When Does the Fightback Begin?
Progress in Political Economy,
When writing interventions on contemporary events, one’s best hope is that comrades of all stripes will engage with them…
Global warming could mean parts of the planet become too hot for humans
Global warming is leading to a 'wetbulb' temperature above 35°C - beyond which humans can no longer regulate their body…
Global warming now pushing heat into territory humans cannot tolerate
PreventionWeb News & Announcements,
Recent research shows that the 35°C limit is drawing closer, leaving an ever-shrinking safety margin for the hottest and most…
It's Not Just the Extreme Heat. It's the Extreme Humidity
Feed: All Latest,
A new study shows rising humidity and temperatures are colliding in places like the US Gulf Coast, decades ahead of projections…
Global heating – lethal heat plus humidity already coming to areas across the world
Nuclear News,
Potentially fatal bouts of heat and humidity on the rise, study…
Potentially Fatal Combinations of Humidity and Heat Are Emerging Across the Globe
State of the Planet,
A new study has identified thousands of incidents of previously rare or unprecedented extreme heat/humidity combinations in…
Lethal heat has taken hold in the Global South
New Internationalist,
Body: Tom Matthews explains why European heatwaves pale in comparison to climate impacts elsewhere. heat stressclimate…
Heatwave: Think It’s Hot in Europe? The Human Body Is Already Close to Thermal Limits Elsewhere
Common Dreams - Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community,
Tom MatthewsKolkata, India: Temperatures soar past 40˚C during a June 2019 heatwave. (Photo: Piyal Adhikary / EPA)
Bruce's Blog,
Heatwave: The human body is already close to thermal limits…
When a Climate Emergency Turns Into a Human Catastrophe
There’s nothing subtle about this deadly consequence of global warming. [Pexels] While the recent record-breaking…
How the Middle East is suffering on the front lines of climate change
Climate change threatens the Middle East and North Africa more than any other region on the planet. By the end of the century…
Swedes top climate change resisters’ league
Climate News Network,
Some governments take global warming seriously, while others defy the science and virtually ignore it. The climate change…
Ahead of climate and health symposium, review spotlights global inequities in heatwave research
Introduction by Croakey: About 50 people from the health sector, local and state government, professional and industrial…
Humidity May Prove Breaking Point for Some Areas as Temperatures Rise, Says Study
State of the Planet,
A new study projects that in coming decades the effects of high humidity in many areas may surpass humans’ ability to work or…
Humidity may prove breaking point for some areas as temperatures rise, says study
PreventionWeb News & Announcements,
Climate scientists say that killer heat waves will become increasingly prevalent in many regions as climate warms. However…
Saudis and Trump: Gambling Bigly
Common Dreams - Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community,
Richard HeinbergA remarkable string of incidents, all taking place within a mere two weeks, has left commentators speculating…
Weathering the Violence of Climate Change
Noozilla Top,
By Gulrez Shah Azhar | (Project Syndicate) | – – SANTA MONICA – With India experiencing its worst drought in 140 years, Indian…
Another Casualty of Climate Change: Peace
The RAND Blog,
The connection between human conflict and climate change is no mere coincidence. Drought, temperature and tensions rise in…
“Fa un caldo da morire”
IL PARCO DELLE BUFALE – A ogni ondata di calore, la custode del Parco si sente ripetere “ci sono sempre state” e “uccide di più…
Where Are India's Heat Hotspots?
The RAND Blog,
Poverty, poor sanitation, a precarious water and electricity supply, and limited access to health care make India vulnerable to…
Can climate change speed up economic diversification in the GCC?
Middle East Centre,
by Aisha Al-Sarihi United Nations Climate Change Conference, Doha, Qatar…
What Would a Global Warming Increase of 1.5 Degrees Be Like?
The Paris climate conference set the ambitious goal of finding ways to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, rather than…
Reward is the Missing Element in Successful Climate Mitigation Strategy
The Energy Collective - The world's best thinkers on energy & climate,
‘Risk/Reward’ is the ratio used by investors to compare the expected return of an investment to the amount of risk undertaken…
Warm feelings
National Affairs Online,
Arabian Gulf could become hell on Earth if we don’t lower emissions
It was the hottest of times, it was the … hottest of times. In this tale of two futures — one where we cut emissions and one…
Analysis: The climate papers most featured in the media in 2015
The Carbon Brief,
Last summer, Carbon Brief delved into the canon of published climate papers to discover which were the most influential, most…
2015’s key climate science research advances
Yale Climate Connections,
The end of 2015 was filled with climate change policy talk, as the Paris conference brought a rare ray of hope, driven in part…
Open thread for night owls. Naomi Klein & Jason Box: Why a climate deal is best hope for peace
Daily Kos,
Naomi Klein’s new book is This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate. Her previous books include The Shock Doctrine…
Les villes du Moyen Orient à l’aube d’un printemps durable?
Congestion automobile dans le centre d’Amman (via CODATU) La question pourra apparaître un peu rhétorique, voire naïve, en ces…
Gulf States to be Hoist Early on Climate Change Petard
naked capitalism,
The Gulf states will be among the first to suffer severe repercussions from climate change. The problem is the rest of us will…
Persian Gulf Temperatures May Be At the Edge of Human Tolerance In 30 Years
An anonymous reader writes: According to a new climate study the Persian Gulf may become so hot and humid in the next 30 years…
Persian Gulf temperatures may be at the edge of human tolerance in 30 years
Ars Technica,
(credit: Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team,NASA/GSFC) Humans can tolerate some extremes of hot and dry…
The Middle East Could Be Too Hot For Humans By The End Of The Century
Middle Eastern governments can't stop pumping the oil that is going to destroy their own countries.When the heat index went…
Clean Power Plan Publication Triggers Wave of Challenges
News Watch,
The recent publication of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan in the Federal Register triggered…
Soaring heat and humidity pose deadly threat
Climate News Network,
Parts of the Arabian Gulf region – prime source of the oil that helps fuel climate change – are most at risk of becoming…
2:00PM Water Cooler 10/28/2015
naked capitalism,
Today's Water Cooler: TTiP and environment, Republican debates, Clinton Foundation, Ryan the RINO, deadly heat, caste vs. class…
The Middle East could be looking at 140-degree days thanks to climate change
Climate change isn’t fair. Seattle may have produced a whole lot of atmosphere-altering airplanes, but as climate change…
Le alte temperature renderanno il Golfo Persino invivibile per l’uomo
Scienze fanpage,
Un simulatore di cambiamenti climatici prevede che entro la fine del secolo alcune regioni del sud-est asiatico non saranno più…
Is climate change about to claim its first cities?
Agenda - The World Economic Forum,
A new study suggests that by the end of the century, parts of the Middle East may become uninhabitable for human beings.
Climate Change Could Make The Persian Gulf So Hot People Can’t Spend More Than A Few Hours Outside
ThinkProgress » Climate Progress,
A new study suggests that by the end of the century, unchecked climate change could render large parts of the Persian Gulf…
Cambiamenti climatici, il golfo Persico diventerà invivibile entro 2100
LifeGate » News Persone,
Dubai, scintillante emirato sorto tra il deserto e la costa del golfo Persico, potrebbe diventare una città fantasma entro la…
Brutale Hitze im persischen Golf
Zebu (Das ist ein Gemeinschaftsblog von Joey, Sämi und Timi-Tim),
Eine brisante Studie zeigt, dass gerade die Erdöl produzierenden Länder besonders stark unter der globalen Erwärmung leiden würde…
How To Build A City Fit For 50℃ Heatwaves
I Fucking Love Science,
Environment Photo credit: Steve Crisp / Reuters The Persian Gulf is already one of the hottest parts of the…
Warming May Mean Stifling Future for Middle East
Climate Central - News, Blogs & Features,
Much of the Middle East already swelters through what are some of the hottest summers on the planet, but, occasionally, a…
Heat and humidity could make parts of the Middle East ‘unbearable’ by 2100
The Carbon Brief,
Conditions in the Middle East could become so hot and humid by the end of the century that being outside for more than six…
Extreme heatwaves could push Gulf climate beyond human endurance, study shows
Science news, comment and analysis | theguardian.com,
Oil heartlands of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha and Iran’s coast will experience higher temperatures and humidity than ever before on…
Parts Of The Persian Gulf Could Be Unsafe For Humans By 2100 Due To Climate Change
I Fucking Love Science,
Environment Photo credit: Dubai is one city that could be at risk. Elnur/Shutterstock. Startling new…
What Would a Global Warming Increase of 1.5 Degrees Be Like?
Yale Environment 360,
The Paris climate conference set the ambitious goal of finding ways to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, rather than…