L’alliance entre la pieuvre et les poissons et les 1001 idées d'un Indien pour défendre ses montagnes
Radio France,
Au menu de l’actu de la Terre Au Carré, La lutte enchantée de Camille Crosnier, une Une des médias avec Hervé Poirier du…
Au menu de l’actu de la Terre Au Carré, La lutte enchantée de Camille Crosnier, une Une des médias avec Hervé Poirier du…
Az, hogy egy állatfaj egy másik megfigyelésével, kihasználásával jusson élelemhez, nem oly ritkaság.
你以為章魚都像《海綿寶寶》的章魚哥一樣孤僻嗎?最新研究發現,章魚不僅會和魚類合作狩獵,甚至在狩獵不順時,還會用觸手「揍」隊友,逼牠們加快進度。這項研究由馬克斯·普朗克動物行為研究所的愛德華多·桑帕奧(Eduardo Sampaio)領導,發表於《自然生態與演…
Nombreuses sont les études à l’avoir prouvé, le poulpe compte parmi les animaux marins les plus intelligents, faisant preuve de…
文:高基氏體|科編 你以為章魚都像《海綿寶寶》的章魚哥一樣孤僻嗎? 最新研究發現,章魚不僅會和魚類合作狩獵,甚至在狩獵不順時,還會用觸手「揍」隊友,逼牠們加快進度。這項研究由馬克斯·普朗克動物行為研究所的愛德華多·桑帕奧(Eduardo Sampaio)領導…
Les pieuvres, connues pour leur caractère solitaire, peuvent collaborer avec des poissons pour optimiser leur chasse.
Un nou studiu dezvăluie complexitatea colaborării atunci când caracatițele vânează împreună cu peștii.
En mer Rouge, des biologistes allemands ont observé une intrigante stratégie de chasse aquatique, impliquant la collaboration étr…
De enigmatische wezens met acht armen en drie harten coördineren hun team en straffen opportunistische leden zelfs met een…
Octopuses are famously solitary creatures, typically avoiding interactions with their own species, let alone others.
Jagdverbünde aus verschiedenen Tierarten sind selten. Ein Forschungsteam der Uni Konstanz hat herausgefunden: Wenn Kraken sich…
A new study published in Nature Ecology
A new study published in Nature Ecology
Octopuses are usually solitary creatures, but occasionally they group together with fish to share the burden of hunting.
Los cefalópodos dan ‘puñetazos’ a sus ayudantes para enviarlos a explorar más lejos Los pulpos suelen considerarse animales…
Los cefalópodos dan ‘puñetazos’ a sus ayudantes para enviarlos a explorar más lejos Los pulpos suelen considerarse animales…
Los cefalópodos dan ‘puñetazos’ a sus ayudantes para enviarlos a explorar más lejos Los pulpos suelen considerarse animales…
The above-average is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to their ability to use tools.
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to their ability to use tools.
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
The above-average intelligence that octopi possess is displayed in myriad ways, from their problem-solving capabilities to…
Analiza materiału filmowego zarejestrowanego pod wodą wykazała, że ośmiornice tworzą grupy myśliwskie razem z rybami.
Un pulpo merodeador de ojos acerados a la caza con una bandada de peces a cuestas, los científicos descubren un comportamiento…
Quelques géoglyphes découverts par les chercheurs japonais dans le désert de Nazca au sud du Pérou.
Como sucede6:44Los pulpos cazan junto a los peces, pero los golpear aacute nbsp;n si se salen de la l iacute nbsp;nea A pesar…
Apesar de polvos serem predadores que agem normalmente sozinhos, registros recentes feitos por mergulhadores no Mar Vermelho…
Um polvo saqueador, de olhos de aço, à caça com um bando de peixes a reboque, os cientistas descobrem um comportamento social…
Sie sehen aus, wie Wesen von einem anderen Planeten, sind extrem geschickte Jäger, hochintelligent und Einzelgänger – so…
Scientists say octopuses punch uncooperative fish when they are together on group hunts.
A marauding, steely-eyed octopus on the hunt with a fish gang in tow, scientists discover intriguing social behaviour.
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Octopuses and fish work together to hunt, but there is no doubt who is in charge, researchers found.
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Mutually beneficial relationships help keep the animal kingdom in harmony. Plover birds walk into the dangerous mouths of…
Ao longo do período em que a ciência conhece os polvos, descobrimos que esses invertebrados não socializam com a própria espécie…
Kraken und Fische verschiedener Arten bilden gemeinsame Jagdverbände Erstaunlich elegant schwimmt ein bizarr aussehender, nicht…
Desde suinteligencia excepcional y unas impresionantes habilidades cognitivas, hasta su adaptabilidad y mimetización con el…
Octopuses and fish work together to hunt prey. They sometimes even fight with each other Octopuses don't always hunt alone.
やはりタコと魚はチームを組んで狩りをしていた。効率を上げるた...の画像はこちら >> とにかく賢いタコの場合、 普段は単独行動をしているが、狩りをするときは他の生物とチームを組んで、連携プレイで獲物を狙うことがある。 2020年、ポルトガル、リスボン大学の…
A new study published in Nature Ecology
Рыбы помогают осьминогам искать места, где еды побольше. Есть масса примеров дружбы и сотрудничества среди животных: дружат акулы…
New study explores social dynamics of group hunting along shallow reefs Despite their reputation as loners, it turns out…
Aparentemente, quem convive com polvos não vive só descansando em jardins no fundo do mar, pois a colaboração durante a caça é…
Hunting in the mysterious depths of the Red Sea takes on an unexpected twist, as biologist Eduardo Sampaio and his team gear up…
First, orcas started attacking boats. And now, scientists have caught octopuses punching their fish companions on camera.
First, orcas started attacking boats. And now, scientists have caught octopuses punching their fish companions on camera.
Czasowe sojusze między ośmiornicami i rybami rafowymi są dokumentowane od dziesięcioleci.
In the waters of the Red Sea, fish and octopuses are forming an unlikely alliance: They’re joining forces to track down prey…
ირკვევა, რომ რვაფეხებს სხვა სახეობებთან ერთად ნადირობა მოსწონთ. მკვლევრებმა აღბეჭდეს რვაფეხა, რომელიც თევზებთან ერთად ნადირობდა დ…
Egy új tanulmány alapján sikerült megfigyelni polipok és halak közös vadászatát – írja a The Independent.
狩りの仲間の魚にパンチで一喝するワモンダコ 紅海にすむワモンダコ(Octopus cyanea)は、魚たちと協力して効率的に狩りをするという論文が発表された。論文の著者が撮影。(Video by Eduardo Sampaio) タコが複数の種の魚をまとめて…
Líderes eficazes consideram todas as suas opções antes de tomar uma decisão. Eles trabalham com outros de diferentes origens.