@ezbawerim Buyrun: https://t.co/IHeeuUdmlG
RT @nedoliveira1: Artigo: https://t.co/npzNtaZi8m Vídeo no Space Today sobre o assunto: https://t.co/pBVgpHMHcr
RT @mattczeller: Scientists have found all the bases in DNA and RNA in meteorites. We are literally from stardust. https://t.co/zr32dYT1Hs
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @nedoliveira1: Artigo: https://t.co/npzNtaZi8m Vídeo no Space Today sobre o assunto: https://t.co/pBVgpHMHcr
Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites | Nature Communications https://t.co/vHFJtL8Fd6
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @BeniddirM: Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites https://t.co…
RT @mattczeller: Scientists have found all the bases in DNA and RNA in meteorites. We are literally from stardust. https://t.co/zr32dYT1Hs
RT @mattczeller: Scientists have found all the bases in DNA and RNA in meteorites. We are literally from stardust. https://t.co/zr32dYT1Hs
RT @mattczeller: Scientists have found all the bases in DNA and RNA in meteorites. We are literally from stardust. https://t.co/zr32dYT1Hs
RT @mattczeller: Scientists have found all the bases in DNA and RNA in meteorites. We are literally from stardust. https://t.co/zr32dYT1Hs
RT @mattczeller: Scientists have found all the bases in DNA and RNA in meteorites. We are literally from stardust. https://t.co/zr32dYT1Hs
Scientists have found all the bases in DNA and RNA in meteorites. We are literally from stardust. https://t.co/zr32dYT1Hs
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @KyushuUniv_JP: 【#九大研究成果】 炭素質隕石から遺伝子の主要核酸塩基5種すべてを検出 ~地球上での生命の起源・遺伝機能の前生物的な発現に迫る~ 論文: https://t.co/Q4HinXyk68 #九州大学 #九大 #炭素質隕石 ht…
Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites | Nature Communications https://t.co/zv6JNtaCPB
RT @KyushuUniv_JP: 【#九大研究成果】 炭素質隕石から遺伝子の主要核酸塩基5種すべてを検出 ~地球上での生命の起源・遺伝機能の前生物的な発現に迫る~ 論文: https://t.co/Q4HinXyk68 #九州大学 #九大 #炭素質隕石 ht…
RT @KyushuUniv_JP: 【#九大研究成果】 炭素質隕石から遺伝子の主要核酸塩基5種すべてを検出 ~地球上での生命の起源・遺伝機能の前生物的な発現に迫る~ 論文: https://t.co/Q4HinXyk68 #九州大学 #九大 #炭素質隕石 ht…
Wow. All RNA & DNA bases have been found in meteorites. From the abstract: "This study demonstrates that a diversity of meteoritic nucleobases could serve as building blocks of DNA and RNA on the early Earth." https://t.co/GE01bjG6zj
RT @christianbok: They discover examples of all the nucleobases in meteorites, thereby lending credence to the idea that the ingredients fo…
Obrigado Ned!!!!
Artigo: https://t.co/npzNtaZi8m Vídeo no Space Today sobre o assunto: https://t.co/pBVgpHMHcr
It’s always been one of the possible sources…
They discover examples of all the nucleobases in meteorites, thereby lending credence to the idea that the ingredients for life arise from photochemistry in the void—(PDF, #xenotext): https://t.co/YYxluTgSSY
RT @davidrliu: New work by Yasuhiro Oba and coworkers reports the use of state-of-the-art LC/MS methods to detect the last two missing DNA/…
Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites - Nature Communications https://t.co/XHccpOLRsQ
Nuova prova che i meteoriti portano le molecole fondamentali della biologia vivente e altre notizie scientifiche. https://t.co/wEi5dEjDXC
RT @_AstroErika: Scientists have confirmed for the 1st time that meteorites & space rocks that have recently fallen to Earth contain all 5…
Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites | Nature Communications https://t.co/j4efV6eKHw
RT @_AstroErika: Scientists have confirmed for the 1st time that meteorites & space rocks that have recently fallen to Earth contain all 5…
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
RT @BeniddirM: Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites https://t.co…
RT @_AstroErika: Scientists have confirmed for the 1st time that meteorites & space rocks that have recently fallen to Earth contain all 5…
RT @KyushuUniv_JP: 【#九大研究成果】 炭素質隕石から遺伝子の主要核酸塩基5種すべてを検出 ~地球上での生命の起源・遺伝機能の前生物的な発現に迫る~ 論文: https://t.co/Q4HinXyk68 #九州大学 #九大 #炭素質隕石 ht…
I just love the idea that primitive life on earth came from space 👽💫☄️🪐 https://t.co/LSfOjp1jfv
RT @_AstroErika: Scientists have confirmed for the 1st time that meteorites & space rocks that have recently fallen to Earth contain all 5…
RT @_AstroErika: Scientists have confirmed for the 1st time that meteorites & space rocks that have recently fallen to Earth contain all 5…
Scientists have confirmed for the 1st time that meteorites & space rocks that have recently fallen to Earth contain all 5 bases that store info in DNA & RNA. And among these, scientists also found 30 nitrogen heterocyclic molecules in the meteorite
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
Buah, esto puede ser el principio de la respuesta a la pregunta ancestral: ¿como vino la vida?
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
who’s funding this
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
RT @NaturePortfolio: A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have be…
A paper in @NatureComms suggests that pyrimidine nucleobases, which are necessary for building DNA or RNA, may have been delivered to Earth by carbon-rich meteorites. https://t.co/Y9wyBpmJoV https://t.co/FVNO4tOeFj
Identifying the wide diversity of extraterrestrial purine and pyrimidine nucleobases in carbonaceous meteorites(炭素質隕石中のプリン・ピリミジン塩基の多様性の発見) https://t.co/tSEnSgaItI
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
(PDF) PANSPERMIA: Los fragmentos de DNA encontrados en meteoritos impulsan la teoría de que la vida existe en todo el Universo, distribuida por polvo espacial 1) PDF https://t.co/nCRbsn0MpR 2) https://t.co/roEYxanxU5 3) https://t.co/hFyVF02Pq9 https://t.c
これまでに隕石から検出されていたグアニン、アデニン、ウラシルなどの化合物に加え、ピリミジン核酸塩基(シトシン、チミンなど)が初めて検出された。これらの化合物が隕石によって地球に運ばれたことが、初期生物の遺伝的機能の出現に関与した可能性がある。😲 https://t.co/SSWnV41JxA
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
Kruesi (@LyraLunaris) writes that '[t]hese [so-called] “nucleobases” [from outer space] — adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine and uracil — combine with sugars and phosphates to make up the genetic code of all life on Earth' https://t.co/J2Gf29lvvH https:
RT @ShigekiKanamori: 【パンスペルミア説】 DNA/RNAを構成する塩基全てが遂に隕石から見つかる 我々が宇宙人であり生命発生は海底熱水噴出口ではなく生命/生命の材料は地球外から隕石に乗ってきたと言う説は当初トンデモと思われてたが今では証拠が揃いつつある…
RT @ShigekiKanamori: 【パンスペルミア説】 DNA/RNAを構成する塩基全てが遂に隕石から見つかる 我々が宇宙人であり生命発生は海底熱水噴出口ではなく生命/生命の材料は地球外から隕石に乗ってきたと言う説は当初トンデモと思われてたが今では証拠が揃いつつある…
holy moly guacamole🥲🥲🥲🥲😅😅😅😅😅😅
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
Présence confirmée des 5 bases nucléiques de l'ADN (adénine, thymine, guanine, cytosine) et de l'ARN (uracile) dans des matériaux extraterrestres, les météorites https://t.co/VdWZA4DGFj
Réellement bluffant et passionnant. 🤩
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @Shokotan_takaha: おもしろい。隕石による原始地球への核酸塩基の供給が生命誕生のきっかけになった可能性もあるし、ではこの核酸塩基がいったい地球外のどこから来たのか?も興味深いです。 Nature Communication誌の論文はこちら↓ https:…
Publication link for my tweeps https://t.co/955Ev5Io8F
RT @davidrliu: New work by Yasuhiro Oba and coworkers reports the use of state-of-the-art LC/MS methods to detect the last two missing DNA/…
☄️👽🧫🧬 https://t.co/iKVFpoAEaX
RT @brionesci: Si os gusta la investigación en #Astrobiología y #OrigenDeLaVida, os interesará este artículo: parte de las bases nitrogenad…
RT @Digging_Plants: Now, cosmic metabolomics is doable. How about jurassic/fossil metabolomics coming next? https://t.co/4q23S8XVx3
Now, cosmic metabolomics is doable. How about jurassic/fossil metabolomics coming next? https://t.co/4q23S8XVx3
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @valentyn_bez: We are but stardust Scattered on a canvas Of the universe ✨
بيا! هي نگفت از آسمون فرستادم، از بهشت بيرون كردم و فلان حالا تهش ميبينيم ما حاصل تخم ريزي كسي هستيم كه از يه سياره زيبا تبعيد شده بوده به زمين
@Yacob05 @ServiteurDELV @ShawnKe39796782 @anasorokind @BurakLeYilmaz1 Mdr comment est apparu la lune genie?
Les cités MDRRRR y’en a vous avez trop peur de croire en Dieu vous savez que Dieu existe mais vous avez trop peur d’y croire subhanAllah
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
@ServiteurDELV @ShawnKe39796782 @anasorokind @BurakLeYilmaz1 Dieu n’a jamais existé et n’existera jamais.
oh la dinguerie de fou
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
Sa. Grand. Mère.
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…
RT @ShigekiKanamori: 【パンスペルミア説】 DNA/RNAを構成する塩基全てが遂に隕石から見つかる 我々が宇宙人であり生命発生は海底熱水噴出口ではなく生命/生命の材料は地球外から隕石に乗ってきたと言う説は当初トンデモと思われてたが今では証拠が揃いつつある…
RT @astropierre: C'est maintenant officiel, les 5 bases servant à la construction de l'ADN et l'ARN (adénine, guanine, cytosine, thymine et…