@MonacoKlausi @e_pfalzer @Utnapischtim3 @MMittermeier @Martin_Sichert Und hier zu den Folgen für die Menschheit, niemand behauptet, dass jeder gleich tot umfällt. Außerdem hat die Hitze ganz andere Gefahren und hitzetote sind ja auch nicht leicht zu erkenn
@abraxas420 Le problème étant évidemment que d'un autre côté, si nous continuous à brûler des combustibles fossiles comme aujourd'hui, cela entraînera des milliards de réfugiés. https://t.co/Pr3rfaShBU https://t.co/9SUzJ092Qh
RT @rahmstorf: Striking map from a new study by Lenton et al.: after 2.7 °C global warming the purple areas will basically be too hot to li…
@Bjoern_Peters @atufkas Hier https://t.co/F8WtXXTkUS und hier https://t.co/rE9fubJXKx
RT @examachine: Before we get to that bit, here is a recent paper from Nature that confirms the 3+ billion projection, by 2100, we should e…
Before we get to that bit, here is a recent paper from Nature that confirms the 3+ billion projection, by 2100, we should expect 3.5 billion people to suffer uninhabitable conditions, which is to say, they would likely perish if they do not migrate. https
RT @DocRichard: Source: Timothy M Lenton et al., 2023 ‘Quantifying the human cost of global warming,’ Nature Sustainability, pp 1237-47 htt…
Source: Timothy M Lenton et al., 2023 ‘Quantifying the human cost of global warming,’ Nature Sustainability, pp 1237-47 https://t.co/B7MsOKNlyt Quoted in the excellent ‘The Invisible Doctrine’ by @GeorgeMonbiot and Peter Hutchison
@anordonez1 @EconovoAU Also see our super-worrying analysis showing that >2 billion people may become exposed to severe heat towards end of the century even under quite optimistic #climatechange & #demographic scenarios https://t.co/HAmu1RW9JD, led
@himberg_timo @NyyssonenTero @MatsUotila Viime vuonna arvostetussa Nature tiedelehdessä julkaistu tutkimus kertoo, että ilmastonmuutoksen vuoksi 3-6 miljardin ihmisen nykyiset elinalueet vaarassa muuttua ihmiselle asumiskelvottomiksi vuosisadan loppuun men
* See Lenton et al 2023 https://t.co/4zZyFR2Kmj
RT @JCSvenning: Link to our 2023 analysis @naturesustainab Quantifying the human cost of global warming 🥵 https://t.co/HAmu1RVBU5 #climatec…
RT @JCSvenning: Link to our 2023 analysis @naturesustainab Quantifying the human cost of global warming 🥵 https://t.co/HAmu1RVBU5 #climatec…
Link to our 2023 analysis @naturesustainab Quantifying the human cost of global warming 🥵 https://t.co/HAmu1RVBU5 #climatechange #warming #heatstress
https://t.co/NqXiVHNmG4 Para finales de este siglo, según un estudio publicado el mes pasado en la revista Nature Sustainability , entre 3.000 y 6.000 millones de personas, es decir, entre un tercio y la mitad de la humanidad, podrían quedar atrapadas fuer
Quantifying the human cost of global warming. Good question “But what is the human cost of climate change and who bears it? “ WHO BEARS IT? Not the insurance company, not the country. In reality it will be the individual https://t.co/cNadqrWbPf
RT @JoYohana: Quantifying the cost of global warming. “The costs of climate change are often estimated in monetary terms, but this raises e…
Quantifying the cost of global warming. “The costs of climate change are often estimated in monetary terms, but this raises ethical issues” Life & energy are not part of the economists lexicon. It crystallises the tension between Life Value and Money V
@GlowieMcGreen @tagesschau Hier die Quelle, dass bis 2100 2-3 Milliarden Menschen aus der human climate niche rutschen werden https://t.co/Hqdy5LWZc8
@GerhardMall1 @johannesvogel Es gibt unzählige peer reviewed Artikel dazu. Nur ein Beispiel. Und klar ist die Wissenschaftssprache sachlich. https://t.co/uG4HMBsegZ
RT @rahmstorf: Striking map from a new study by Lenton et al.: after 2.7 °C global warming the purple areas will basically be too hot to li…
RT @Tamara519808: @Leseerlaubnis Ursprüngliche Quelle: https://t.co/po4MngBFZu
@Leseerlaubnis Ursprüngliche Quelle: https://t.co/po4MngBFZu
@strange_days_82 https://t.co/KMzBRrDTNw io mi chiedo solo cosa vi induca a pensare che i migliori team di scienziati del mondo (guardi la provenienza degli autori dell’articolo) siano tutti dei perfetti idioti. A meno che non ci siano pubblicazioni scient
@ArchaeoWill @BarristerSecret I'll let you answer your own question there. https://t.co/6jUCAfxzNj https://t.co/ClQYaCf1Eg
@leecowx @BigJoeBastardi Plus, you should listen to experts about the current costs of Global Warming - which are not chump change: https://t.co/JSpt0ttHxX https://t.co/4rwr4wLGFv Lancet 2023: https://t.co/1b7IaKzCGQ Lancet 2022: https://t.co/Ge6pmOq
RT @_nic_beuret_: I don't care about Stonehenge & paint. By 2090 1/3rd of the global population will live in temperatures inhospitable to…
RT @_nic_beuret_: I don't care about Stonehenge & paint. By 2090 1/3rd of the global population will live in temperatures inhospitable to…
RT @_nic_beuret_: I don't care about Stonehenge & paint. By 2090 1/3rd of the global population will live in temperatures inhospitable to…
RT @_nic_beuret_: I don't care about Stonehenge & paint. By 2090 1/3rd of the global population will live in temperatures inhospitable to…
RT @_nic_beuret_: I don't care about Stonehenge & paint. By 2090 1/3rd of the global population will live in temperatures inhospitable to…
RT @_nic_beuret_: I don't care about Stonehenge & paint. By 2090 1/3rd of the global population will live in temperatures inhospitable to…
RT @_nic_beuret_: I don't care about Stonehenge & paint. By 2090 1/3rd of the global population will live in temperatures inhospitable to…
RT @_nic_beuret_: I don't care about Stonehenge & paint. By 2090 1/3rd of the global population will live in temperatures inhospitable to…
I don't care about Stonehenge & paint. By 2090 1/3rd of the global population will live in temperatures inhospitable to human life. That’s not the worst case. The worst case if no action is taken is closer to 50%. Global emissions increased last ye
RT @GS05445168: I wonder what kind of imbecile takes the 50 year projection of a chaotic system seriously. Half the time I look at these p…
RT @GS05445168: I wonder what kind of imbecile takes the 50 year projection of a chaotic system seriously. Half the time I look at these p…
RT @GS05445168: I wonder what kind of imbecile takes the 50 year projection of a chaotic system seriously. Half the time I look at these p…
I wonder what kind of imbecile takes the 50 year projection of a chaotic system seriously. Half the time I look at these people and want to laugh. The other half I wonder if China is right that the west has gone senile in its old age
@ShivamDave22 Here you go. Work it out for yourself. Only takes a modicum of geopolitical projection and strategic foresight. https://t.co/4zZyFR3ibR
@Ty2_911 Which billions? We can expect between 2.1 and 3.7 billion people to likely be left outside of the 'human climate niche' by 2090 (see https://t.co/4zZyFR2Kmj). Not all will migrate polewards. But the potential for serious societal issues and confli
@Hereweg77404901 How so? I just want to ensure the kids have some sort of future and aren’t left to pick up the previous few generations mess. ⬇️
@BigJoeBastardi Millions of humans are now dying every year, as a result of Global Warming. They don't have a "cause for joy": https://t.co/HwSLPOzbBx https://t.co/tDxnUGw8m4 https://t.co/JSpt0tufnv https://t.co/4rwr4wMev3 Lancet 2023: https://t.co/
RT @JCSvenning: Extreme #heatwaves like those currently in South Asia (or worse) could become the norm in the #future, affecting several bi…
RT @JCSvenning: Extreme #heatwaves like those currently in South Asia (or worse) could become the norm in the #future, affecting several bi…
RT @JCSvenning: Extreme #heatwaves like those currently in South Asia (or worse) could become the norm in the #future, affecting several bi…
RT @JCSvenning: Extreme #heatwaves like those currently in South Asia (or worse) could become the norm in the #future, affecting several bi…
RT @JCSvenning: Extreme #heatwaves like those currently in South Asia (or worse) could become the norm in the #future, affecting several bi…
@RainerReelfs Wenn man es als "Ingenieur" nicht schafft Google Scholar zu nutzen, sollte man ggf noch mal die Uni besuchen. Aber hier: https://t.co/KUMKJV9onO https://t.co/fCklHUZJSv https://t.co/xNNAbv0ffO Es gibt hunderte Studien welche die ökonomische
@BladeoftheS Clearly better than the Tories (a low bar) but no-one in politics dares to state the brutal facts: as current high temperatures and extreme weather events - and scientific papers - are confirming, large areas will become uninhabitable before l
RT @JCSvenning: Extreme #heatwaves like those currently in South Asia (or worse) could become the norm in the #future, affecting several bi…
RT @JCSvenning: Extreme #heatwaves like those currently in South Asia (or worse) could become the norm in the #future, affecting several bi…
Tungt forskerstof kommer som oftest med en kort opsummering eller konklusion for os jordiske. #dkgreen
RT @JCSvenning: Extreme #heatwaves like those currently in South Asia (or worse) could become the norm in the #future, affecting several bi…
RT @JCSvenning: Extreme #heatwaves like those currently in South Asia (or worse) could become the norm in the #future, affecting several bi…
Extreme #heatwaves like those currently in South Asia (or worse) could become the norm in the #future, affecting several billion people - see our study @naturesustainab: Quantifying the human cost of global #warming https://t.co/HAmu1RW9JD 🥵🥵 #heatwave #cl
@rdrake98 @aDissentient Having to migrate from where one was born because it’s too hot to support human life seems quite dangerous to me. ⬇️
RT @rahmstorf: Striking map from a new study by Lenton et al.: after 2.7 °C global warming the purple areas will basically be too hot to li…
RT @mwt2008: @doug_parr @DaveToke Large parts of #India will become a climate causality unless we slash emissions. ⬇️
@doug_parr @DaveToke Large parts of #India will become a climate causality unless we slash emissions. ⬇️
RT @mwt2008: @BjornLomborg Should we out you in charge of immigration. ⬇️
RT @mwt2008: @BjornLomborg Should we out you in charge of immigration. ⬇️
@BjornLomborg Should we out you in charge of immigration. ⬇️
@AlexEpstein The world is no greenhouse, Alex. https://t.co/79l42zpRWP
@7Kiwi @heatpolicyrich @DrSimEvans @janrosenow @EnergyUKcomms Until you accept AGW is happening and it’s a threat to widescale civil action then you can’t be taken seriously sorry. ⬇️
@Carl__P_ @7Kiwi @heatpolicyrich @DrSimEvans @janrosenow @EnergyUKcomms We’ll put you in charge of immigration then ⬇️
@JensMalteSoeren @HatesState @ZDFheute Tja, das sagt die Physik was anderes https://t.co/Hqdy5LXx1G
@M17828764Marion @JunkScience Waste of time to do so. Nothing to debate AGW is real and will impact civilisation if left unchecked. ⬇️
@PragmatismWins @KilleriffKO @YouTube The Guardian is just reporting on the study 🤷🏼♂️ Are you slightly anti truth? https://t.co/xX5DFG8NgF
@PragmatismWins @KilleriffKO @YouTube Give it 3-5 years. Both India and China are quite vulnerable to climate impact so in their best self interest. ⬇️
"...climate change has already put ~9% of people (>600 million) outside this niche. By end-of-century (2080–2100), current policies leading to around 2.7 °C global warming could leave one-third (22–39%) of people outside the niche." https://t.co/q5YQksV
@saveme20749471 @FrediOtto Hier gibt es dazu eine wissenschaftliche Studie. Kein Ammenmärchen.
RT @rahmstorf: Striking map from a new study by Lenton et al.: after 2.7 °C global warming the purple areas will basically be too hot to li…
RT @rahmstorf: Striking map from a new study by Lenton et al.: after 2.7 °C global warming the purple areas will basically be too hot to li…
RT @rahmstorf: Striking map from a new study by Lenton et al.: after 2.7 °C global warming the purple areas will basically be too hot to li…
RT @rahmstorf: Striking map from a new study by Lenton et al.: after 2.7 °C global warming the purple areas will basically be too hot to li…
RT @rahmstorf: Striking map from a new study by Lenton et al.: after 2.7 °C global warming the purple areas will basically be too hot to li…
RT @rahmstorf: Striking map from a new study by Lenton et al.: after 2.7 °C global warming the purple areas will basically be too hot to li…