Incredible Power of Shock Waves in a Nova Explosion Revealed by NASA’s Fermi and NuSTAR
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V906 Carinaes 2018 nova eruption illustration. Credit: NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center/Chris Smith (USRA) Unprecedented…
V906 Carinaes 2018 nova eruption illustration. Credit: NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center/Chris Smith (USRA) Unprecedented…
By using radio telescopes from across Europe and America, an international team of astronomers has been able to see into the…
A new discovery offers clues to the creation and origin of gamma rays, the highest-energy form of radioactive waves known in…
Gamma rays are the highest-energy form of radioactive waves known in the universe. However, how they're made and where they…
Astronomers have now seen right to the heart of an exploding star, thanks to a combination of data from telescopes. The…
Chuck Bednar for - Your Universe Online Extremely detailed images produced using radio telescopes spread…
Classical novae are the most common astrophysical thermonuclear explosions occurring on the surfaces of white dwarf stars…
Astronomers have been able to see into the heart of an exploding star, by combining data from telescopes that are hundreds or…
The dance of a stellar duo might explain why some novas emit gamma rays.
Highly-detailed radio-telescope images have pinpointed the locations where a stellar explosion called a nova emitted gamma rays…
An international team of astronomers has been able to see into the heart of an exploding star, by combining data from…
( University of Manchester ) An international team of astronomers has been able to see into the heart of an exploding star, by…