The Surprising Intelligence of Whales
MDPI Blog,
From Moby-Dick to Free Willy, whales have captured the imaginations of humans for centuries. Their haunting songs, gargantuan…
From Moby-Dick to Free Willy, whales have captured the imaginations of humans for centuries. Their haunting songs, gargantuan…
As a rule, larger animals tend to have larger brains, just as they have larger hearts, livers, and other internal organs. But…
The evolution of a big brain has been of long-standing interest due to its relationship to the origin of humans and its…
With few exceptions, most cultures put homo sapiens at the center or the apex of creation. Humans, it is generally believed…
This month's cover is by Rosemary Mosco and it celebrates some of the species that have appeared in the pages of Nature Ecology
Cetaceans, such as dolphins and whales, have complex societies with behaviors that closely resemble human and primate…
ANIMALI – Il mondo terrestre e quello marino sono agli antipodi: l’uno è condizionato fortemente dalla gravità, l’altro dalla…
Whales and dolphins live in tightly-knit social groups. They have complex relationships, talk to each other and have even…
Encephalization, or brain expansion, underpins humans’ sophisticated social cognition, including language, joint attention…
Whales and dolphins (Cetaceans) live in tightly-knit social groups, have complex relationships, talk to each other and even…
Enlarge (credit: International Fund for Animal Welfare) Why are humans so smart? We must have evolved in an environment that…
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Quartz: The human brain has evolved and expanded over millennia to accommodate our ever…
A major new study links the complexity of cetacean culture and behavior to brain size, revealing amazing things about the…
They only need thumbs to rule the oceans!
L'intelligenza dei cetacei è ben nota da tempo, ma un nuovo studio internazionale ha dimostrato che questi animali, grazie al…
Kiti in delfini veljajo za bolj inteligentne živali. Uporaba preprostega orodja, klicanje po imenu in govor v lokalnem dialektu…
Мозг представителей отряда китообразных
NewsWhales and dolphins (Cetaceans) live in tightly-knit social groups, have complex relationships, talk to each other and even…
The cultural brain hypothesis of human development could also explain cetaceans forming friendships – and even gossipingLife is…
Whales and dolphins (Cetaceans) live in tightly-knit social groups, have complex relationships, talk to each other and even…