There are now 19 forms of ice, thanks to this discovery
Yahoo! News,
A recent study published in Nature Communications by researchers at the University of Innsbruck has identified the 19th form of…
A recent study published in Nature Communications by researchers at the University of Innsbruck has identified the 19th form of…
La glace XIX. Elle se forme à ultra-basse température et à des pressions ultra-élevées.
Here are some of the most interesting research papers to have appeared in top science journals last week.
Eis ist ein sehr vielfältiges Material. In Schneeflocken oder Eiswürfeln sind die Sauerstoffatome hexagonal angeordnet, die…
Ice is an extremely multipurpose material. The oxygen atoms in ice cubes or snowflakes are arranged in a hexagonal pattern.
Австрийские исследователи обнаружили очередную кристаллическую форму, которую может принимать вода при особых условиях замерзания…
Owing to the many different ways atoms can be arranged within the material, ice can exist in many more forms than what’s known…
Using neutron diffraction, scientists have characterized the crystalline structure of a newly named ice form, ice XIX.
New form of crystalline ice may help learn about hydrogen bonds by Brooks Hays Washington DC (UPI) Feb 18, 2021 Using neutron…
In this model of ice VI -- a laboratory-created form of ice that researchers say can help explain the nature of hydrogen bonds -…
Feb. 18 (UPI) -- Using neutron diffraction, scientists have characterized the crystalline structure of a newly named ice form…
Ice XIX is the second hydrogen-partially-ordered phase of ice VI, a previously known form of ice that exists at pressures…
Scientists elucidate crystal structure for exotic ice XIX Credit: Uni Innsbruck Ice is a very versatile material.
Model of ice VI, the large red and blue spheres represent oxygen atoms, the small spheres hydrogen atoms.
Three years ago, chemists found evidence for the existence of a new variety of ice.
Three years ago, chemists at the University of Innsbruck found evidence for the existence of a new variety of ice.
Vor drei Jahren haben Chemiker der Universität Innsbruck Hinweise für die Existenz einer neuen Variante von Eis gefunden.
Chemie Wenn Wasser unter normalen Bedingungen friert, entsteht Eis. Es waren bisher aber auch 17 weitere Erscheinungsformen von…
Three years ago, chemists at the University of Innsbruck found evidence for the existence of a new variety of ice.
Ice is a very versatile material. In snowflakes or ice cubes, the oxygen atoms are arranged hexagonally.
11:00 Three years ago, chemists at the University of Innsbruck found evidence for the existence of a new variety of ice.
Ice is a very versatile material. In snowflakes or ice cubes, the oxygen atoms are arranged hexagonally.
(Alexander Nikitin/Moment/Getty Images) Not all water ice is the same. Locked inside, the arrangement of molecules varies…
Exotische Eisvariante erhöht Zahl der bekannten Erscheinungsformen von Wassereis auf 19 - Wenn Wasser unter normalen…
Illustration showing the relationship between the ice VI and XIX unit cells viewed down their c-axes, and the differences in…
Not all water ice is the same. Locked inside, the arrangement of molecules varies significantly, based on the pressure and…
Ice is a very versatile material. In snowflakes or ice cubes, the oxygen atoms are arranged hexagonally.