Expert Comment: How can we address the nexus of climate change, migration, and infectious diseases?
The complex and intricate relationship between climate change, human migration, and infectious disease transmission presents an…
Rethinking Boundaries in a Warming World
State of the Planet,
Climate-driven migration is sure to increase. Here's why we need to embrace it.
Thinking in boxes, Intergenerational report misleads and fails to connect the climate dots
Climate Code Red,
by David Spratt and Ian Dunlop, first published at Pearls
As Australia braces for summer, health sector urged to take strong stand against governments’ support for fossil fuels
Introduction by Croakey: “Devastating fires, catastrophic floods, extreme heatwaves, and prolonged droughts. Climate change is…
Oito gráficos que mostram a situação alarmante da crise ambiental e climática
A humanidade ultrapassou a capacidade de carga da Terra e a sobrecarga antrópica tem provocado um grande desequilíbrio…
L’idea dell’Africa come “continente caldo” minimizza le notizie sulle ondate di calore
LifeGate » News Persone,
Le immagini degli eventi estremi in Italia stanno facendo il giro del mondo: dai nubifragi che hanno colpito il nord, agli…
Mais de 20% da população mundial pode ficar exposta ao calor extremo
Políticas climáticas atuais deixarão mais de um quinto da humanidade exposta a temperaturas perigosamente altas até 2100
Bleak Records Keep Coming: Heat Waves Are Smothering the Planet
Environment | Mother Jones,
The grim records keep tumbling: This June was the warmest month on record. This weekend, Death Valley, California, could tie or…
HHS Again Suspends Disbelief: The Medicaid Program Will Ignore the Greatest Health Threat to Medicaid Beneficiaries
The Health Care Blog,
Global warming is disrupting humanity’s ‘Goldilocks zone’ on Earth
Skeptical Science,
This is a re-post from Yale Climate…
Global warming is disrupting humanity’s ‘Goldilocks zone’ on Earth
Yale Climate Connections,
But every tenth of a degree of global warming that society can avoid will keep conditions ‘just right’ for over 100 million…
How We Scapegoat Climate Change Migrants
Psychology Today,
Did you know that at least hundreds of millions of people will likely be displaced from their homeland because of climate change?
Extreme Heat Wave Hits India
Smart News,
In recent days, nearly 200 people have died across two of the country's most populous states
Health professionals urged to join fight against harmful developments in the Northern Territory
More than 300 health professionals have already signed an open letter urging the Prime Minister and his Government to intervene…
The climate crisis is on track to push one-third of humanity out of its most livable environment
This story was originally published by ProPublica and is republished with permission. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to…
Concentração de CO2 na atmosfera atinge novo recorde em maio de 2023
Concentração de CO2 na atmosfera atinge novo recorde em maio de 2023, artigo de José Eustáquio Diniz Alves O
Skeptical Science New Research for Week #23 2023
Skeptical Science,
Open access…
Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #554
Iowa Climate,
The Week That Was: 2023-05-27 (May 27, 2023)Brought to You by SEPP ( Science and Environmental Policy…
Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #554
Whatts Up With That,
You can see what we are up against.
Miljarder hotade om världen missar Parisavtalet
Supermiljo bloggen,
3.7 MILJARDER:: Uppemot en dryg tredjedel av mänskligheten förväntas leva under ohälsosamma omständigheter vid sekelskiftet med…
Billions Of People Could Face Unlivable Temperatures By 2100, Study Finds
It’s getting hot in here—so hot that vulnerable people around the world are soon going to be pushed out of regions where humans…
Ahead of health and climate meeting, new findings highlight the urgency of action
Introduction by Croakey: Experts who are due to attend a round-table meeting on climate and health policy at Parliament House…
Inflation, Auto-Industrie, Europawahlen
Diese Woche unter anderem in den Fremden Federn: Wie Inflation intelligent bekämpft werden kann, weshalb Deutschland seine Auto-I…
Welcome to the 2080s, where a third of the planet might live in climate peril
A new study published in ‘Nature Sustainability’ reimagines the high-stakes ‘human climate niche.’ It doesn’t look good. …
Limitar o aquecimento salvaria bilhões de pessoas de temperaturas extremas
Para cada aumento de 0,1°C na temperatura acima dos níveis atuais, cerca de 140 milhões de pessoas estarão expostas a condições…
Welche Teile der Erde in 100 Jahren unbewohnbar sein werden
Brights - Die Natur des Zweifels,
Künftig könnte ein Drittel der Weltbevölkerung in Gebieten mit bedenklich hohen Temperaturen leben. Besonders betroffen sind ärme…
Billions to Face Potentially Deadly Heat by 2100, Scientists Warn
Science Alert,
We didn't heed the warnings.
Against Apartheid
Marcelo Guzman,
Our new study on projected movement in the human climate niche locates the origins of delayism in historic usage of the climate…
Against Apartheid
Marcelo Guzman,
Our new study on projected movement in the human climate niche locates the origins of delayism in historic usage of the climate…