L'IA a identifié d'éventuels signaux extraterrestres dans des données provenant du radiotélescope, des signaux qui avaient été initialement négligés
Les chercheurs, en recourant à lintelligence artificielle pour examiner les enregistrements dun radiotélescope considérés…
Why aliens might already know that humans exist
BBC News,
(Image credit: Nasa/JSC) Alien astronomers might be looking in our direction from distant planets.
How human activity might betray our existence to alien civilisations
BBC News,
(Image credit: Nasa/JSC) Alien astronomers might be looking in our direction from distant planets.
AI machine designed to detect alien in space has discovered eight promising signals
Eight signals of potential extraterrestrial life have been detected by an AI machine used by international scientists.
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries about the universe faster than ever before
Today Headline,
This article was originally published in The Conversation. The publication contributed the article to Space.com’s Expert Voices…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries about the universe faster than ever before
Yahoo! News,
This article was originally published inThe Conversation.The publication contributed the article to Space.com'sExpert Voices: Op…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries about the universe faster than ever before
Astronomers have been using AI for decades. This article was originally published in The Conversation.
How AI is helping astronomers
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries faster than ever before
The famous first image of a black hole just got two times sharper. A research team used artificial intelligence to dramatically…
AI Is Speeding Up Astronomical Discoveries
Yahoo! News,
The famous first image of a black hole just got two times sharper. A research team used artificial intelligence to dramatically…
News story from Gizmodo on Sunday 14 May 2023
Come l’intelligenza artificiale aiuta l’astronomia a capire meglio l’universo
Innovazione I nuovi software di apprendimento automatico elaborano enormi quantità di dati disponibili e scremano i segnali…
Analysis: How AI is helping astronomers study the universe
Artificial intelligence tools are making waves in almost every aspect of life, and astronomy is no different.
News story from Lake County News on Sunday 07 May 2023
Lake County News,
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
(THE CONVERSATION) - The famous first image of a black hole just got two times sharper.
AI Is Helping Astronomers Make New Discoveries And Learn About The Universe Faster Than Ever Before
by Chris Impey, University of Arizona The famous first image of a black hole just got two times sharper.
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
Phil's Stock World,
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before The sky is big and full of…
Tech How AI is helping astronomers discover new knowledge about the universe
Fast Company,
AI algorithms—in particular, neural networks that use many interconnected nodes and are able to learn to recognize patterns—are…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
Swift Telecast,
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
The famous first image of a black hole just got two times sharper. A research team used artificial intelligence to dramatically…
MIL-OSI Global: AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe
Foreign Affairs New Zealand,
– By Chris Impey, University Distinguished Professor of Astronomy, University of Arizona The sky is big and full of information…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Chris Impey…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
San Antonio Express-News,
(THE CONVERSATION) The famous first image of a black hole just got two times sharper.
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
Rapid City Journal,
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Chris Impey…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
Idaho Press,
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Chris Impey…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Chris Impey…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
Arizona Daily Star,
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Chris Impey…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
The Bismarck Tribune,
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Chris Impey…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Chris Impey…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
Houston Chronicle,
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) (THE…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
The Conversation,
The famous first image of a black hole just got two times sharper. A research team used artificial intelligence to dramatically…
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries and learn about the universe faster than ever before
Yahoo! News,
The famous first image of a black hole just got two times sharper. A research team used artificial intelligence to dramatically…
Ovnis extraterrestres: ni están ni se les espera
Por David Barrado Navascués, Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC). Captura de uno de los vídeos desclasificados por el…
A tudósok 8 idegen jelet észleltek közeli csillagokról: most akkor egyedül vagyunk az univerzumban vagy sem?
Egy tudóscsoport a Torontói Egyetem kutatóinak vezetésével úgy egyszerűsítette a földönkívüli élet keresését, hogy egy új…
¿Extraterrestres? Jaime Maussan deja a un lado a los OVNIs para revelar hallazgo de señales
En redes sociales, Jaime Maussan dejó de lado los OVNIs para revelar el hallazgo de señales de radio las cuales podrían ser de…
Una IA encuentra ocho posibles señales extraterrestres
Diario de Avisos,
La inteligencia artificial ha despertado miles de aplicaciones hasta ahora impensables, también en España.
Ils ne sont pas là, ni attendus
Nouvelles du monde,
Dans les derniers jours, les forces armées américaines ont abattu plusieurs objets non identifiés qui se trouvaient dans l’espace…
Die University of Toronto verwendet Deep Learning, um KI-Algorithmen zu trainieren, um Anzeichen von außerirdischem Leben zu berechnen | TechNews Technology New Report ~ Nach Welt
Nachrichten Welt,
Seit Jahren hören große Teleskope auf der ganzen Welt Signale von fernen außerirdischen Zivilisationen ab, aber wie man die…
多倫多大學以深度學習訓練 AI 演算法算出外星生命跡象
多年來,全球大型望遠鏡一直在聆聽遙遠外星文明訊號,但如何處理大量數據並辨認正是外星無線電訊號,是個大問題。 Peter Xiangyuan Ma為多倫多大學學生兼研究員,高中三年級時致力撰寫全新AI演算法,有助區分人類技術無線電與可能來自太空其他生命的訊號…
El aprendizaje automático descubre señales de interés no detectadas previamente
La búsqueda de vida extraterrestre ha sido un tema de investigación científica y fascinación pública durante décadas.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Machine Learning Uncovers Previously Undetected Signals of Interest
Scitech Daily,
The search for extraterrestrial life has been a topic of scientific inquiry and public fascination for decades.
Are we one step closer to finding aliens?
The Varsity,
U of T advances the search for extraterrestrial life using machine learning If aliens are out there, how do you imagine them to…
Spazio Otto segnali dallo spazio: sono extraterrestri?
È successo più volte che gli astronomi si siano imbattuti in segnali radio che sembravano realmente prodotti da alieni…
Tekoäly löysi avaruudesta 8 mystistä radiosignaalia, jotka voivat olla peräisin toisesta sivilisaatiosta
Seti (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) on organisaatio, joka on vuodesta 1984 etsinyt jälkiä Maan ulkopuolisesta elämäst…
Astronomers Report Strange Radio Signals From Space
Extraterrestrial signatures studied by Peter MaPhoto byPeter Ma/SWNS According to the Good News Network [GNN], "Astronomers…
Astrónomos descubrieron posibles señales extraterrestres
Las señales extraterrestresson un concepto propio de películas de ciencia ficción ¿o no? Se dio a conocer que astrónomos…
Astrónomos descubrieron posibles señales extraterrestres
ADN 40,
Las señales extraterrestres son un concepto propio de películas de ciencia ficción ¿o no? Se dio a conocer que astrónomos…
Are aliens calling? Scientists find 8 suspicious radio signals in space - study
Jerusalem Post,
An AI algorithm was used to sift through 820 star systems to find radio signals that could have been made by intelligent alien…
3 Reasons Technosignatures Detected By AI-Trained Algorithm Can Be Extraterrestrial Activities
The Science Times, United States,
(Photo : Wikimedia Commons/ User Kvasir of wp:en) 8 Mysterious Signals Detected Using AI-Trained Algorithm in Area Previously…
Quand l’IA nous aide à chercher une intelligence extraterrestre
La Tribune,
DECRYPTAGE. Les huit nouveaux signaux étranges sont sans doute des interférences, mais le fait qu’un système d’IA puisse les repé…
AskByGeeks | Are aliens trying to contact Earth? • Earth.com
Using a new machine learning algorithm, a team of scientists at the University of Toronto recently detected eight new radio…
8 ‘suspicious’ signals detected from space: ‘Are we alone in the universe?’
E.T. phone home? Astronomers have discovered eight “suspicious” radio signals that they say may be evidence of “technological…
8 ‘suspicious’ signals detected from space: ‘Are we alone in the universe?’
New York Post,
E.T. phone home? Astronomers have discovered eight “suspicious” radio signals that they say may be evidence of “technological…
Οκτω μυστηριώδη, «συναρπαστικά» ραδιοσήματα από το Διάστημα εντόπισαν οι επιστήμονες
Το ερώτημα εάν υπάρχει ζωή «εκεί έξω» πάντοτε απασχολούσε και θα απασχολεί την ανθρωπότητα -Τα σήματα πληρούσαν όλα τα επιστημονι…
Mysterious radio signals: are aliens trying to contact Earth?
By using a new machine learning-operated algorithm, a team of scientists from the University of Toronto has recently detected…
Eight mysterious radio signals picked up by ‘alien-hunting telescope’ – coming from ‘very strange’ part of space
STRANGE radio signals have been spotted coming from a usually quiet part of outer space.
Astronomers pick up EIGHT mysterious radio signals from outer space
Big World Tale,
One question has troubled humanity for thousands of years: are we alone in the universe? As yet there is still no answer, but…
Astronomers pick up EIGHT mysterious radio signals from outer space
Express Informer,
One question has troubled humanity for thousands of years: are we alone in the universe? As yet there is still no answer, but…
News story from Daily Mail on Friday 17 February 2023
Daily Mail,
Ovnis extraterrestres: ni están ni se les espera
El Mostrador,
En los últimos días, las fuerzas armadas norteamericanas han derribado varios objetos no identificados que se encontraban…
Will extraterrestrial signals soon be discovered by an artificial intelligence?
Tek Deeps,
About 540 million years ago, various forms of life suddenly began to emerge from the muddy bottoms of the planet’s oceans: it…
¿Nos están ‘visitando’ civilizaciones inteligentes?
El Nuevo Herald (US),
En los últimos días, las fuerzas armadas norteamericanas han derribado varios objetos no identificados que se encontraban…
Ovnis extraterrestres: ni hi són ni se’ls espera
El Periódico de Catalunya,
En els últims dies, les forces armades nord-americanes han fet caure diversos objectes no identificats que es trobaven dins de l…
Ovnis extraterrestres: ni están ni se les espera
El Periodico - ES,
En los últimos días, las fuerzas armadas norteamericanas han derribado varios objetos no identificados que se encontraban…
Des signaux extraterrestres seront-ils bientôt découverts par une intelligence artificielle?
Il y a environ 540 millions d'années, diverses formes de vie ont soudainement commencé à émerger des fonds boueux des océans de…
News story from Slate France on Wednesday 15 February 2023
Slate France,
Ovnis extraterrestres: ni están ni se les espera
The Conversation,
En los últimos días, las fuerzas armadas norteamericanas han derribado varios objetos no identificados que se encontraban…
Quand l'intelligence artificielle nous aide à chercher une intelligence extraterrestre
Voir aussi Après notre article "Une intelligence artificielle pourrait avoir détecté plusieurs signaux extraterrestres (lien)"…
Quand l’intelligence artificielle nous aide à chercher une intelligence extraterrestre
The Conversation,
Il y a environ 540 millions d’années, diverses formes de vie ont soudainement commencé à émerger des fonds boueux des océans de…
Extraterrestres : une intelligence artificielle détecte 8 nouveaux signaux étranges
Une nouvelle étude sur l’IA aurait détecté 8 "technosignatures" extraterrestres possibles autour d’étoiles lointaines.
Using AI to find exoplanets and intelligent civilizations
Atin Ito,
Bob McDonald’s blog: Astronomers are turning to artificial intelligence and machine learning to help find new planets forming…
L’intelligence artificielle à la recherche d’une vie extraterrestre trouve huit signaux étranges
Science & Vie,
De la vie extraterrestre détectée ? La recherche de signaux provenant d’une civilisation avancée, ailleurs dans l’univers…
Inteligencia artificial: las señales que detectaron y pueden ser de extraterrestres/ovnis
Sin duda el ser humano está a puertas de vivir un nuevo hecho histórico: la inmersión y desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial.
8 Strange Signals AI Has Found in Its Search for Alien Life
Some 540 million years ago, diverse life forms suddenly began to emerge from the muddy ocean floors of planet Earth.
News story from Gizmodo Australia on Sunday 12 February 2023
Gizmodo Australia,
Machine Learning Used to Re-Examine Old Signals from Outer Space | Technology
Credit: National Radio Astronomy Observatory Astronomy can be both a fun and frustrating experience, but with the right…
Machine Learning Used to Re-Examine Old Signals from Outer Space | Technology
Credit: National Radio Astronomy Observatory Astronomy can be both a fun and frustrating experience, but with the right…
Machine Learning Used to Re-Examine Old Signals from Outer Space | Technology
Credit: National Radio Astronomy Observatory Astronomy can be both a fun and frustrating experience, but with the right…
Could Machine Learning Be Used to Find Extraterrestrial Life? | Space
Are we alone in the Universe? That is a grand question that scientists have been trying to answer for quite some time now.
Could Machine Learning Be Used to Find Extraterrestrial Life? | Space
Are we alone in the Universe? That is a grand question that scientists have been trying to answer for quite some time now.
Could Machine Learning Be Used to Find Extraterrestrial Life? | Space
Are we alone in the Universe? That is a grand question that scientists have been trying to answer for quite some time now.
Mithilfe von KI Exoplaneten und intelligente Zivilisationen finden
Astronomen wenden sich künstlicher Intelligenz und maschinellem Lernen zu, um neue Planeten, die sich um andere Sterne bilden…
Using AI to find exoplanets and intelligent civilizations
Galaxy Concerns,
Astronomers are turning to artificial intelligence and machine learning to help find new planets forming around other stars and…
Using AI to find exoplanets and intelligent civilizations
Inside Headline,
Astronomers are turning to artificial intelligence and machine learning to help find new planets forming around other stars and…
Using AI to find exoplanets and intelligent civilizations
Arabnews24.ca:Friday 10 February 2023 04:21 PM: Astronomers are turning to artificial intelligence and machine learning to help…
Using AI to find exoplanets and intelligent civilizations
Bob McDonald's blog: Machine learning can analyze large datasets and pick out details missed by humans Astronomers are turning…
More Data and Machine Learning has Kicked SETI Into High Gear
Universe Today,
For over sixty years, astronomers and astrophysicists have been engaged in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).
AskByGeeks | Alien-detecting AI finds eight ‘suspicious’ signals
When scientists are stumped, you know they’re on to something. strange signal A team at the forefront of the search for alien…
New AI Trained to Look for Extraterrestrial Life Detects 8 'Very Suspicious' Signals: Are Those Worthy of Study?
The Science Times, United States,
10:58 PM EST (Photo : Unsplash/Shahadat Rahman) A group leading the search for extraterrestrial life discovered some unusual…
Alien-Detecting AI Finds Eight "Suspicious" Signals
When the scientists are stumped, you know they're onto something. Strange Signals A group that's at the forefront of the search…
Como a inteligência artificial pode ajudar na busca por extraterrestres
Época Negócios,
Inteligência artificial pode ajudar na busca por seres extraterrestres, defendem pesquisadores — Foto: Pixabay A busca por…
AskByGeeks | AI-assisted alien search detects 8 ‘very suspicious’ radio signals
There are estimated to be hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe, each with about that many planets, so the chances…
Une équipe de chercheurs utilisent une IA pour trouver de la vie extraterrestre et c’est assez prometteur
Newsmonkey ,
Une équipe internationale de chercheurs utilise une forme d’intelligence artificielle (IA) pour rechercher la vie extraterrestre.
Machine learning could turbocharge the search for extraterrestrial intelligence
The field of SETI, or the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, is accelerating to new heights thanks to developments in…
AI-aided alien search detects 8 "very suspicious" radio signals
New Atlas,
It’s estimated that the universe contains hundreds of billions of galaxies, and each galaxy has about that many planets, so the…
Maschinelles Lernen könnte die Suche nach außerirdischer Intelligenz beschleunigen
Das Gebiet von SETI, oder die Suche nach außerirdischer Intelligenz, erreicht dank der Entwicklungen im maschinellen Lernen…
AI Joins Hunt for ET: Study Finds 8 Potential Alien Signals
Today Headline,
Artificial intelligence is now a part of the quest to find extraterrestrial life.
Medo do fim da humanidade move busca por vida alienígena, diz cientista
Publicidade Estudante de matemática e física na Universidade de Toronto, Peter Xiangyuan Ma é o principal signatário de uma…
Machine learning could turbocharge the search for extraterrestrial intelligence - TechNewsBoy.com
The field of SETI, or the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, is accelerating to new heights thanks to developments in…