Combating Misinformation Runs Deeper Than Swatting Away ‘Fake News’
Scientific American,
September 30, 2024 5 min read Fake news-style misinformation is only a fraction of what deceives voters.
September 30, 2024 5 min read Fake news-style misinformation is only a fraction of what deceives voters.
This artwork by William Brown refers to a type of Russian hybrid warrior, trolls are Russian agents posing as regular social…
This artwork by William Brown refers to a type of Russian hybrid warrior, trolls are Russian agents posing as regular social…
This artwork by William Brown refers to a type of Russian hybrid warrior, trolls are Russian agents posing as regular social…
This artwork by William Brown refers to a type of Russian hybrid warrior, trolls are Russian agents posing as regular social…
This artwork by William Brown refers to a type of Russian hybrid warrior, trolls are Russian agents posing as regular social…
This artwork by William Brown refers to a type of Russian hybrid warrior, trolls are Russian agents posing as regular social…
If you missed the news, Russians are interfering in American politics again. If you missed history, Russians are always…
If you missed the news, Russians are interfering in American politics again. If you missed history, Russians are always…
If you missed the news, Russians are interfering in American politics again. If you missed history, Russians are always…
If you missed the news, Russians are interfering in American politics again. If you missed history, Russians are always…
Former Labor Secretary turned TikTok influencer Robert Reich just last week penned an op-ed in the Guardian suggesting that “regu…
Immer wieder hört man, dass Social Media die Demokratie gefährde: Wir– und vor allem andere– würden tagtäglich mit…
Det finns just nu, i grova drag, två huvudspår i beskrivningen av vad som är det största problemet för svensk demokrati.
I met Raqib Naik, a journalist who had fled his native India, at a coffee shop in suburban Maryland.
I met Raqib Naik, a journalist who had fled his native India, at a coffee shop in suburban Maryland.
I met Raqib Naik, a journalist who had fled his native India, at a coffee shop in suburban Maryland.
Black voters and the complexity of race and politics in the 2024 elections Protecting civil rights in the face of AI | The…
Last week, in a significant move, the U.S. House of Representatives approved an updated bill that could lead to a nationwide…
By Fred Skulthorp "Double Great Reset after break time, you say?" Credit: Getty conspiracy theoriesEducationLabour…
It’s been over a year since the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT launched an international conversation about how generative…
M The announcement comes a day after Microsoft announced it was also taking a number of steps to protect elections, including…
Meta announced Wednesday (Nov. 8) that it would require labels for political ads that have been digitally altered, using AI or…
Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the notorious mercenary company Wagner who became a key figure in Russia’s war on Ukraine before…
Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the notorious mercenary company Wagner who became a key figure in Russia’s war on Ukraine before…
WASHINGTON− Wagner mercenary group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin's Russian mutiny has failed and he's been exiled to Belarus.
WASHINGTON− Wagner mercenary group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin's Russian mutiny has failed and he's been exiled to Belarus.
WASHINGTON− Wagner mercenary group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin's Russian mutiny has failed and he's been exiled to Belarus.
WASHINGTON− Wagner mercenary group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin's Russian mutiny has failed and he's been exiled to Belarus.
WASHINGTON− Wagner mercenary group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin's Russian mutiny has failed and he's been exiled to Belarus.
From flea market hot dog seller to the head of a mercenary group behind a mutiny against the Russian military, Yevgeny Prigozhin…
Once a low-profile businessman who benefited from having President Vladimir Putin as a powerful patron, Yevgeny Prigozhin moved…
Once a low-profile businessman who benefited from having President Vladimir Putin as a powerful patron, Yevgeny Prigozhin moved…
Once a low-profile businessman who benefited from having President Vladimir Putin as a powerful patron, Yevgeny Prigozhin moved…
Once a low-profile businessman who benefited from having President Vladimir Putin as a powerful patron, Yevgeny Prigozhin moved…
Yevgeny Prigozhin, a former convict who parlayed a St. Petersburg restaurant business into lucrative Kremlin contracts, founded…
Burgert Senekal, navorsingsgenoot, Departement Rekenaarwetenskap en Informatika, Universiteit van die Vrystaat LitNet Akademies…
Elon Musk has done many things to Twitter, both the app and the business, during his more than six months as chief executive…
(Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash ) [ Editor's note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire.
Authored by Ben Weingarten via RealClear Wire, Decoupling from Communist China in every strategically significant realm, from…
Des scientifiques du laboratoire Graphika, spécialisé dans la recherche sur les technologies de désinformation, ont identifié…
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) made a Freudian slip on Monday when she referred to former Secretary of State…
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) made a Freudian slip on Monday when she referred to former Secretary of State…
Koncentráltan célozták meg az amerikai Twitter-használókat azok az orosz dezinformációs profilok, amelyek a 2016-os elnökválasztá…
Donald Trump’s account was recently unbanned on Twitter, though he’s been restricted in posting due to an ongoing deal with his…
pm EST|Press play to listen to this article! Got it! Topline A bot campaign on Twitter is praising former President Donald…
Thousands of automated bot accounts on Twitter have worked over the last eleven months to boost former president Donald Trump…
Nearly four years after the Mueller investigation concluded, the Trump-Russia scandal has largely faded from the nation’s…
Nearly four years after the Mueller investigation concluded, the Trump-Russia scandal has largely faded from the nation’s…
Earlier this month, Twitter announced that it is going to curtail free access to its API — the programming interface that lets…
Earlier this month, Twitter announced that it is going to curtail free access to its API — the programming interface that lets…
Earlier this month, Twitter announced that it is going to curtail free access to its API — the programming interface that lets…
Earlier this month, Twitter announced that it is going to curtail free access to its API — the programming interface that lets…
Earlier this month, Twitter announced that it is going to — the programming interface that lets third-party developers interact…
Earlier this month, Twitter announced that it is going to curtail free access to its API — the programming interface that lets…
Earlier this month, Twitter announced that it is going to curtail free access to its API — the programming interface that lets…
When former special counsel Robert Mueller released, in 2019, his in-depth report on Russian interference in the United States…
Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. When Elon Musk bought Twitter, he promised an era of…
In early 2017, Keith Olbermann began his show with the words “We are at war with Russia.” He then continued: “Or perhaps more…
A widely cited list of Twitter users who were described as “Russian bots” included “a bunch of legitimate right-leaning accounts…
A widely cited list of Twitter users who were described as “Russian bots” included “a bunch of legitimate right-leaning accounts…
- NewsBreak A widely cited list of Twitter users who were described as “Russian bots” included “a bunch of legitimate right-leani…
A widely cited list of Twitter users who were described as “Russian bots” included “a bunch of legitimate right-leaning accounts…
Jacob Sullum is a syndicated newspaper columnist with Creators Syndicate and a Senior Editor at Reason magazine.
A widely cited list of Twitter users who were described as “Russian bots” included “a bunch of legitimate right-leaning accounts…
Un studiu recent publicat de Nature confirmă ipoteza potrivit căreia operațiunile de social media din Rusia din timpul…
A widely cited list of Twitter users who were described as "Russian bots" included "a bunch of legitimate right-leaning accounts…
- NewsBreak A widely cited list of Twitter users who were described as "Russian bots" included "a bunch of legitimate right-leani…
Die Präsidentschaftswahlen 2016 werden niemals sterben – oder wir scheinen zumindest dazu verdammt, ewig darüber zu diskutieren.
- NewsBreak So far, so good. In hindsight, the findings seem logical: Simply seeing a few random tweets from Russians…
The 2016 presidential election will never die—or, at the very least, we appear doomed to discuss it forever.
All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.
Zeeshan Aleem: A study deals a big blow to the narrative that Russia may have thrown the 2016 election for Trump.
A federal judge who was appointed by former President Bill Clinton fined former President Donald Trump $937,000 for filing a…
The Russian trolls were overhyped. That’s the implication from a new study in Nature Communications, written by a team of six…
Se não gostam da maneira como alguns eleitores votam, a solução não é culpar as redes sociais, mas sim oferecer-lhes…
Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election saw the emergence of a virtual cottage industry—or perhaps even a real…
Jahre lang wurde Donald Trumps Sieg nach der US-Präsidentenwahl von 2016 mitunter als Folge des russischen Cybereinflusses…
HomePolitik In vielen Berichten hieß es nach der Wahl Trumps, russische Bots hätten amerikanische Wähler manipuliert.
Teilen: 16.01.2023 16:11 Russian Twitter campaigns during the 2016 US presidential race primarily reached a small subset of…
I’m old enough to remember when the internet was going to be great news for everyone.
Teilen: 16.01.2023 12:05 Die russische Kampagne auf Twitter während des Wahlkampfs zur US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2016 hat vor…
TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN PRESSEMITTEILUNG Desinformation auf überzeugte Republikaner konzentriert • Keine Polarisierung…
- Contrário Saltar para: Post [1], Pesquisa e Arquivos [2] Em 2016, o Washington Post publicou inúmeras notícias que davam…
Twitter executives reportedly characterized Democratic lawmakers as “congressional trolls” for insisting Russian bots were…
that Russia helped him get elected, then quickly retracted. The effects of panic over disinformation are still with us today…
The same people who pride themselves on rigorously insisting on the facts are happy to embrace conspiracy theories supportive…
© / Issaro Prakalung / EyeEm Accounts labeled as "Russian trolls" on Twitter had no impact on the 2016 US presidential election…
A study published Monday by researchers at New York University eviscerated liberal Democrats’ assertion that the Russian…
- NewsBreak This article originally appeared at Common Dreams. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.
A study published Monday by researchers at New York University eviscerated liberal Democrats' assertion that the Russian…