T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last year, 6% of contacts became cases https://t.co/sS0zJp76qN) What is cost-effectiveness for cases prevented? Overlap between people
Os benefícios do app são inquestionáveis. A estimativa de um estudo (já revisado) publicado na Revista Nature é de que cerca de 600 mil contaminações e 8 mil mortes foram evitadas só no fim do ano passado, no Reino Unido: https://t.co/7OZT4L8g6A
Os benefícios são inquestionáveis. A estimativa de um estudo (já revisado) publicado na Revista Nature é de que cerca de 600 mil contaminações e 8 mil mortes foram evitadas só no fim do ano passado, no Reino Unido: https://t.co/rWQJ27n7dc
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @wabzqem: @NewtonMark @HHackenbecker It has worked: https://t.co/9uPJs2E5i0
@NewtonMark @HHackenbecker It has worked:
RT @s8mb: Very cool – the NHS Covid app may have prevented 284,000–594,000 cases, meaning 4,200–8,700 fewer deaths. A lot of people confid…
The app's secondary attack rate in the past was 6%, an underestimate due to testing only following symptoms. https://t.co/a8M3GErEus Call that 10% for the unvaccinated now, especially given Delta. If vaccination provides 80% protection, that becomes 2%. 3/
@DaveMilbo See https://t.co/WWV5NBcKzD (UK NHS) and https://t.co/3wsgxE017U (USA, WA)
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
@russss Seems like the tracing app has cost £35m which other research has shown probably saved 4200-8700 lives - approximately £4-8k per life saved. Seems a pretty good return on the investment. https://t.co/Ptye7ChxdD
This approach has been validated. If you are 'pinged' as recommended to isolate, this is similar risk to being manually contact traced as a 'close non-household contact'. https://t.co/aR5UpbI5dm 6/
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @YUDU: Did the NHS COVID-19 contract tracing app reduce the spread of the virus? Nature research take a look in their recent study - ht…
Did the NHS COVID-19 contract tracing app reduce the spread of the virus? Nature research take a look in their recent study - https://t.co/MoX8tDAiEr https://t.co/0IKB65wyYc
RT @YoryoBass: También hemos analizado un montón de artículos, problemas y noticias relacionadas con el tema, para aportar algo de luz. Os…
RT @JoannaMasel: We know it reduced the size of the second wave by a quarter in the UK, and how it could be improved to do even better. htt…
We know it reduced the size of the second wave by a quarter in the UK, and how it could be improved to do even better. https://t.co/84uyILLznC But is such success achievable elsewhere? 2/5
RT @LazzariAmbrogio: Il problema è che da noi è mancata una comunicazione seria e pacata, di quali fossero i rischi reali in ogni fase dell…
RT @LazzariAmbrogio: Il problema è che da noi è mancata una comunicazione seria e pacata, di quali fossero i rischi reali in ogni fase dell…
RT @gianlucac1: migliaia di ospedalizzati, per quanto sia piccolo il tasso di ospedalizzazione e decessi magari la smetterei di fare pol…
RT @gianlucac1: migliaia di ospedalizzati, per quanto sia piccolo il tasso di ospedalizzazione e decessi magari la smetterei di fare pol…
Il problema è che da noi è mancata una comunicazione seria e pacata, di quali fossero i rischi reali in ogni fase della pandemia, compreso questa. Ci deve informare Twitter grazie a chi guarda i dati e sa fare due conti semplici semplici
RT @gianlucac1: @Di_SPACE_Lauro @lucacozzuto @ProcessNamed @paridefidelibus "Ci vorrebbero modelli"??? ci sono basta leggerli. Ma che caz…
RT @gianlucac1: migliaia di ospedalizzati, per quanto sia piccolo il tasso di ospedalizzazione e decessi magari la smetterei di fare pol…
migliaia di ospedalizzati, per quanto sia piccolo il tasso di ospedalizzazione e decessi magari la smetterei di fare politica perche questa e' politica. dato che sono affermazioni non sostanziate da nessun numero se non basta: c'e' questo https://t.c
@Di_SPACE_Lauro @lucacozzuto @ProcessNamed @paridefidelibus "Ci vorrebbero modelli"??? ci sono basta leggerli. Ma che cazzo e' uno scherzo? siccome non so un cazzo non esiste? toh https://t.co/p3Npp7UJeQ
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @DanKaszeta: The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 app. In @Nature this week. https://t.co/7qHwBo9xhB
The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 app. In @Nature this week. https://t.co/7qHwBo9xhB
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
@grahamgreenleaf @Katharine_Kemp haven’t seen an official evaluation of the venue checker yet, which has gone rapidly up in use beyond 300 despite only limited cases now (see graph). there is however an official evaluation of England/Wales decentralised bl
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @gianlucac1: qui un 3d di Fraser su TTT in full wave in team con luca. https://t.co/tDzNvlxkqC quando vedo scrivere cose sull'inutili…
Aquí el artículo https://t.co/jTXL3reoD8
¿Alguien se acuerda de las expectativas de la aplicación RadarCovid en España?¿Alguien tiene datos sobre nuestra app RadarCovid? Aquí un hilo de reciente publicación en UK y Gales sobre app y su validez en el SistNacSalud de Octubre a Diciembre de 2020👇👇👇👇
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @gianlucac1: qui un 3d di Fraser su TTT in full wave in team con luca. https://t.co/tDzNvlxkqC quando vedo scrivere cose sull'inutili…
RT @gianlucac1: qui un 3d di Fraser su TTT in full wave in team con luca. https://t.co/tDzNvlxkqC quando vedo scrivere cose sull'inutili…
RT @gianlucac1: qui un 3d di Fraser su TTT in full wave in team con luca. https://t.co/tDzNvlxkqC quando vedo scrivere cose sull'inutili…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @gianlucac1: qui un 3d di Fraser su TTT in full wave in team con luca. https://t.co/tDzNvlxkqC quando vedo scrivere cose sull'inutili…
qui un 3d di Fraser su TTT in full wave in team con luca. https://t.co/tDzNvlxkqC quando vedo scrivere cose sull'inutilita del TTT...allibisco e' un po come dire che in Cina non c'e' il riso 4/4 @ThManfredi @CrossWordsCW @AurelianoStingi @Doom3Gloom @
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
著者のtwitter説明によれば、このアプリで数十万人の #COVID19 感染発生を防ぐことができたとのこと。 https://t.co/PZNx8c3nHh
英国国民保健サービス(NHS)のCOVID-19アプリのイングランドとウェールズでの効果 コロナウイルス:NHSのCOVID-19アプリの疫学的効果 2021年6月17日 Nature https://t.co/5cESMLoXab
Switch on the NHS app and get vaccinated. https://t.co/57epHWzVlJ
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @profgeraintrees: The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 app https://t.co/3lqK86qFfX
The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 app https://t.co/3lqK86qFfX
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
ℹ️ 🇬🇧 📱
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @C_Althaus: Impressive numbers about the effect of the @coronawarnapp in Germany. Together with our early study on the effectiveness of…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
Ya podemos calcular cuántas vidas se podrían haber salvado en Argentina con una app y un sistema de salud pública compacto. #COVID19 https://t.co/UW40aaeKXT
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
Y para los que claman por un informe de resultados acerca del rastreo digital, aquí lo tienen. Publicado el 12 de Mayo de 2021. https://t.co/xxwRPxjzTa
NHSのCOVID-19アプリの疫学的効果 | Nature https://t.co/9AKroVQjzH (総人口の28%)がこのアプリを日常的に使用しており、約170万件(…初発症例当たり4.2件)の曝露通知が送信” “利用率が1ポイント増加するごとに、症例数は0.8%(モデル化…)あるいは2.3%(統計学的解析…)減少する可能性”
RT @C_Althaus: Impressive numbers about the effect of the @coronawarnapp in Germany. Together with our early study on the effectiveness of…
Das würde ich auch einmal erwarten beim Bag, dass man erwähnt, dass auch im Sommer die App Sinn macht!
RT @C_Althaus: Impressive numbers about the effect of the @coronawarnapp in Germany. Together with our early study on the effectiveness of…
RT @C_Althaus: Impressive numbers about the effect of the @coronawarnapp in Germany. Together with our early study on the effectiveness of…
I was a fervent supporter of the warning apps. Unfortunately @SwissCovid could not live up to expectations because of lack of compliance by some cantonal health authorities
@discutiamo @beard_333 @stefanoepifani Posto che non ho alcun dovere di educarla, qui trova i risultati della app inglese (stesse normative, stessa tecnologia): https://t.co/3w06cx3bQv Qui la app Svizzera (indovini?): https://t.co/UN85Q50FP7 Qui legge de
@davidmanheim @sebastian_oehm @albrgr @michaelmina_lab English app seems to be working quite well (SAR comparable to manual contact tracing). Do you know what's different? https://t.co/DX34qDc2yp
@lehr_thorsten @marcelsalathe Hier gibt es übrigens eine Studie (peer-reviewed, in Nature erschienen), in der die Wirksamkeit einer vergleichbaren App zur #CoronaWarnApp eindrücklich belegt wird - gut zusammengefasst von Mitautor @ChristoPhraser:
@OMajanen @STM_Uutiset @THLorg Lähteet: Koronavilkkutilasto: https://t.co/y17QDqlMsc Tutkimus: https://t.co/TT4il7JoKs
RT @YUDU: Did the NHS COVID-19 contract tracing app reduce the spread of the virus? Nature research take a look in their recent study - ht…
Did the NHS COVID-19 contract tracing app reduce the spread of the virus? Nature research take a look in their recent study - https://t.co/PS9c9hhwTb https://t.co/B7JV74mJWa
@s_golightley It did though. "We estimated that for every percentage point increase in app users, the number of cases can be reduced by 0.8% (modelling) or 2.3% (statistical analysis)." https://t.co/9jjSqFUlsj
#ContactTracingApp curbed the spread of #COVID in England & Wales! Nature Article 1: https://t.co/M1G4lkbwQt Nature Article 2: https://t.co/aZZUWllWke #COVID19 #Tech #ContactTracing #Apps #App #PublicHealth #MedTech #HealthTech #Data #BigData #DataSc
Contact-tracing app curbed the spread of COVID in England and Wales | Nature https://t.co/Cumcw0OvpN https://t.co/7p9nvG7cCo #COVID19 https://t.co/0p1XxVSVsU
RT @Spaceflightsur1: Medieval pandemic strategies demonstrated low effectiveness, contention of the next pandemic must be digitally based.…
Medieval pandemic strategies demonstrated low effectiveness, contention of the next pandemic must be digitally based. 🦠
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
Britisk studie af NHS’ pendant til Smittestop (der bygger på samme underliggende teknologi fra Apple og Google) viser at appen skulle have forhindret hundredtusindvis af smittetilfælde.
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…