@fabiochiusi L'efficacia del contact tracking è stata valutata e funziona, con una diminuzione misurabile in infezioni. Ecco il paper su Nature: https://t.co/17YhR8eh9w
RT @jim_mussared: The UK has demonstrated that Exposure Notifications saved lives. Similar elsewhere. Australia is in an even better positi…
RT @jim_mussared: The UK has demonstrated that Exposure Notifications saved lives. Similar elsewhere. Australia is in an even better positi…
The UK has demonstrated that Exposure Notifications saved lives. Similar elsewhere. Australia is in an even better position to benefit from an app like this due to the (relatively) low case rate. Even if the benefit is small, _every bit counts_. https://t.
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @andreastirez: Een app die een paar 1000'en doden vermeden heeft in de UK.
RT @bpreneel1: @DOBBELAEREW Zeer overtuigende studie gepubliceerd in prestigieuze Nature: in 3 maanden heeft UK NHS app (iets minder privac…
@LievenDeBruyne @DOBBELAEREW Het risico is dan dat nog minder mensen de app gaan gebruiken omwille van privacy. En de studie over de UK in Nature toont aan ondanks beperkte informatie de app zeer goed kan werken. https://t.co/aPjiQc1EU5
Een app die een paar 1000'en doden vermeden heeft in de UK.
RT @bpreneel1: @DOBBELAEREW Zeer overtuigende studie gepubliceerd in prestigieuze Nature: in 3 maanden heeft UK NHS app (iets minder privac…
RT @bpreneel1: @DOBBELAEREW Zeer overtuigende studie gepubliceerd in prestigieuze Nature: in 3 maanden heeft UK NHS app (iets minder privac…
RT @bpreneel1: @DOBBELAEREW Zeer overtuigende studie gepubliceerd in prestigieuze Nature: in 3 maanden heeft UK NHS app (iets minder privac…
@DOBBELAEREW Zeer overtuigende studie gepubliceerd in prestigieuze Nature: in 3 maanden heeft UK NHS app (iets minder privacy) 200-600K gevallen vermeden en een paar 1000 doden. https://t.co/aPjiQc1EU5 Het staat natuurlijk iedereen vrij wetenschappelijk s
RT @KlaasNelissen: @SiemDeCleyn @drWouterArrazol @TWenseleers @JanDeMaeseneer @JeremieVaneeckh Er is wel beetje data over de winst van de N…
RT @OutbreakJake: @kallmemeg @ScienceShared Here's the original Nature paper that estimated that the App gave an SAR of 6% and that this wa…
@kallmemeg @ScienceShared Here's the original Nature paper that estimated that the App gave an SAR of 6% and that this was similar to manual contact tracing SAR for the period studied (autumn 2020): https://t.co/bEg3NGHRWE
@SiemDeCleyn @drWouterArrazol @TWenseleers @JanDeMaeseneer @JeremieVaneeckh Er is wel beetje data over de winst van de NHS-app, bv in dit Nature artikel: "Approximately one case was averted for each case consenting to notification of their contacts." https
RT @YUDU: Did the NHS COVID-19 contract tracing app reduce the spread of the virus? Nature research take a look in their recent study - ht…
Did the NHS COVID-19 contract tracing app reduce the spread of the virus? Nature research take a look in their recent study - https://t.co/MoX8tDAiEr https://t.co/UniYen5zFh
...there was a paper in Nature which found that it was effective. But this was studying a period that ended in December 2020, so before mass vaccination... https://t.co/ZqMGoHShPi
RT @jim_mussared: @domknight @GladysB @VictorDominello @BradHazzard And it even works too https://t.co/5t2p7UmYdb (and as others have point…
@domknight @GladysB @VictorDominello @BradHazzard And it even works too https://t.co/5t2p7UmYdb (and as others have pointed out, doesn't capture your data and the privacy and functional design has been verified by people who genuinely know what they're tal
RT @GlobalPHObserv: The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 app | Nature https://t.co/wL7Q6JiDPD
RT @GlobalPHObserv: The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 app | Nature https://t.co/wL7Q6JiDPD
RT @GlobalPHObserv: The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 app | Nature https://t.co/wL7Q6JiDPD
@tnewtondunn @TimesRadio was about 6% (This is probably out dated now though, given new variant) https://t.co/ojVkPMYiD4 https://t.co/eVMvyEFkSc
RT @wabzqem: These misunderstandings in the extremely limited (as redacted) technical detail (WHICH REALLY MATTER) cast serious doubts as t…
RT @GlobalPHObserv: The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 app | Nature https://t.co/wL7Q6JiDPD
The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 app | Nature https://t.co/wL7Q6JiDPD
@DonkeyDan8 @LBC Your opinion. My opinion and the opinion of others is that anything that we have that can help to break the chains of infection is a useful tool, together with things like social distancing and mask wearing. https://t.co/TqDeSkqNgM
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ocadni: Digital contact tracing (DCT) has proven effective in mitigating the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In the UK it has been estimated that…
Digital contact tracing (DCT) has proven effective in mitigating the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In the UK it has been estimated that DCT reduced the second wave by 14%-25%. https://t.co/FD2KAhgULt 2/n
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
医学:COVID-19アプリの疫学的効果 ✅英国の国民保険サービス(NHS)の接触追跡アプリによる感染拡大防止効果は約10-90万例(2020年10-12月)であった🇬🇧 ✅公開以降1650万人以上のユーザー(総人口の28%)が利用📱 👉薬剤ではない介入システムとしての効果が裏付けられた #COVID19 https://t.co/KQR963xX0G
RT @hofmann_tech: Benutzt die Corona Warn App! Sie ist sicher, Quelloffen und wirksam! Es tut nicht weh sie zu benutzen, es gibt keine Nach…
Benutzt die Corona Warn App! Sie ist sicher, Quelloffen und wirksam! Es tut nicht weh sie zu benutzen, es gibt keine Nachteile und die Daten bleiben bei euch. Es gibt einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen verhinderten Infektionen und der Nutzung der App.
疫学:イングランドとウェールズでのNHSのCOVID-19アプリの疫学的効果 | Nature | Nature Portfolio: https://t.co/qnKRBrN6fF
RT @wabzqem: These misunderstandings in the extremely limited (as redacted) technical detail (WHICH REALLY MATTER) cast serious doubts as t…
These misunderstandings in the extremely limited (as redacted) technical detail (WHICH REALLY MATTER) cast serious doubts as to the overall correctness of this report. I’d hate to read the whole thing. Compare and contrast with https://t.co/btO1hpSNBV
RT @PandaScottish: oh fuck off no one ever said the NHS T&T app was a "holy grail" it is one tool amongst many OH YES AND THE PINGDEMIC…
oh fuck off no one ever said the NHS T&T app was a "holy grail" it is one tool amongst many OH YES AND THE PINGDEMIC - is the consequence of a PM allowing delta variant into the UK and not caring about letting if FUCKING Rip https://t.co/uWbE04t6c
@Independent oh fuck off no one ever said the NHS T&T app was a "holy grail" it is one tool amongst many https://t.co/uWbE04t6cG
@brexitblog_info "it serves no useful purpose at all" See also: evidence https://t.co/uWbE04t6cG
RT @ruskin147: @johnnyvivas_ @Steven_Swinford The app cost c £35m. It’s always been advisory Telling 500,000 people they may have been ex…
RT @ruskin147: @johnnyvivas_ @Steven_Swinford The app cost c £35m. It’s always been advisory Telling 500,000 people they may have been ex…
This is interesting on the #COVID19UK App as it shows that it has had a real impact. The #BorisJohnson govt now briefing against it is another demonstration they are not following the science.
RT @ruskin147: @johnnyvivas_ @Steven_Swinford The app cost c £35m. It’s always been advisory Telling 500,000 people they may have been ex…
@johnnyvivas_ @Steven_Swinford The app cost c £35m. It’s always been advisory Telling 500,000 people they may have been exposed to Covid-19 could make them more cautious even if they don’t choose to isolate. And here’s the science. https://t.co/puBU11V
RT @JoannaMasel: The app's secondary attack rate in the past was 6%, an underestimate due to testing only following symptoms. https://t.co/…
@stbrorstenberg @JacobGudiol Effekten från den kan också redovisas lineariserad, som de gör i tabell 1, men den ger som man både ser i fig 2b och i tabellen, lägre skattningar än en procentenhet färre fall per procent användare. (Syftar alltså på tabeller
RT @naota344: イギリスの接触トレースアプリの成果検証論文でてるじゃん。 / “The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App | Nature” https://t.co/qmjAaIYMtB
イギリスの接触トレースアプリの成果検証論文でてるじゃん。 / “The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App | Nature” https://t.co/qmjAaIYMtB
@hawktalk_blog ..which make guesstimates as to its #efficacy seem... optimistic at best: https://t.co/Qfb70pfe3r By any metric, app-happy Matt's "Tech Vision unit" @NHSX has come up short. Again. You really do have to wonder what @sajidjavid will make of
@Nickjames40Nick @ianapharri Why? While far from perfect (like standard contact tracing) the evidence is that it is doing its job https://t.co/puBU11VGKU
@RLokomotiv I don't need to be impartial - I'm not offering an opinion. I gave 2 facts that are independently verifiable from multiple sources. The code for this app and its governance process is published for all to see. Here is a peer-reviewed study of
@JimHanner @DavidT_GB @mungetta it's proximity, as measured by both people's phones. It's not perfect, but it has saved lives. https://t.co/FwaoLM0hvW
@Carolin55162028 yeah, Bluetooth is an imperfect tech. But with rising cases, it is important, so please do consider reinstalling it. It has saved lives. https://t.co/FwaoLM0hvW
@krakenind @JolyonMaugham More detailed piece here https://t.co/FwaoLM0hvW
@deb_cohen @Billy_Palmer_ I wrote a thread summarising some of the key results
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
@deb_cohen @Billy_Palmer_ This linked study is not a modelling study, though it includes some modelling. It’s a study of the data on observed app function and observed cases from the first three months of rollout. https://t.co/aR5UpbI5dm
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @WesPegden: @deb_cohen I can explain to you my concern about the effectiveness evaluations of the app (and other similar anonynmized sys…
@deb_cohen I can explain to you my concern about the effectiveness evaluations of the app (and other similar anonynmized systems). The app appears quite effective in analyses like the one below. But a major problem is that b/c of the anonymized setup ...
RT @LucaFerrettiEvo: "Tu vuoi l'impossibile! ... https://t.co/mogFmX2KsP Non posso crederci!" Ecco perché hai fallito.
RT @LucaFerrettiEvo: "Tu vuoi l'impossibile! ... https://t.co/mogFmX2KsP Non posso crederci!" Ecco perché hai fallito.
RT @LucaFerrettiEvo: "Tu vuoi l'impossibile! ... https://t.co/mogFmX2KsP Non posso crederci!" Ecco perché hai fallito. https://t.co/e1QRHK…
RT @LucaFerrettiEvo: "Tu vuoi l'impossibile! ... https://t.co/mogFmX2KsP Non posso crederci!" Ecco perché hai fallito. https://t.co/e1QRHK…
"Tu vuoi l'impossibile! ... https://t.co/mogFmX2KsP Non posso crederci!" Ecco perché hai fallito.
@deb_cohen https://t.co/MxkPQsl17c See the statistical analysis in our paper. It is difficult to assess the efficacy of NPIs - causal inference with observational data is an active area of research. I may be biased, but I think we did a good job of provin
RT @d_spiegel: T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last…
RT @d_spiegel: T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last…
RT @Meddev_guy: @DrMurphy11 @deb_cohen @thackerpd @amibanerjee1 @MHRAdevices Yes - it's a medical device. All devices need a clinical evalu…
RT @d_spiegel: T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last…
@DrMurphy11 @deb_cohen @thackerpd @amibanerjee1 @MHRAdevices Yes - it's a medical device. All devices need a clinical evaluation and there was a clinical investigation last year: https://t.co/VYU4vp91jt Results here: https://t.co/RGwH0poijh Epidemiologic
RT @d_spiegel: T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last…
"The fraction of individuals notified by the app who subsequently showed symptoms and tested positive (the secondary attack rate (SAR)) was 6%, similar to the SAR for manually traced close contacts."
RT @d_spiegel: T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @d_spiegel: T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last…
RT @d_spiegel: T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last…
RT @d_spiegel: T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last…
RT @d_spiegel: T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last…
RT @d_spiegel: T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last…
RT @d_spiegel: T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last…
RT @d_spiegel: T+T has masses of stats on its activity, but we still can’t assess what it achieves. How many contacts are infected? (last…