the ‘natural versus manmade’ debate remain deadlocked as the search for the source of Sars-CoV-2 goes onJoe Biden…
Wo Harald Lesch 12 mal irrte. Kennen Sie vernetzte Netze? Dann lernen Sie sie jetzt kennen. Es ist nämliche eine Formulierung…
Qué pasa, ¿qué ahora todos se han vuelto negacionistas y conspiranoicos? El pasado 14 de mayo, un grupo de científicos de…
Wo Harald Lesch 12 mal irrte. Kennen Sie vernetzte Netze? Dann lernen Sie sie jetzt kennen. Es ist nämliche eine Formulierung…
Many scientists welcomed President Biden’s call for a more rigorous investigation of a virus lab in Wuhan, China, though they…
Many scientists welcomed President Biden’s call for a more rigorous investigation of a virus lab in Wuhan, China, though they…
Facts, not conspiracies.
TARA KARTHA Source LinkIt’s been nearly eighteen months since the coronavirus brought the world on its knees, with India in the…
BY FRED GUTERL Source LinkSenator Rand Paul went on the attack in the Senate chambers earlier this week over the origins of the…
Reposted from Dr. Judith Curry’s Climate Etc. Posted on May 23, 2021 by curryja by Judith…
Reposted from Dr. Judith Curry’s Climate Etc. Posted on May 23, 2021 by curryja by Judith Curry The concerning saga of the…
by Judith…
by Judith…
By Nicholas Wade Source Link The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives the world over for more than a year. Its death toll will…
by Judith…
By Nicholas Wade Source LinkThe COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives the world over for more than a year. Its death toll will…
"La presencia de grandes reservorios de virus similares al SARS-CoV-1 en murciélagos de herradura, junto con la cultura del sur…
In books and movies it is often a good plot point for a disease (or monster) to escape, accidentally or with assistance, from a…
Scientists are urging their colleagues to dig deeper into the origins of the coronavirus behind the pandemic, including the…
This essay is inspired by Dr Mercola’s announcement last week that (reading between the lines) his life and his family’s have…
This essay is inspired by Dr Mercola’s announcement last week that (reading between the lines) his life and his family’s have…
Maybe you shouldn’t blindly believe everything you read? Even if the source has a pretty solid reputation?Naturemagazine has…
“Virus outbreak: research says COVID-19 likely synthetic,” shouted the headline in the Taipei Times on February 23, 2020. The…
The group, Drastic, has investigated, corrected, uncovered and agitated in a quest to reveal the starting point of the pandemic.
The joint WHO-China investigation report concludes that a lab origin for COVID-19 is "extremely unlikely" but doubts remain.
A tangle of conspiracy and politicking has complicated the investigation into the pandemic's origin.
As a World Health Organization and Chinese study into the origins of the pandemic gives no conclusive answers, the…
Theory or conspiracy theory? It's important to separate facts from fiction.
A year ago, the Director General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, delivered the message that would…
by Jonathan Latham, PhD and Allison Wilson, PhD In China there is a popular joke about the southern city of Guangzhou (Canton).
If you were suspicious of China before, you probably still are.
Enlarge / Peter Ben Embarek (R) talks with Liang Wannian (L) during a press conference following a visit by the international…
Enlarge / Health workers in personal protection suits stand next to buses at a cordoned-off section of the international…
La teoria complottista del coronavirus "fuggito" da un laboratorio di Wuhan si è diffusa sin dall'inizio della pandemia, e…
In a year-end video message laden with conspiracy theories, Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer to President Donald Trump, said 2020 (the…
by Tyler Durden Monday, Jan 04, 2021 The most ‘credible’ theory about the origin of COVID-19 is that it escaped from a Chinese…
The COVID-19 pandemic has been and may continue to be a global tragedy, but there are lessons we can learn from it …
When Chinese scientists alerted colleagues to a new virus last December, suspicion fell on a Wuhan market. What have health…