RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @ichiipsy: イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593,…
RT @3ree6ixty: This is so wild! The evolution of technology in next 10-20 years is going to be incomprehensible
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
Nature High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting https://t.co/zAFzqWr00I
RT @ichiipsy: イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593,…
RT @ichiipsy: イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593,…
RT @ichiipsy: イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593,…
RT @DavidCRowland: This study is amazing. It's remarkable how far this field has come since I started doing neuroscience https://t.co/B0xu5…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @smfleming: Wow- “these typing speeds exceed those reported for any other BCI, and are comparable to typical smartphone typing speeds” h…
RT @ichiipsy: イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593,…
I wonder when we'll be able to add things like this to DBS? If going through an incredibly invasive brain procedure might as well tack on as many cool features and party tricks as we can.
RT @ichiipsy: イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593,…
RT @3ree6ixty: This is so wild! The evolution of technology in next 10-20 years is going to be incomprehensible
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @ichiipsy: イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593,…
RT @ichiipsy: イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593,…
RT @gp_pulipaka: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT…
RT @gp_pulipaka: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT…
RT @gp_pulipaka: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT…
RT @gp_pulipaka: High-Performance Brain-to-Text Comms via Imagined Handwriting. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT…
RT @Arturo_P: Oye estó está genial: Usan un implante intra cortical, para grabar la actividad cerebral de la idea de escribir. Después con…
RT @ichiipsy: イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593,…
RT @ichiipsy: イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593,…
RT @ichiipsy: イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593,…
RT @3ree6ixty: This is so wild! The evolution of technology in next 10-20 years is going to be incomprehensible
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @ichiipsy: イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593,…
Truly amazing technology. Maybe this is how to improve the Epic interface for doctors.
ついにここまで来たか これができれば合成音声の発声も可能だろう
RT @Oilfield_Rando: *adds another layer of tin foil to hat*
RT @NatureJapan: 神経科学:手書きしている時の脳活動を文章に変換する | Nature https://t.co/C8DW91wYil #神経科学 #脳
イメージするだけで、文字を手書きできる技術が開発された。さらにそれらの情報をAIに学習させることで、手書きを書くように素早く文章を打ち込むことが可能となったようだ。障害のある人でも、迅速な意思疎通が行えるようになりそうだ。 Nature 593, 249–254 (2021). https://t.co/uqRHFE6C4R https://t.co/XsW7fkgnTa
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @megan_arnold23: Stunning work. https://t.co/ARfvPKWv4q
RT @shenoystanford: Paper of potential interest... https://t.co/Uf14tQWVG6
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting > “With this BCI, our study participant, whose hand was paralysed from spinal cord injury, achieved typing speeds of 90 characters per minute with 94.1% raw accuracy” https://t.co/iQqqX3zBNW
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @ROBERTO_COLOM: “the feasibility of accurately decoding rapid, dexterous movements years after paralysis.” https://t.co/TtoS16Wk1A
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @alcinojsilva: Intracortical brain–computer interface that decodes neural activity in the motor cortex and translates it to text in real…
RT @EricTopol: Brain -> text. Remarkable. #AI https://t.co/3waTfxaZCA @nature https://t.co/Ir02rnRsgF
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
That's so f**king cool
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @3ree6ixty: This is so wild! The evolution of technology in next 10-20 years is going to be incomprehensible
RT @shenoystanford: Paper of potential interest...
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
High-performance brain-to-text communication via handwriting | Nature https://t.co/HiWShhSZVb
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @_daichikonno: 昨日発表されたこちらの論文です。 https://t.co/vg72Ghkf4u
昨日発表されたこちらの論文です。 https://t.co/vg72Ghkf4u
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
“the feasibility of accurately decoding rapid, dexterous movements years after paralysis.”
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @EricTopol: Brain -> text. Remarkable. #AI https://t.co/3waTfxaZCA @nature https://t.co/Ir02rnRsgF
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
Això sí que són tecnologies lingüístiques! 🤩 https://t.co/7zwHoBOLEt
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @EricTopol: Brain -> text. Remarkable. #AI https://t.co/3waTfxaZCA @nature https://t.co/Ir02rnRsgF
RT @alcinojsilva: Intracortical brain–computer interface that decodes neural activity in the motor cortex and translates it to text in real…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…
RT @SteveStuWill: Amazing: Scientists create a brain-computer interface that allows a paralyzed man to type by imagining writing with a pen…
RT @WillettNeuro: Our new study is out today in Nature! We demonstrate a brain-computer interface that can turn thoughts about handwriting…