The genetic quest to understand COVID-19
How the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 made the leap from animals to humans is a puzzle that scientists are trying to…
How the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 made the leap from animals to humans is a puzzle that scientists are trying to…
Four months into the worldwide outbreak of the novel coronavirus, its origin still remains unknown, fueling speculation and…
When asked if COVID-19 could have been a biological weapon, one Israeli expert told me, ‘Do you really think that someone would…
Il nostro cervello adora credere all’impossibile. E le teorie del complotto sono le storie meravigliose con cui il fantastico…
Next week, blood banks across the Netherlands are set to begin a nationwide experiment.
Si cita Icaro e il suo mito, ma in realt il tema il coronavirus. Che non uno, ma una famiglia: Leonardo, la trasmissione…
Researchers from across the University are rallying to support global efforts to combat the coronavirus outbreak.
Politik und Öffentlichkeit haben derzeit vor allem eine Aufgabe: die Coronavirus-Epidemie einzudämmen.
Гены SARS-CoV-2 доказывают его природное происхождение. Один из мифов, связанных с новым коронавирусом – это его якобы искусствен…!/cpImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/coronavirus-outbreak.jpg One of the…
New research shows SARS CoV-2 bears no signs of having been artificially manipulated One of the most persistent and widespread…
DOK se svijet bori s vjerojatno najgorom pandemijom u posljednjih stotinu godina, lako je povjerovati da je u toj borbi…
[Editor’s note: Look for this feature twice a week in The Tyee. Today is the first instalment, and marks a new partnership with…
Genomic research showing that the COVID-19 coronavirus likely originated in bats has produced heavy media coverage and…
Despite strong rebukes from the WHO, President Trump and his Administration officials have made an emphatic point of calling…
Genomic research showing that the COVID-19 coronavirus likely originated in bats has produced heavy media coverage and…
Quando a epidemia de covid-19 começou a avançar pelo mundo, surgiu uma grande controvérsia sobre a origem do vírus SARS CoV-2…
Nieuws Het is zeer onwaarschijnlijk dat het virus SARS-CoV-2 door mensen in een laboratorium is gemaakt, omdat een specifiek…
Einfach falsch: Wurde Corona von Menschen gezüchtet? Forscher widerlegen Verschwörungstheorien Wie ist Coronavirus entstanden?
Ситуацию со слухами о коронавирусе уже называет « инфодемией » даже на сайте Всемирной организации здравоохранения — то есть там…
– By Peter Alagona, Associate Professor of History, Geography and Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa…
With new information about the novel coronavirus seemingly arriving every hour on the hour, it’s perfectly understandable to…
Genomic research showing that the COVID-19 coronavirus likely originated in bats has produced heavy media coverage and…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Peter Alagona…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Peter Alagona…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Peter Alagona…
Peter Alagona, University of California, Santa Barbara (The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Peter Alagona…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Peter Alagona…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Peter Alagona…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Peter Alagona…
( is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.), (THE CONVERSATION) Genomic…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Peter Alagona…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Peter Alagona…
Genomic research showing that the COVID-19 coronavirus likely originated in bats has produced heavy media coverage and…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Peter Alagona…
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Peter Alagona…
Genomic research showing that the COVID-19 coronavirus likely originated in bats has produced heavy media coverage and…
Muchas especulaciones se han dado sobre el mismo. Finalmente, la ciencia nos explica qué pasó.
Volunteer workers of Search and Rescue (SAR) with special equipment, disinfect a volunteer while disinfecting police car at…
China’s attempts to dissociate itself from the origins of the coronavirus outbreak got an apparent boost thanks to an interview…
Combatting the conspiracy theories and misinformation making the rounds, new research has proved that the novel coronavirus SARS…
China’s attempts to dissociate itself from the origins of the coronavirus outbreak got an apparent boost thanks to an interview…
Nearly $1M in funding for Western to start work on COVID-19 vaccine The researchers said that even though the virus can live up…
Actor Idris Elba was recently diagnosed with coronavirus — and later found out his wife also tested positive for it.
New advances in coronavirus understanding New research has put paid to some of the conspiracy theories surrounding coronavirus.
Seit Ausbruch des Coronavirus jagt eine Verschwörungstheorie die nächste: Das Virus sei aus einem Labor zur Entwicklung…
Immer wieder versuchen Verschwörungstheoretiker vor allem im Internet falsche Spuren zu legen.
Immer wieder versuchen Verschwörungstheoretiker vor allem im Internet falsche Spuren zu legen.
Immer wieder versuchen Verschwörungstheoretiker vor allem im Internet falsche Spuren zu legen.
Immer wieder versuchen Verschwörungstheoretiker vor allem im Internet falsche Spuren zu legen.
The virus that causes Covid-19, shows zero evidence of being artificially engineered, according to a team of experts.
Anyone can publish on Medium per our Policies, but we don’t fact-check every story.
Ob es ein Akt der Verzweiflung ist, Ausdruck unerschütterlicher Naivität oder schier Hilflosigkeit, will man lieber gar nicht…
O novo coronavírus foi produzido por cientistas em laboratório ou será que veio do espaço? Saiba tudo sobre as teorias da…
D esde cobras a morcegos foram vários os animais que integraram a lista de possíveis fontes de origem do vírus Sars-CoV-2, que…
Time to take those conspiracy theories and put them into a box labeled ‘fake moon landings’.
حق نشر عکس YJC امیر حبیبالله سیاری، معاون هماهنگکننده ارتش ایران گفته است که بدنبال "فرمان" آیت الله خامنه ای، رهبر ایران از سو…
useppe Remuzzi)的意大利医学家的观点。在接受美国媒体NPR专访时他指出,意大利可能早在去年11月和12月就已出现高度疑似新冠肺炎症状的不明原因肺炎。这再度引发了关于新冠肺炎最早起源地的讨论。 在NPR刊发的上述采访中,雷穆齐提到“听到了来自医师…
Fra avanserte laboratorier verden over og noen trange hjemmekontor i Oslo, ledes nå en av våre aller viktigste kamper.
+ Mais de 254 mil pessoas foram infectadas pelo vírus ao redor do mundo (Foto: Wikimedia Commons) Mais de 254 mil pessoas foram…, Jakarta - Ketika Virus Corona Baru (SARS-CoV-2) yang menyebabkan penyakit COVID-19 menyebar ke seluruh dunia…
Electron microscopy photo of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Scripps Research’s analysis of public genome sequence data from SARS-CoV-2…
Quiero empezar por lo importante: Un fuerte y virtual aplauso a médicos/as, enfermeros/as, personal sanitario, en general…
Para poder determinar de dónde vino el virus y cómo infectó a los humanos, un grupo de investigadores analizó las secuencias gené…
US-Forscher haben das neue Coronavirus daraufhin untersucht, ob es von Menschen hergestellt worden sein könnte.
Via, Maybe you shouldn’t blindly believe everything you read? Even if the source has a pretty solid…
(Westend61/Superinteressante) A Covid-19 está assombrando os brasileiros. Diariamente, a população é bombardeada por notícias…
US-Forscher haben das neue Coronavirus daraufhin untersucht, ob es von Menschen hergestellt worden sein könnte.
Разбираем версии происхождения нового коронавируса, существующие на данный момент.
(Photo : pixabay / _freakwave_) Leading researchers from the UK have recently debunked rumorsthat the new coronavirus was made…
Los científicos ya han comprobado que se originó por procesos naturales y probablemente se transmitió a las personas desde los…
On January 30, Arkansas senator Tom Cotton tweeted that although he didn’t know where the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2…
El 2019-nCoV se denominó coronavirus 2 hasta el 11 de febrero de 2020 y es el responsable del síndrome respiratorio SARS-CoV-2…
Cuando el pasado 31 de diciembre se hicieron públicos los primeros casos de una extraña neumonía en Wuhan (China), la comunidad…
Scientists have rubbished claims that the coronavirus is an artificially-created bioweapon cooked up in a shadowy laboratory.
New research finds that SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19, is the result of the natural process of evolution…
匯流新聞網記者王佐銘/綜合報導 由於新冠肺炎疫情在全球肆虐,確診感染的人數越來越多,讓許多人開始對於病毒的起源抱著懷疑的態度,特別是其病理特徵與愛滋病相似,使得不少人認為新冠病毒有人造的可能。對於這個問題,美、澳、蘇格蘭研究人員就針對新冠病毒進行基因定序數據…
Las teorías de la conspiración sobre el nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, atribuyendo su origen a algún laboratorio secreto, no…
Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) -- As COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, killing more…
BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) -- As COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, killing more people, questions about the origin…
Ophef Iedere week bespreekt de redactie wetenschap hier ophef in de wetenschap.
Latest MedicineNet News THURSDAY, March 19, 2020 -- Despite internet rumors to the contrary, the new coronavirus arose from…
Scientists have rubbished claims that the coronavirus is an artificially-created bioweapon cooked up in a shadowy laboratory.
Scientists have rubbished claims that the coronavirus is an artificially-created bioweapon cooked up in a shadowy laboratory.
Scientists have rubbished claims that the coronavirus is an artificially-created bioweapon cooked up in a shadowy laboratory.