Ecuador’s Bargain of Conservation and Tourism in The Galapagos
From August 1, 2024 the government of Ecuador will double the entry fee for tourists visiting the islands in an effort to…
From August 1, 2024 the government of Ecuador will double the entry fee for tourists visiting the islands in an effort to…
OXFORD • A University of Mississippi professor's comparisons between two lineages of Galapagos tortoises is yielding new…
Le Galapagos sono un piccolo arcipelago dalla grande fama, in particolare da quando, nel 1835, Charles Darwin le esplorò nel…
A descoberta partiu de uma análise genética a ossos e carapaças encontrados numa caverna em 1906.
A giant tortoise, one of several species living among the Galapagos Islands. Long ago, a single lineage of tortoises colonized…
Até há pouquíssimo tempo, cientistas acreditavam que as cerca de 8 mil tartarugas gigantes que vivem na ilha de San Cristóbal…
Long ago, a single lineage of tortoises colonized the Galápagos archipelago in the Pacific Ocean.
, 14:09 На Галапагосских островах обнаружен новый вид гигантской черепахи. Это произошло после того, как анализ ДНК показал, что…
But with the discovery of this new species, we probably also lost another giant tortoise species – paradoxically.
The island in the Galapagos upon which Charles Darwin first landed in 1835 was once thought to be home to a single lineage of…
Image: Christian Aslund via Getty Images The island in the Galapagos upon which Charles Darwin first landed in 1835 was once…
(Newser) – Researchers believe they have discovered a new species of giant tortoise in the Galapagos Islands, which is news they…
El ministerio de Ambiente, Agua y Transición Ecológica de Ecuado anunció que se había encontrado una nueva especie de tortuga…
Um estudo conjunto entre a Newcastle University (Reino Unido), Yale, MIT (Estados Unidos), a ONG americana Galapagos…
En termes de mortalité, le bilan de la pandémie serait beaucoup plus sévère que les chiffres officiels, et autres actualités…
14 Marzo 2022 Grazie a test del DNA condotti su tartarughe giganti dell’isola di San Cristóbal, alle Galapagos, è stata…
A new species of giant tortoise has been uncovered in the Galápagos Islands after DNA testing revealed that two different…
A new species of giant tortoise has been discovered in the Galapagos Islands after scientists found animals living on one side…
A new species of giant tortoise has been discovered in the Galapagos Islands after scientists found animals living on one side…
posted on Mar. 14, 2022 at 7:57 am A new species of giant tortoise has been discovered in the Galapagos Islands after…
A new species of giant tortoise has been discovered in the Galapagos Islands after scientists found animals living on one side…
A new species of giant tortoise has been discovered in the Galapagos Islands after scientists found animals living on one side…
A new species of giant tortoise has been discovered in the Galapagos Islands after scientists found animals living on one side…
A new species of giant tortoise has been discovered in the Galapagos after DNA testing found animals living on one island had…
Panzergiganten Bisher bekannte Art vermutlich ist vor Jahrzehnten ausgestorben Forschende haben auf den Galápagos-Inseln im…
Tiere : Bislang waren Wissenschaftler davon ausgegangen, dass die Tiere zu der Art Chelonoidis chathamensis gehören.
Forscher haben auf den Galápagos-Inseln im Pazifik wohl eine bislang unbekannte Art von Riesenschildkröten identifiziert.
Auf den Galápagos-Inseln ist eine neue Art von Riesenschildkröten entdeckt worden.
QUITO (AFP).- Un estudio de ADN determinó que las tortugas gigantes que habitan la isla San Cristóbal en Galápagos corresponden…
Auf den Galapagos-Inseln westlich von Ecuador ist eine neue Art von Riesenschildkröten entdeckt worden.
Die Tierwelt ist offiziell um eine Art reicher: Riesenschildkröten auf der Galápagos-Insel San Cristóbal zählen laut einer…
QUITO (AFP) - A new species of giant tortoise has been discovered in the Galapagos after DNA testing found animals living on…
By analyzing tortoise bones from 1906, scientists from Galápagos Conservancy, University of Newcastle, and Yale University have…
PRWeb 2022-03-09 By analyzing tortoise bones from 1906, scientists from Galápagos Conservancy, University of Newcastle, and…
SANTA CRUZ, Galápagos, March 9, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- New DNA analysis of century-old tortoise bones published this week…
By analyzing tortoise bones from 1906, scientists from Galápagos Conservancy, University of Newcastle, and Yale University have…