RT @bpreneel1: Tendentieuze headline: 1) grondige UK studie gepubliceerd in Nature bewijst wel degelijk nut 2) app werkt op vergelijkbare m…
RT @bpreneel1: Tendentieuze headline: 1) grondige UK studie gepubliceerd in Nature bewijst wel degelijk nut 2) app werkt op vergelijkbare m…
RT @kshameer: A critical metric to asses future investments in #digitalhealth should be the impact of adoption beyond clinical/technology c…
Tendentieuze headline: 1) grondige UK studie gepubliceerd in Nature bewijst wel degelijk nut 2) app werkt op vergelijkbare manier in andere landen 3) er zijn wel degelijk quantitatieve gegevens over hoeveel mensen andere verwittigen. https://t.co/aPjiQc1E
A critical metric to asses future investments in #digitalhealth should be the impact of adoption beyond clinical/technology champions. Accessibility and training could improve the priority. Need to focus on end-to-end change management. #DigitalTransfor
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
@Schellevis Snap jij waarom spectaculaire vinding in artikel topwetenschappelijk tijdschrift Nature vorige wk. dat KWART besmettingen Engeland & Wales voorkomen is door NHS COVID-19 app (Britse zus CoronaMelder) https://t.co/DXet0oyjqU nieuws niet haal
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @Hiroshi_Tsuji: 今朝のNEJM誌からも接触者確認即時通知アプリの論説。課題は残るが、効果示すエビデンス出つつあり、次のパンデミックで効果出せそうと。 どの国も十分に普及しなかった。課題はスマホへのアクセス、デジタルリテラシー、言語、移民、公平、信頼、プラ…
@bluebirdlegend The app has prevented at least 280,000 new cases, so far. https://t.co/8k63JF96WP
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @AdrianaBarton: Contact-tracing apps work, University of Oxford study concludes. From Sep-Dec, NHS COVID-19 app was used by 28% of peopl…
RT @AdrianaBarton: Contact-tracing apps work, University of Oxford study concludes. From Sep-Dec, NHS COVID-19 app was used by 28% of peopl…
RT @ChrisWymant: Gratifying NEJM coverage. NB we provided one peer-reviewed study of the English & Welsh app. Apps, the Test & Trace system…
RT @Hiroshi_Tsuji: 英国で日本のCOCOAと同様の接触者確認即時通知アプリが効果あったとNature誌から。 英国はNHSアプリ(10-12月、英国民28%、約1650万人)使用で30~60万人の新規感染回避したと推定。ユーザー数が1%増えるごとに、感染者0…
@killedbyproxy Apropå smittspårningsapp. I förra veckan publicerades en artikel i Nature som visar att effekten var häpnadsväckande hög i UK. För varje % av bef som använder app så minskar smittspridning med mellan 0,8% och 2,3%
RT @djackson261: Any proof that natural immunity would have worked quicker than lockdowns or vaccine..?? https://t.co/cejRz25TKm
Any proof that natural immunity would have worked quicker than lockdowns or vaccine..??
RT @Hiroshi_Tsuji: 今朝のNEJM誌からも接触者確認即時通知アプリの論説。課題は残るが、効果示すエビデンス出つつあり、次のパンデミックで効果出せそうと。 どの国も十分に普及しなかった。課題はスマホへのアクセス、デジタルリテラシー、言語、移民、公平、信頼、プラ…
RT @Hiroshi_Tsuji: 英国で日本のCOCOAと同様の接触者確認即時通知アプリが効果あったとNature誌から。 英国はNHSアプリ(10-12月、英国民28%、約1650万人)使用で30~60万人の新規感染回避したと推定。ユーザー数が1%増えるごとに、感染者0…
RT @Hiroshi_Tsuji: 英国で日本のCOCOAと同様の接触者確認即時通知アプリが効果あったとNature誌から。 英国はNHSアプリ(10-12月、英国民28%、約1650万人)使用で30~60万人の新規感染回避したと推定。ユーザー数が1%増えるごとに、感染者0…
RT @Hiroshi_Tsuji: 今朝のNEJM誌からも接触者確認即時通知アプリの論説。課題は残るが、効果示すエビデンス出つつあり、次のパンデミックで効果出せそうと。 どの国も十分に普及しなかった。課題はスマホへのアクセス、デジタルリテラシー、言語、移民、公平、信頼、プラ…
今朝のNEJM誌からも接触者確認即時通知アプリの論説。課題は残るが、効果示すエビデンス出つつあり、次のパンデミックで効果出せそうと。 どの国も十分に普及しなかった。課題はスマホへのアクセス、デジタルリテラシー、言語、移民、公平、信頼、プライバシー。これら克服して次回に期待という内容。
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
Gratifying NEJM coverage. NB we provided one peer-reviewed study of the English & Welsh app. Apps, the Test & Trace system they are embedded in, and behaviour/response will vary internationally. More studies are needed. Our previous comments on thi
When will we admit that "apps don't work for contact tracing" was just European technophobia at its peak? https://t.co/VQC38OeJah
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
Use of the NHS Covid app by 19M Brits prevented more than 280,000 cases. Well done to all those who are using it.
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
Y aquí en gran @YoryoBass lo cuenta en español y con mucho detalle.
@josedaze Aquí lo comenté con algo de detalle https://t.co/bcDusUBprt
RT @AdrianaBarton: Contact-tracing apps work, University of Oxford study concludes. From Sep-Dec, NHS COVID-19 app was used by 28% of peopl…
RT @AdrianaBarton: Contact-tracing apps work, University of Oxford study concludes. From Sep-Dec, NHS COVID-19 app was used by 28% of peopl…
RT @DiseaseEcology: Very nice paper assessing impact of digital contact tracing in UK. I wish US had invested more energy in this strategy.…
RT @DiseaseEcology: Very nice paper assessing impact of digital contact tracing in UK. I wish US had invested more energy in this strategy.…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @AdrianaBarton: Contact-tracing apps work, University of Oxford study concludes. From Sep-Dec, NHS COVID-19 app was used by 28% of peopl…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @genomeorganizer: The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App https://t.co/WyphLgA3XY #covid19 #science
The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App https://t.co/WyphLgA3XY #covid19 #science
NHS COVID-19アプリの公衆衛生的介入による疫学的なインパクトについて. アプリの利用者が1%増加する毎に、モデルでは0.8%、統計分析では2.3%の症例数が減少すると推定している. 日本での分析結果はどうなるのか?
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @Jennife11432669: @JustinTrudeau many many many months later @jjhorgan is still withholding our protection with the covid alert app. htt…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @InspiredAquaCA: Studies prove digital contact tracing reduces cases. Meanwhile @DrBonnieHenry @adriandix & @jjhorgan refuse to allow t…
RT @Jennife11432669: @JustinTrudeau many many many months later @jjhorgan is still withholding our protection with the covid alert app. htt…
@JustinTrudeau many many many months later @jjhorgan is still withholding our protection with the covid alert app.
Studies prove digital contact tracing reduces cases. Meanwhile @DrBonnieHenry @adriandix & @jjhorgan refuse to allow the Covid alert app. #bcpoli #covid19bc #COVID19Canada #RedFlagCovidBC #NewDeathParty
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
2/2 https://t.co/gxQnUlcO5M 感染者と接触したとアプリで通知 ⇒ 検査で陽性を「SAR」と定義、SARは6%で、人力で濃厚接触者と追跡する方法と同程度と推定 接触者への通知に同意したケース1件につき1件のケースが感染を回避、アプリの利用者が1%増える度に、0.8%か2.3%のSARが減少すると推定
1/2 NHSのCOVID-19アプリの疫学的インパクト /Nature https://t.co/gxQnUkVdee イギリスで展開されているCOVID-19アプリ(日本のCOCOAみたいなもの)のデータを解析、アプリでどのくらい感染を回避できたかの効果を推定した報告
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
“Roughly one case [of COVID] was averted for each case consenting to notification of their contacts” That implies knocking R₀ from 2½ to 1½, or, in combo with other NPIs, from 1½ down to ½, amirite? https://t.co/zT4vtil1aL
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
Cc @ErnesBustamante @omneco
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
The 1:1 ratio discovered for each positive notifying contacts would suggest the Ireland app prevented about 25,000 cases or about an additional 10%
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…
RT @EricTopol: Digital contact tracing is now fully validated for preventing covid and deaths, but has not gotten adequate priority/use in…