Nature Portfolio,
An evaluation of climate risks faced by nearly 25,000 marine species reveals that almost 90% are at high or critical risk under…
An evaluation of climate risks faced by nearly 25,000 marine species reveals that almost 90% are at high or critical risk under…
根據加拿大戴爾豪斯大學(Dalhousie University)發表的研究顯示,如果人類不遏止溫室氣體的排放,那麼到本世紀末,將有近90%的海洋物種將面臨大規模滅絕的命運,這將是繼2.5億年前的「二疊紀大滅絕」毀滅96%的海洋生物和70%的陸地生物後,最大…
気候変動:温室効果ガス排出によって海洋生物が受けるリスクの評価 注目のハイライト | Nature Climate Change #気候変動 #温室効果ガス #海洋生物