@Atomicrod @cat240359 @energybants @nucleationvc Yes! I absolutely agree with this We MUST use these reactors for mission critical applications, e.g., ocean cargo ships, space colonization, cold sun-less climates, etc We also must develop all fusion p
First measurements of p11B fusion in a magnetically confined plasma | Nature Communications https://t.co/KZy3up3ODh
RT @AMHala: شركة TAE تعلن عن ابحاث جديدة لها نشرت في قسم التعليقات العلمية بمجلة: Nature حيث تعاونت مع شركاءها في اليابان لإجراء تجارب لأول…
Check out our research paper in @NatureComms on our recent successful hydrogen-boron milestone: https://t.co/LFGU17dus3
RT @TAE: We're honored to see TAE's hydrogen-boron fusion featured in Nikkei! Our latest peer-reviewed research paper in @NatureComms high…
RT @TAE: We're honored to see TAE's hydrogen-boron fusion featured in Nikkei! Our latest peer-reviewed research paper in @NatureComms high…
RT @TAE: We're honored to see TAE's hydrogen-boron fusion featured in Nikkei! Our latest peer-reviewed research paper in @NatureComms high…
We're honored to see TAE's hydrogen-boron fusion featured in Nikkei! Our latest peer-reviewed research paper in @NatureComms highlights the first-of-its-kind success of our joint hydrogen-boron fusion experiments: https://t.co/LFGU17dus3 https://t.co/Un9n
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
RT @theotherphilipp: Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprung…
#Grüne|r Plasmabrennstoff? Sollte doch möglich werden?! HeißluftAnnalena und WarmbrisenKatrinGE gibt’s ja schon.
Was machen wir eigentlich mit den ganzen Wind- & Photovoltaikanlagen, falls Technologien wie diese eine ähnlich sprunghafte Entwicklung der Fusionskraftwerke ermöglichen, wie es moderne Informationstechnologie für Jahrzehnte stagnierende AI-Systeme hat
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic, which means no radioactive fuel or waste See our peer-reviewed paper in @SpringerNature journal @NatureComms: https://t.co/j
RT @TAE: We work with some of the brightest minds on Earth to make hydrogen-boron fusion a reality 🇺🇲🤝🇯🇵 TAE scientists were honored to jo…
RT @is_fusion: Some more on fusion fuels today, specifically p-B11. #FusionEnergy #Fuel
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
@jawayjaway @konamih @AShino221 中性子がでないので炉を作りやすいのが特徴と言うことですけど、「どんな核融合でも中性子はかならず出る」と仰るのはどういうことですか? https://t.co/7lC083j9vB
RT @physorg_com: First measurements of hydrogen-boron #fusion in a magnetically confined fusion plasma @NatureComms https://t.co/W7pV0t3JPJ…
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
RT @is_fusion: Some more on fusion fuels today, specifically p-B11. #FusionEnergy #Fuel
Some more on fusion fuels today, specifically p-B11. #FusionEnergy #Fuel
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic, which means no radioactive fuel or waste See our peer-reviewed paper in @SpringerNature journal @NatureComms: https://t.co/j
RT @TAE: We work with some of the brightest minds on Earth to make hydrogen-boron fusion a reality 🇺🇲🤝🇯🇵 TAE scientists were honored to jo…
RTの詳細 https://t.co/ljYnIAZXUD
First measurements of p11B fusion in a magnetically confined plasma | Nature Communications 中性子を出さない核融合反応を磁気閉じ込めプラズマ内で起こしたという事ね https://t.co/VoAfGgCytY
【PDF】 First measurements of p11B fusion in a magnetically confined plasma ‼️caution. Instant download on link click.‼️ https://t.co/12wv4Bs2pV
RT @TAE: We work with some of the brightest minds on Earth to make hydrogen-boron fusion a reality 🇺🇲🤝🇯🇵 TAE scientists were honored to jo…
RT @TAE: We work with some of the brightest minds on Earth to make hydrogen-boron fusion a reality 🇺🇲🤝🇯🇵 TAE scientists were honored to jo…
RT @TAE: We work with some of the brightest minds on Earth to make hydrogen-boron fusion a reality 🇺🇲🤝🇯🇵 TAE scientists were honored to jo…
First measurements of p11B fusion in a magnetically confined plasma https://t.co/CAQhCH4YBF #science #physics #measurements #fusion #plasma
We work with some of the brightest minds on Earth to make hydrogen-boron fusion a reality 🇺🇲🤝🇯🇵 TAE scientists were honored to join a press conference held by our esteemed research partners at @NIFSplasma, celebrating our paper in @NatureComms: https://t.
First measurements of p11B fusion in a magnetically confined plasma - https://t.co/OYr7IujHUZ
RT @TAE: We’re proud to share promising new research published in @SpringerNature’s @NatureComms journal. Along with our partners at @NIFSp…
@satobon99 とりあえず元論文。 https://t.co/BQIs4ji1ci
First measurements of p11B fusion in a magnetically confined plasma - https://t.co/OYr7IujHUZ
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
今日はプロトンボロン(けいすいそホウ素)核融合の成果がNature Communications に掲載された(https://t.co/RkQEDOkIZB)というプレス発表を行いました。多数のプレスの方が遠隔で参加されていました。ぎふチゃんでテレビ報道されていたんだけど、愛知では見れず残念。
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
RT @FISICALIMITE: La fusión protón-Boro es aneutrónica (no produce neutrones), y bien podría ser el futuro. Sin embargo, requiere temperatu…
RT @TAE: Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic,…
La fusión protón-Boro es aneutrónica (no produce neutrones), y bien podría ser el futuro. Sin embargo, requiere temperaturas ~30 veces mayores a la fusión usando Deuterio y Tritio (el camino actual), o densidades gigantescas. Un desafío tecnológico inalcan
Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic, which means no radioactive fuel or waste See our peer-reviewed paper in @SpringerNature journal @NatureComms: https://t.co/j
こちら、元の論文はOpen Access(誰でも読める)です! https://t.co/1yNcCLLZGL
@MatthewWielicki useless distractions ... but this may keep you away from sharp objects https://t.co/TQc9nRdcYO
Hydrogen-boron (p-B11) fusion differs from many other fusion projects: ✅ Fuel is abundant and cheap ✅ p-B11 fusion is aneutronic, which means no radioactive fuel or waste See our peer-reviewed paper in @SpringerNature journal @NatureComms: https://t.co/j
La fusion par le bore enfin possible grâce à une entreprise américaine. Elle est aneutronique, sans neutron, contrairement à l'ITER. Elle est plus facile à contrôler puisque plus petite. Par conséquent moins dangereuse ! https://t.co/7UDkMhKra9
磁気閉じ込めプラズマにおけるp 11 B核融合の最初の測定_φ(・_・ #fusionenergy https://t.co/PF58iCwNGm
RT @bsh_gaire: Proton-boron (p11B) #fusion in a magnetically confined plasma, you can read more in this study by Magee et al in @NatureComm…
RT @bsh_gaire: Proton-boron (p11B) #fusion in a magnetically confined plasma, you can read more in this study by Magee et al in @NatureComm…
https://t.co/4X1gImBJO7 DTよりp-B11の方が高温必要そうだけど何eVくらいでやったんだろ
RT @TAE: We’re proud to share promising new research published in @SpringerNature’s @NatureComms journal. Along with our partners at @NIFSp…
RT @TAE: We’re proud to share promising new research published in @SpringerNature’s @NatureComms journal. Along with our partners at @NIFSp…
RT @TAE: We’re proud to share promising new research published in @SpringerNature’s @NatureComms journal. Along with our partners at @NIFSp…
RT @TAE: We’re proud to share promising new research published in @SpringerNature’s @NatureComms journal. Along with our partners at @NIFSp…
@nyrath I was a little nervous because TAE are a startup looking for publicity, but this paper got into Nature!!! https://t.co/4qcAKJILCb
First measurements of hydrogen-boron fusion in a magnetically confined fusion plasma https://t.co/OZ81BfHF5k https://t.co/sdUA5XINfB
RT @TAE: We’re proud to share promising new research published in @SpringerNature’s @NatureComms journal. Along with our partners at @NIFSp…
RT @TAE: We’re proud to share promising new research published in @SpringerNature’s @NatureComms journal. Along with our partners at @NIFSp…
RT @TAE: We’re proud to share promising new research published in @SpringerNature’s @NatureComms journal. Along with our partners at @NIFSp…
" fuel-agnostic reactor design"
RT @TAE: We’re proud to share promising new research published in @SpringerNature’s @NatureComms journal. Along with our partners at @NIFSp…
First measurements of p11B fusion in a magnetically confined plasma - Nature Communications https://t.co/rRaUSs9aT4
Another viable fusion reaction… https://t.co/1MqnCmgJw6
The billions we overpaid in energy this past year could have gone to supporting research that replaces conventional energy production. Fortunately they are doing it anyway…and succeeding…hurry up! https://t.co/n2STpwAxDe
@elonmusk @Helion_Energy @energy_zap @GeneralFusion Political freedom is necessary for the soul, but Fusion is freedom to roam the whole Universe not just the inner planets.
RT @TAE: We’re proud to share promising new research published in @SpringerNature’s @NatureComms journal. Along with our partners at @NIFSp…
これまでは、理論的な研究、レーザー生成プラズマでの研究、粒子加速器での「ビーム・ターゲット核融合」研究だけで、最終的な実証炉で使われる磁気的に閉じ込められた核融合プラズマでの実験は今回が初めてです。PIPS (Passivated Implanted Planar Silicon) 検出器をベースにhttps://t.co/LhiveqfNHM
Plus de détails dans l'article paru récemment dans la revue Nature. https://t.co/vHVoMSNF4F
RT @is_fusion: Congratulations on this progress! "Here we report clear experimental measurements supported by simulation of p11B fusion wi…