96 amino acids have been found in the Murchison meteorite All the bases of DNA & RNA have been found in meteorites Earth was heavily bombarded with meteorites about 4 billion years ago Is all life on Earth of alien origin? https://t.co/ZUmmzL1zsX
@leroyb756 @Abacus351 @Senior_Bitcoin @THEEcrustdaddy @uvas23 we've given you sources for amino acids, nucleobases, proteins, lipids, etc. etc. if you don't think those are "biomolecules", you don't know what they are. https://t.co/XQZQDQcas2 https://t.co/
@Senior_Bitcoin @THEEcrustdaddy @leroyb756 @Abacus351 @uvas23 and on meteorites https://t.co/IBOH4KSrPF
@Senior_Bitcoin @leroyb756 @Abacus351 @uvas23 which is why i posted the paper showing that formation is ubiquitous - it happens on earth, and multiple meteorites, etc. https://t.co/IBOH4KSrPF
@Senior_Bitcoin @leroyb756 @Abacus351 @uvas23 we observe inorganic to organic, increased complexity, natural formation of the molecules of life, etc. if that's not your definition of substance, then your definition is irrelevant https://t.co/IBOH4KSrPF
@leroyb756 @Abacus351 @Senior_Bitcoin @uvas23 it is definitely not impossibly complex. https://t.co/IBOH4KSrPF https://t.co/HPUB96ZzdU
@EricsonAdv @NotEvolution1 Also, we can detect these bases in the solar system, which doesn’t actually life - meaning that we can be fairly well assured it can indeed happen abiotically: https://t.co/SRPukElTyQ
Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites | Nature Communications https://t.co/TRauPykR8l
RT @SteveLarsson: @CaraMia200 He won't like this paper then - showing how the building blocks of life arrived on earth billions of years ag…
RT @SteveLarsson: @CaraMia200 He won't like this paper then - showing how the building blocks of life arrived on earth billions of years ag…
@CaraMia200 He won't like this paper then - showing how the building blocks of life arrived on earth billions of years ago. https://t.co/tOd43M3tm3
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
@IntuitMachine Because the building blocks of DNA (nucleobases) can be found across the galaxy. https://t.co/hxh0MB27aM
RT @Scruzcampillo: De hecho, el hallazgo de abril de 2022, es importante en sí mismo pues añade peso a la teoría de la panspermia, que dice…
RT @Scruzcampillo: De hecho, el hallazgo de abril de 2022, es importante en sí mismo pues añade peso a la teoría de la panspermia, que dice…
RT @Scruzcampillo: De hecho, el hallazgo de abril de 2022, es importante en sí mismo pues añade peso a la teoría de la panspermia, que dice…
RT @Scruzcampillo: De hecho, el hallazgo de abril de 2022, es importante en sí mismo pues añade peso a la teoría de la panspermia, que dice…
De hecho, el hallazgo de abril de 2022, es importante en sí mismo pues añade peso a la teoría de la panspermia, que dice que la vida podría haber surgido a partir de aportes externos. Y más relevante aún: que podría darse en otros puntos del universo. htt
Identificar la amplia diversidad de nucobases de purina y pirimidina extraterrestres en meteoritos carbonosos | Nature Communications https://t.co/zv6JNtaCPB
@Constantpilgrim @wes_capt @Ah_Science @dan_cameron99 @TakeThatDarwin @JerryMcPhers @MarkPat50535451 @ElMargaritator @JonathanStar16 @glowmaster0819 @jrspan57 And here’s the more recent discovery of EVERY nucleobase found in DNA and RNA having extraterrest
@tom_neb @freemonotheist I already have, citing the same two papers to several different people. I guess I have to do it AGAIN… https://t.co/B25SJAugZx https://t.co/ERoh09g0VO
@RspnsblCitzn @freemonotheist If you weren’t paying attention I demonstrated several times in the comments that ACTG and U are all found in carbonaceous space rocks of extraterrestrial origin. All the necessary nucleobases for DNA and RNA form naturally in
Life for sure did come from space 'In addition to previously detected purine nucleobases in meteorites such as guanine and adenine, we identify various pyrimidine nucleobases such as cytosine, uracil, and thymine, and their structural isomers' https://t.c
@amahlfk @freemonotheist The nucleobases of both DNA and RNA form naturally in space as seen by the fact that both are found in carbonaceous near-earth asteroids and meteorites. Now ribonucleotides on heated clay also self assemble into RNA. https://t.c
@freemonotheist Just last year every nucleobase found on meteorites. https://t.co/B25SJAugZx And just this month uracil (the nucleobase unique to RNA) found in carbonaceous asteroid. https://t.co/ERoh09g0VO These things form naturally. RNA and DNA don’t
This is on top of earlier samples from elsewhere - https://t.co/H4kZc41fH0 https://t.co/fFwRHMGUBD
@OscarGenomics @Ribonucleotidic Emplean una técnica de análisis desarrollada por su grupo que, según citan, estaría aquí (yo no los he leído) (nota, son dos enlaces, tanto en el tweet anterior como en este) https://t.co/8NIqwCZfie https://t.co/zDjzg8clHm
@SpaceNosey @Fer_San_Fer Esa duda también la podrías tener porque para analizarlos hay que traerlos, manipularlos, añadirles solventes, utilizar espectrofotómetros, etc, etc. Las microburbujas internas del material de los meteoritos de aquí, técnicamente,
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
惑星科学:DNAを構成するピリミジン塩基が隕石から検出された 2022年4月27日 https://t.co/2Kjx6zjwo3
https://t.co/B5xBoG0Efy. New analyses which reveals more sensitive detection of all 5 nucleotides from meteors that are essential to formation of life This opens the door to the origins of humans and existence of other life forms in our galaxy
My choice for the most fun research of 2022 - in Nat Commun by Oba et al “This study demonstrates that a diversity of meteoritic nucleobases could serve as building blocks of DNA and RNA on the early Earth.” https://t.co/1btlZAdsZh https://t.co/jNqrBnoz
Life on Earth has a lot of mysteries. But one of the biggest ones is how we got here in the first place. This paper in @NatureComms identified a wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites. #space https
RT @karlok: In a few centuries, we have gone from the center of the universe to a marginal planet, whose life may not even have started her…
In a few centuries, we have gone from the center of the universe to a marginal planet, whose life may not even have started here. https://t.co/vYYrLRqYOs
@johnmaddox @JMcLatchie_ It turns out that all five bases used in DNA and RNA occur naturally and have been found in meteorites. https://t.co/GSnZY3101B
Greek philosopher Anaxagoras proposed Panspermia in 5th century BC Ive always been a big believer so it’s great see more research coming to light to support this 🧬☄️🌏 https://t.co/qLgyXKt3kj
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
@AurorAlpes Disons que la balance penche de plus en plus, quand même ;) https://t.co/5IbIOaJwha
@m9uzman @majormejo11 @brendamarengo @UnvrsoRecondito De momento, se han encontrado los ladrillos de la vida, pero no el edificio. https://t.co/t0sWwrstTU
RT @MKLakshman: Interesting read on the nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites and how photochemical reactions could lead to some of these…
RT @BlueJakk: خب با این مطالعه جدید تایید شد که هر ۵ تا مولکول پایهای که مجموعا، دیانای و آرانای را میسازن، تو شهاب سنگهای فرود اومده…
RT @BlueJakk: خب با این مطالعه جدید تایید شد که هر ۵ تا مولکول پایهای که مجموعا، دیانای و آرانای را میسازن، تو شهاب سنگهای فرود اومده…
Annals Of Abiogenesis Pyrimidine Nucleobases, Including Cytosine, Thymine & Uracil Identified in Carbonaceous Meteorites; We Are Stardust: https://t.co/WS2lMUcaks https://t.co/6B4Kiteon1
Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites "a diversity of meteoritic nucleobases could serve as building blocks of DNA and RNA on the early Earth." i.e. we are aliens🤪!! https://t.co/9
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
@joseprool @BeluLombardi__ Sabemos que puede ocurrir naturalmente. Lo que no sabemos es si lo pudo haber hecho un dios, no tenemos evidencia, o tan siquiera yo. Asi que presenta tus pruebas de que dios lo hizo. https://t.co/vDnRPgQUQ1 https://t.co/V9aiIjY
RT @Amor_y_Rabia: (PDF) PANSPERMIA: Los fragmentos de DNA encontrados en meteoritos impulsan la teoría de que la vida existe en todo el Uni…
Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites https://t.co/eBMTQu7SyQ
RT @Shokotan_takaha: おもしろい。隕石による原始地球への核酸塩基の供給が生命誕生のきっかけになった可能性もあるし、ではこの核酸塩基がいったい地球外のどこから来たのか?も興味深いです。 Nature Communication誌の論文はこちら↓ https:…
Building blocks of our DNA detected in meteorites | Nature Communications https://t.co/ENCEO5nlTw
Building blocks of our DNA was detected in meteorites- Nature Communications https://t.co/ENCEO5nlTw
The universe is teeming with life Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites https://t.co/AIGjIiNUOD #science #faith #History #religion
RT @biomedicalhacks: 核酸塩基5種(ウラシル,シトシン,チミン,アデニン,グアニン)すべてが隕石から同時に見つかったそうです。これまでは3種類しか見つかっていなかったそうですが、この発見により核酸は地球でできたのではなく宇宙からやってきたという説がより有力に…
I swear, life has to be *everywhere* in the universe, because no matter where we look the chemistry that makes life up is. "We report the detection of nucleobases in three carbonaceous meteorites" https://t.co/H4kZc41fH0 https://t.co/cujVXSekvL
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
Nuevas evidencias refuerzan la hipótesis de que la vida en laTierra pudo haberse originado en el espacio All of the bases in DNA and RNA have now been found in meteorites. The discovery adds to evidence that suggests life’s precursors came from space https
RT @biomedicalhacks: 核酸塩基5種(ウラシル,シトシン,チミン,アデニン,グアニン)すべてが隕石から同時に見つかったそうです。これまでは3種類しか見つかっていなかったそうですが、この発見により核酸は地球でできたのではなく宇宙からやってきたという説がより有力に…
☄️ Des chercheurs ont mis en évidence la présence de bases nucléiques (les briques élémentaires de l’ADN) dans des météorites ! ⚠️ Ce n’est pas une preuve d’une forme de vie, mais l’indication que de la matière organique peut se former dans l’espace. htt
高速液体クロマトグラフィー/エレクトロスプレーイオン化高分解能質量分析計(HPLC/ESI-HRMS)で分析。 この記事の元文献 “Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites” https://t.co/VAGiW2BzNk