Looking back at the NHS app data from Sept-Dec 2020, it shows that for each life that may have been saved, there were 100 years of house arrest. Let me take you through the data. https://t.co/0SBHhuwIXc
@sgenner (Source: https://t.co/pzCj23f8ri)
@Avustaja Millä tavalla liikaa? Ei kai kukaan voinut ennakoida terveydenhuollon suhtautuvan pandemiantorjuntaan vihamielisesti ja territoriaalisesti. Esim. UK:ssa vastaavan sovelluksen tutkittiin säästäneen n. 4200-8700 ihmishenkeä. https://t.co/euHmfYB
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @profhelenward: Great thread summarising learning from various sources on the impacts of the NHS COVID-19 App. Great work from @ChristoP…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @theunretired: Excellent paper. One of the best I’be read on COVID @adriandix @jvipondmd @EricTopol https://t.co/33BDXcLEMY
Excellent paper. One of the best I’be read on COVID @adriandix @jvipondmd @EricTopol
RT @kevincoaker: I still have it as a warning. And jeez have I been pinged the past fortnight. Still confused as @BorisJohnson announced Co…
I still have it as a warning. And jeez have I been pinged the past fortnight. Still confused as @BorisJohnson announced Coronavirus has completed. #Covid19uk
RT @profhelenward: Great thread summarising learning from various sources on the impacts of the NHS COVID-19 App. Great work from @ChristoP…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @profhelenward: Great thread summarising learning from various sources on the impacts of the NHS COVID-19 App. Great work from @ChristoP…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @profhelenward: Great thread summarising learning from various sources on the impacts of the NHS COVID-19 App. Great work from @ChristoP…
Great thread summarising learning from various sources on the impacts of the NHS COVID-19 App. Great work from @ChristoPhraser and colleagues
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
@dr_michaelmarks @TheLancetPH Hard to square with UK NHS app Nature paper. I tend to believe the Aussies, in this case. Based on the nature of covid spread (peri-symptomatic period) rather than quality of the papers. https://t.co/o4ymkIhtx5
@thmswebb Thomas - this is interesting data. An exceptional case for sure and quite a simple behaviour change but high impact nonetheless. From my new firm. https://t.co/vBfuAOp2qZ
@Thomasbcn @dues__ @HonkHase @coronawarnapp Yes! There’s a Nature paper on that https://t.co/di3vQZIbgB
@FrancoisManens Le traçage de contacts numérique un échec mondial ? Pas si sûr. L’Université d’Oxford a estimé entre 4200 et 8700 le nombre de décès évités sur sept-déc 2020. Voir : "The epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 app", Nature, Vol 594, 17
@moltke @HowellONeill @carmelatroncoso @suneman the main evaluation in england/wales is https://t.co/wqKt3Lg7ll
RT @JoannaMasel: It's not too late for @Apple and @Google to fix this. If they did, then the anonymous data collection techniques pioneered…
It's not too late for @Apple and @Google to fix this. If they did, then the anonymous data collection techniques pioneered by the NHS app https://t.co/Xc3IiFxriZ could quickly tell us the incubation times and infectiousness windows for each new variant 10/
esto me llama bastante la atención teniendo en cuenta la impresión bastante más positiva que dan los estudios de Reino Unido https://t.co/2fUI5htnyc Dice que ha sido clave la falta de confianza en la app por parte de la población europea (poco uso en gene
@CellinoLuigi @Grillology @diabolicus23 @RobiVil https://t.co/86FFlJvtm0 In particolare la tabella 1
@SergioEfe Un análisis ciertamente pobre en comparación con lo que sacó Nature https://t.co/di3vQZIbgB
RT @benadida: Remember exposure notification apps? There's good data they're helping. Far from perfect, but they are reducing harm at alm…
RT @benadida: Remember exposure notification apps? There's good data they're helping. Far from perfect, but they are reducing harm at alm…
Remember exposure notification apps? There's good data they're helping. Far from perfect, but they are reducing harm at almost zero privacy cost. Omicron's shorter incubation will likely reduce utility. We should speed up activation of notifications. h
References: 🇬🇧 https://t.co/Edv7dlXL8J 🇩🇪https://t.co/SQa3wi99eq 🇨🇭https://t.co/ZpxMhVTd1x 🇳🇱https://t.co/AEMs0V5s5y TAC metrics: https://t.co/yGiTyasA2E Manual contact tracing: https://t.co/wBe1wufYDz
@bininbern Ich stimme dir hier zu bis auf die Swiss Covid App :-) https://t.co/kDzIhPkoT0
RT @cryptosaurus6: Références: 🇬🇧 https://t.co/tajw9S51JH 🇩🇪 https://t.co/TKLBr5Rd6x 🇨🇭 https://t.co/ZpxMhVTd1x 🇳🇱 https://t.co/AEMs0V5s5y
RT @cryptosaurus6: Références: 🇬🇧 https://t.co/tajw9S51JH 🇩🇪 https://t.co/TKLBr5Rd6x 🇨🇭 https://t.co/ZpxMhVTd1x 🇳🇱 https://t.co/AEMs0V5s5y
Références: 🇬🇧 https://t.co/tajw9S51JH 🇩🇪 https://t.co/TKLBr5Rd6x 🇨🇭 https://t.co/ZpxMhVTd1x 🇳🇱 https://t.co/AEMs0V5s5y
A paper out of Nature estimates that the UK's anonymous app (GAEN) achieved approximately 28% adoption in the total population and "averted ~600,000 infections - about 20% of what the total would otherwise have been - and saved thousands of lives." https:/
@chetwisniewski Yes it’s been reasonably effective https://t.co/puBU11VGKU
@Tweeting_Aya @Tommyperetzz תיקון קטן: מדינות כמו דרום קוריאה וטיוואן השתמשהו באיכון סלולרי, אך רק על ידי גורמים אזרחיים ובצורה הרבה יותר מצומצמת. מדינות רבות הסתמכו על כלים וולונטרים (כמו אפליקציות), שהוכיחו יעילות רבה הרבה יותר מכלי השב״כ (דוגמא למטה) .
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @killedbyproxy: Studie av Storbritanniens app: "We estimated that the fraction of individuals notified by the app who subsequently show…
RT @killedbyproxy: Studie av Storbritanniens app: "We estimated that the fraction of individuals notified by the app who subsequently show…
RT @killedbyproxy: Studie av Storbritanniens app: "We estimated that the fraction of individuals notified by the app who subsequently show…
Studie av Storbritanniens app: "We estimated that the fraction of individuals notified by the app who subsequently showed symptoms and tested positive (the secondary attack rate (SAR)) was 6%, similar to the SAR for manually traced close contacts." https
RT @EdMHill: And investigation of the the impact of the NHS COVID-19 app for England and Wales from its launch on 24 September 2020 to the…
And investigation of the the impact of the NHS COVID-19 app for England and Wales from its launch on 24 September 2020 to the end of December 2020. In @Nature from @ChrisWymant @LucaFerrettiEvo @ChristoPhraser & coauthors. 16/23 https://t.co/ZxvIL3prXW
Přiznávám, že jsem se trochu zasmál. eRouška... Ke konci ji používalo asi 500k lidí. Instalací cca 1,7 milionu, reálné užívání zřejmě mnohem menší. Údaj o pozitivním testu prý nahrálo jen 82k lidí. Idea nebyla špatná (např. viz https://t.co/m3cQW4Z6pZ), re
Das ist Alles schön und gut, aber es löst nicht das Problem der CWA. Meine Kritik an der CWA setzt an ihrer Zielsetzung an. Statistische Spielereien sind unter diesem Ansatz irrelevant. Nach Spahn ist die Zeit des Schönredens vorbei.
@stamer_martin Es gibt auch andere Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen zur App, die zeigen das sie was bringt:
RT @gsoh31: Change your stupid messaging! In particular get people to test, test and test again. We know that LFTs are great screening devi…
RT @gsoh31: Change your stupid messaging! In particular get people to test, test and test again. We know that LFTs are great screening devi…
RT @gsoh31: Change your stupid messaging! In particular get people to test, test and test again. We know that LFTs are great screening devi…
RT @gsoh31: Change your stupid messaging! In particular get people to test, test and test again. We know that LFTs are great screening devi…
RT @gsoh31: Change your stupid messaging! In particular get people to test, test and test again. We know that LFTs are great screening devi…
RT @gsoh31: Change your stupid messaging! In particular get people to test, test and test again. We know that LFTs are great screening devi…
I don’t think we know the full scale of this wave tbh. We have hints from the ONS studies, but anecdotally, it feels like a lot of people have stopped testing properly. Time for another proper government information campaign.
RT @gsoh31: Change your stupid messaging! In particular get people to test, test and test again. We know that LFTs are great screening devi…
Change your stupid messaging! In particular get people to test, test and test again. We know that LFTs are great screening devices, and we know that test and trace prevented 300k-600k cases last winter. 4/4 /END https://t.co/7AAF0SQrmj
RT @Hiroshi_Tsuji: ワクチン接種者が大半となった今後、濃厚接触者の10-14日間自己隔離の遵守が難しくなると見込まれる中、簡易迅速抗原検査を利用し隔離すら行わないという選択を提示する内容 著者はコロナモデリング研究でトップ雑誌へ論文連発のオックスフォード大C…
RT @Hiroshi_Tsuji: ワクチン接種者が大半となった今後、濃厚接触者の10-14日間自己隔離の遵守が難しくなると見込まれる中、簡易迅速抗原検査を利用し隔離すら行わないという選択を提示する内容 著者はコロナモデリング研究でトップ雑誌へ論文連発のオックスフォード大C…
RT @Hiroshi_Tsuji: ワクチン接種者が大半となった今後、濃厚接触者の10-14日間自己隔離の遵守が難しくなると見込まれる中、簡易迅速抗原検査を利用し隔離すら行わないという選択を提示する内容 著者はコロナモデリング研究でトップ雑誌へ論文連発のオックスフォード大C…
RT @Hiroshi_Tsuji: ワクチン接種者が大半となった今後、濃厚接触者の10-14日間自己隔離の遵守が難しくなると見込まれる中、簡易迅速抗原検査を利用し隔離すら行わないという選択を提示する内容 著者はコロナモデリング研究でトップ雑誌へ論文連発のオックスフォード大C…
RT @Hiroshi_Tsuji: ワクチン接種者が大半となった今後、濃厚接触者の10-14日間自己隔離の遵守が難しくなると見込まれる中、簡易迅速抗原検査を利用し隔離すら行わないという選択を提示する内容 著者はコロナモデリング研究でトップ雑誌へ論文連発のオックスフォード大C…
ワクチン接種者が大半となった今後、濃厚接触者の10-14日間自己隔離の遵守が難しくなると見込まれる中、簡易迅速抗原検査を利用し隔離すら行わないという選択を提示する内容 著者はコロナモデリング研究でトップ雑誌へ論文連発のオックスフォード大Christophe Fraser氏ら2/2 https://t.co/8k6LmbRWh8
@sethvargo @bradfitz The UK had the most in depth review of efficacy (if you want to think more about what # sent potentially means) and it's published in Nature. https://t.co/UuZLdQ5oDk
@jbond @bradfitz This: https://t.co/7sMGZvUeoj points out that adoption numbers don’t need to be very high to save a lot of lives. https://t.co/ElxFGagEmj also has some information but I’m not an epidemiologist so I’m not qualified to tell what the correct
@Francis_Aln @alexis_roussel @GregoireBarbey @podehaye @BAG_OFSP_UFSP The NHS's proximity tracing has shown significant benefit with broad reach and high secondary attack rate https://t.co/a8M3GErEus
RT @bpreneel1: “Te weinig gebruikers”. Cijfer van 75% voor effectiviteit als vermeld steunt niet op een wetenschappelijke studie. De Nat…
“Te weinig gebruikers”. Cijfer van 75% voor effectiviteit als vermeld steunt niet op een wetenschappelijke studie. De Nature studie https://t.co/aPjiQc1EU5 toont kwantitatief aan dat zelfs bij gebruik van 10-20% besmettingen vermeden worden en levens wo
“Moest het wel via Bluetooth?” De apps via Bluetooth werken samen op Europese schaal en zijn meer dan 100 miljoen keer gedownload. Het is de enige technologie die echt gewerkt heeft op deze schaal (zoals UK studie in Nature ondubbelzinnig aantoont https://
@JuanCeMed @EduardoSaldania Los países que lo han implementado correctamente, ha ayudado a reducir la transmisión: https://t.co/wHl2MluM3U
@Geodoc31 Plusieurs liens dans l’article. En voici un: https://t.co/xt7wRK0ywF
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…
RT @jim_mussared: @Steve_Lockstep @wabzqem Here's what's I'm going by: https://t.co/IsZSWJMz4H (UK) https://t.co/3wsgxE017U (Washington sta…
@Steve_Lockstep @wabzqem Here's what's I'm going by: https://t.co/IsZSWJMz4H (UK) https://t.co/3wsgxE017U (Washington state) https://t.co/pB17xvjVmA (Canada)
@mask_up_sweden Den här studien uppskattar ganska stor effekt av smittspårningsappen i UK: https://t.co/fuETN14B2b
@fabiochiusi L'efficacia del contact tracking è stata valutata e funziona, con una diminuzione misurabile in infezioni. Ecco il paper su Nature: https://t.co/17YhR8eh9w
RT @jim_mussared: The UK has demonstrated that Exposure Notifications saved lives. Similar elsewhere. Australia is in an even better positi…
RT @jim_mussared: The UK has demonstrated that Exposure Notifications saved lives. Similar elsewhere. Australia is in an even better positi…
The UK has demonstrated that Exposure Notifications saved lives. Similar elsewhere. Australia is in an even better position to benefit from an app like this due to the (relatively) low case rate. Even if the benefit is small, _every bit counts_. https://t.
RT @ChristoPhraser: Now peer-reviewed in Nature, “The Epidemiological impact of the NHS COVID-19 App”. Here’s a quick rundown of results &…